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Shen Build Guide by Master Confucius

Support [S8.13] Twilight Wildcard - Shen Support Guide (Updated)

Support [S8.13] Twilight Wildcard - Shen Support Guide (Updated)

Updated on June 24, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Master Confucius Build Guide By Master Confucius 7,560 Views 0 Comments
7,560 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Master Confucius Shen Build Guide By Master Confucius Updated on June 24, 2018
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Unsealed Spellbook
Magical Footwear
Future's Market
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


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My name is Master Confucius (Summoner: Lin Vale), this is my first guide ever! Please leave me feedback and questions, I'll be updating it as needed through the patches!

!IMPORTANT UNDERSTANDING! - Shen is mainly a Top/Jungle champion, but in the Top lane, its known his full purpose is to lose lane to secure kills around the map - knowing this, utilize his roam and utility to his full potential.

With the support role ever changing, and many new builds and combinations being tested to win it all, I will show you my insight on making a very big move as a support utilizing Shen: The Twilight Wildcard Support pick. This is considered for higher skill support players trying to get an advantage on changing the role.
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Pros / Cons

+ Can tank front-line ranged attacks.
+ Early game potential to win close 1v1s.
+ Energy provides longer sustain.
+ Can easily peel for ADC.
+ Can block skillshots/ults with Taunt.
- Very short kit/long regen time.
- Long W cooldown against front-line poke.
- Can be kited easily.
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Flash is a MUST have. This is essential to create good engages with your taunt, making escapes etc.

Exhaust is very good as well for this pick. An exchange for Ignite can be done based on taste, but Exhaust can help with securing good ganks with your jungler.
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Aftershock is a usual take when playing tank support for Shen because of the one-vs-one potential as well as the extra damage when going all-in. Future's Market is particularly chosen as a preference, but is very good to help propel this build for early buy's such as Redemption. Having it can help stability of lane economically and will also create a safety net for a bad lane. Unsealed Spellbook is the full support take for higher skilled players that have a main objective of making plays in all situations. Use this for helping with dragon steals, Teleport switch-ins etc.
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Early Game

Along with catching Targon's Brace on your first back, Crystalline Bracer is a favorable pick to start a Redemption rush as well as building some health up with regen. Locket of the Iron Solari is another amazing pick for an early game rush. If sustain is not a problem in lane or fights, this protective item would be chosen as a substitute or against poking lanes that Shen cannot block against.
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Knight's Vow

As the game goes on, and carries become definite, it is time to make choices for how you will change the game. One recommendation with a heavy ADC carry or other hyper-carry late game coming, Knight's Vow is a choice for keeping a protective bond with your leading player. This item is rarely use but gives your carry a extra layer of skin.
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Frozen Heart & It's Coverage

Frozen Heart, although it's mana being useless to energy champions, this is a special pick to cover for Shen when his Spirit's Refuge
is down - this is because of it's ability to slow attack speed on ADC's and champions reliant on their basic attacks.
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Zeke's Covergance? It's still an Item?

Yes yes, it IS still an item in the game. But although its forgotten amongst support players, it has massive benefits. If in the late game if your ADC cannot get past mega tanks, Zeke's Convergence is an excellent buy. With using Shen's ultimate either on the carry, or on someone else in a teamfight, if Shen is nearby, Zeke's will proc the effect, giving your partner the burning auto's as well as the storm while you are shielding them or a teamate.
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Putting It Together

Hitting your kit along with understanding his counters and who he counters makes Shen's support potential very favorable in Season 8's meta. Blocking and diving to save your carries as well as peeling and poking for your ADC is the essential actions of winning lane.

This pick I consider a wildcard because - in champ select you can make this early pick to confuse the Jungler as well as the Top laner. These reasons are great to abuse in champ select, because most likely 1. They are not expecting this pick as support and 2. Because they aren't expecting this pick, they will not be thinking about being countered.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Master Confucius
Master Confucius Shen Guide
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[S8.13] Twilight Wildcard - Shen Support Guide (Updated)

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