If he oversteps level 1, full all in with exhaust and run him down. He is really weak when he has no abilities. Otherwise let him push you in if he holds range and wait for level 3 to potentially fight back.
She Outranges you, try to avoid poke and wait for level 3 and potentially all in.
You can beat Caitlyn really easily if you can close the gap and keep it closed. Otherwise you will get shoved in over and over until your jungler comes.
Run bone plating.
You can pressure this lane with your support. Otherwise you always outdps him at all stages of the game. He will win if he can hold range forever so try to tell your team to force engage mid game.
You demolish this guy if you play around him reloading and Q in for 1 auto. Otherwise at 6 you can always run him down with ult + exhaust.
Jinx can outrange you similarly to Caitlyn & Ashe but you have more wiggle room to all in her by dancing around her W and Traps after 6.
This match up is very even. Try to bait 1 hail of blade auto and wait for it to expire. Then auto + Q + space and auto then run away.
Surprisingly this match up is hard. Stay out of range when he uses W and try to walk up and pressure if possible when its down.
Dodge his Q with your tumble. Otherwise Good luck.
Miss Fortune
Try to reach level 6 then you can all in her.
Exhaust her when she tries to go in. Poke her from range behind minions.
Her range is really annoying, If you can all in and flash over her root or dodge it, you win.
Easiest Vayne match up. You win at all points of the game, she can only win if your team is bad and runs into her while you can't auto anything.
Exhaust her when she jumps in, otherwise let her push you in with her E 24/7 so you can farm safely under turret.
You can win this match up depending on the start of the fight. Otherwise this matchup is pretty even. You can Q to dodge his Ult auto attacks, and you can also flash one of his ult auto attacks.
A good Varus will hold range and keep poking you. Dodge everything with Q + good movement and flash his R at 6 while all inning.
If you ever go forward get ready to flash her feather pull.
If you are against long range bot, either try to flash engage level 1 and all in. Otherwise survive until 3.
Either force engage level 1 or wait until 3.
Watch Bard Q, and get ready to follow up his stun with a Q Auto attack, then run away. If there is an angle to stun into wall, do that and all in.
In theory this duo works but I think its pretty garbage.
Braum is really good with Vayne because of his passive + your ability to output multiple autos quickly. If you stun someone and see an angle to E + Flash, do it for kill.
THE BEST SYNERGY, when you move towards people you have ms + if you move towards Janna you have ms. At all points you have a ton of movement speed. Otherwise pray your Janna is from Korea and has hands to peel you.
This duo is okay, just make sure to take advantage if Karma is ever able to fully root someone with her W by all inning.
Follow up on Leona's engage and potentially get ready to E + Flash the target into the wall.
VERY OP COMBO, get ready to commit and pop off.
Lux isn't as great as people make it out to be, she naturally tries to push a lane with her poke which is generally the opposite of what a Vayne wants to do.
This combo is very good because of the blackshield, get ready to follow up on binds and trust your Morgana to black shield you in fights.
Very broken combo, feel free to run boots + approach velocity with this duo and chase people down.
If you are against long range bot, either try to flash engage level 1 and all in. Otherwise survive until 3.
Either force engage level 1 or wait until 3.
Watch Bard Q, and get ready to follow up his stun with a Q Auto attack, then run away. If there is an angle to stun into wall, do that and all in.
In theory this duo works but I think its pretty garbage.
Braum is really good with Vayne because of his passive + your ability to output multiple autos quickly. If you stun someone and see an angle to E + Flash, do it for kill.
THE BEST SYNERGY, when you move towards people you have ms + if you move towards Janna you have ms. At all points you have a ton of movement speed. Otherwise pray your Janna is from Korea and has hands to peel you.
This duo is okay, just make sure to take advantage if Karma is ever able to fully root someone with her W by all inning.
Follow up on Leona's engage and potentially get ready to E + Flash the target into the wall.
VERY OP COMBO, get ready to commit and pop off.
Lux isn't as great as people make it out to be, she naturally tries to push a lane with her poke which is generally the opposite of what a Vayne wants to do.
This combo is very good because of the blackshield, get ready to follow up on binds and trust your Morgana to black shield you in fights.
