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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Headshot (PASSIVE)
Caitlyn Passive Ability
My history with Caitlyn
My name is luxxy, also known as Luxflambeur. I am here to show you why I am rushing Runaan's Hurricane on Caitlyn, and why it is to effective. First things first, Caitlyn was the first champion I started to main. I liked her personality and the way her Kit was built. So throughout Season 5 to 6 to 7 to 8 I've been playing alot of Caitlyn and know what is the best to build when and against what.
As you should know, Caitlyn her Passive "Headshot" stacks up with her Autoattacks against anything. Being in a bush while autoattacking something doubles the speed of which the Passive gets stacked. Adding this feature to the help Runaan's is providing us by being able to target multiple champions/creeps (enemies) at a time and the additional Attack Speed we gain through our other items, lets us stack our Passive in a blink of an eye which leads us to have a free crit proke every few autoattacks.
-> Huge Powerspike
-> Huge Powerspike
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