Very broken combo, feel free to run boots + approach velocity with this duo and chase people down.
Hello my name is Tony "Saskio" Chau. I am an NA Challenger Vayne player bringing you my in depth guide on how I play Vayne . My goal is to give you the knowledge and tools you need to find success on Vayne at any rank!
Night hunter(Passive): Gain 30 movement speed when moving towards a nearby VISIBLE enemy champion. (Having your ult activated increases this movement speed to 90).
Tumble(Q): Vayne dashes in the target direction and her next basic attack deals bonus physical damage. You will be using this mainly to reposition and trade. NOTES: You can put extra points in Q randomly if an all in occurs right when you level up to lower the cooldown. If you level up to 11 but your ult is on cooldown and a fight is about to happen, level up your Q instead
Condemn(E): Fires a bolt and upon arrival knocks back opponents 475 units. If the target collides with terrain, they take bonus damage and are stunned for 1.5 seconds. Notes: You can Condemn then Flash to redirect the direction (Explained later)
Terrain: Anivia Wall, Trundle pillar, Azir Ult, Jarvan Ult, Taliyah Ult, Ornn Q, and walls.
You can E people into Veigar E but it won’t Vayne stun.
Final Hour(R): Vayne gains bonus attack damage and triples Night Hunter (passive) until ult runs out. Tumble’s cooldown is reduced and grants Vayne invisibility for 1 second. Scoring a kill or assist within 3 seconds of damaging then extends final hour by 4 seconds up to its original duration.
Summoner Spells
Exhaust is a superior summoner spell because it allows you to dictate how much damage you will take in any given trade. It is versatile, allowing you to Exhaust somebody when you are chasing or running away. It is also very strong in 1 v 1 situations giving you a huge edge over an adc running Heal . Make sure to use Exhaust when you know somebody is about to burst you rather than after the burst has all come out. Run this summoner spell and you will not be as afraid of assassins anymore!
If you are new to Vayne, you can simply run Heal and use it when you get into an engagement. The reason why I don't take Heal is because it gets reduced by Grievous wounds and won’t save you when an assassin gets on top of you
Only take Cleanse into Leona support. Make sure to cleanse her Q IMMEDIATELY or her ultimate.
Press the Attack is a staple rune on Vayne, it synergizes with her very well because she wants to proc her Silver Bolts W which is also 3 stacks. Keep in mind that Press the Attack doesn’t amplify Vayne’s true damage. You simply run this rune to burst people and make them take more damage from all sources. A very common trade with Press the Attack will be to Auto + q + auto, you will be abusing this combo A TON while you play Vayne.
Lethal Tempo
Lethal Tempo is taken in very specific situations. I have come to the conclusion it is only good in this specific scenario. You must have a mage or enchanter support while the enemy support is a melee character. This will make it very easy for you to auto space the enemy with all the extra attack speed and range. The general idea is when the enemy melee support starts running at you, you can get a couple procs on them, if you outplay their engage and start chasing, your Lethal Tempo will proc allowing you to gain extra range and space them accordingly.DO NOT RUN Lethal Tempo WHEN BOTH SUPPORTS ARE MELEE since both sides will just fly at each other anyways.Also if you play Vayne top into a melee matchup, run this rune.
This rune is significantly better than Triumph. It gives consistent shielding throughout the game. Run this if you are not a streamer.
Run Triumph if you are streamer giving you a better chance at making highlight plays. Otherwise rune is not good compared to Overheal.
Presence of Mind
Only run Presence of Mind if you play Vayne top, matchups tend to be tankier and will take awhile for you to poke them down so you want the mana sustain.
Legend: Alacrity
Extra attack speed is busted on Vayne. There have been too many times I have run Legend: Bloodline and lost early 2 v 2 because I don’t have the early attack speed. Run this rune 99% of the time. If possible, try to hit dragon or herald to get a free stack if possible.
Legend: Bloodline
Only run Legend: Bloodline if you KNOW FOR SURE you will buy a Kraken Slayer. ( Kraken Slayer discussed during builds) If possible, try to hit dragon or herald to get a free stack if possible.
Legend: Alacrity
This compliments Triumph because it allows you to kill targets faster so you can get your healing. Same concept as Triumph, I only run this rune since I try to make youtube highlight plays.
Cut Down
Cut Down is really good if the enemy team has 2 primary tanks such as Sejuani and Poppy. If you run Cut Down make sure you do not build hp items throughout the game otherwise you will lose some value out of this rune.
Last Stand
You should probably run this rune most of the time since most times you will get bursted immediately at the start of the fight proccing Immortal Shieldbow protecting your last stand value.
Domination tree use to be the best rune giving Vayne more sustain but after multiple nerfs to Ravenous Hunter, you need to be very selective when you run into this tree. You should only go into Domination tree if you are going against a melee support to easier proc your Taste of Blood. Ravenous Hunter is only good if you have champions that you can consistently proc W Silver Bolts on in teamfights. Examples of these champions regardless of role include Sejuani, Tahm Kench, Maokai.
Taste of Blood
Taste of Blood is the only good secondary rune if you really want to enter this tree. This will give you sustain during laning phase and even teamfights.
Resolve tree is the highest gold value page that Vayne can run secondary. The biggest problem is you are sacrificing your laning phase even more than you have to by simply picking Vayne but if you are able to survive and reach the mid game, you will have more stats to work with. Go into this tree if you are confident you can survive the early laning phase or have many shielding supports.
Conditioning is the biggest reason why Vayne wants to go into this tree. At 12 minutes you will gain roughly 12 armor and magic resist after base stats are taken into account. From this rune you are gaining roughly 475-500 gold.
Second Wind
[Only run this rune if you are against Caitlyn + long range support ( Senna, Nami, Karma, Zyra). This will help you farm and sustain the laning phase a bit more.
Bone Plating
Run this rune against Draven. This rune will single handedly give you more opportunities to all in Draven or soak up his damage.
Run this rune if your game does not match Unflinching and Revitalize. This will help you scale and give a lot of gold value once it goes off. It also synergizes really well with hp items you build at later stages of the game if it proccs.
Run this if you have 2 consistent shielders/healers. Examples include Lulu+ Ivern, Soraka + Karma. This will give you more shielding and make your Immortal Shieldbow and healing higher.
You generally only run into Sorcery tree if you feel like your team has low damage so you can run Gathering Storm. The main thing you should be worrying about is the secondary rune you go in this tree.
Nullifying Orb
You should only run this rune if you are going against double ap bot lane.
Nimbus Cloak
Run this if you are trying to all in early on. This will give you the movement speed needed to run down targets early on. I will often run this rune if I want to flip lanes early and try to all in.
Run this if you are against a double skill shot lane. ( Jhin + Xerath) ( Ezreal + Vel'Koz). This will help you dodge skillshots a bit easier and give more movement speed once you purchase Boots.
Absolute Focus
Run this rune if you want to try to go full damage. I really only suggest this rune if you have double shielders and lack a lot of damage in your team composition.
Gathering Storm
If you go into Sorcery make sure you always have Gathering Storm. This rune is broken and will give you the extra damage you need transitioning to the mid game.
Magical Footwear
This will give you free boots and extra movement speed on the Boots once you get them.
Approach Velocity
Approach Velocity is the biggest reason you run into this tree with Nami. It makes it easier for you to run down the weak bot lane with Nami E and other various crowd control abilities.
Doran's blade + Potion
Start this if there is a good chance for an early all in. This will give you the hp to get through the early skirmish. Examples: Double melee support bot lane. You have enchanter and they have melee support but you expect an all in anyways.
Run Long Sword Refillable Potion if you think you can 3 wave cheater reset in a double poke lane. (3 wave cheater reset discussed later)
Situational Items - CLICK TO VIEW
Only buy Cull if you 3 wave cheater reset. Otherwise never buy it. (3 wave cheater reset discussed later)
Buy this in mid game if you have 650 Gold and there isn’t a good buy you can go with. This item can single handedly win situations that can lead to game wins. Try to use this to see if something will kill you or to avoid anything that will put you in a bad situation.
Berserker's Greaves: Build this 98% of the time, this will give you the movement speed and attack speed to dish out more damage.
Plated Steelcaps: Build this if they have a really fed ad champion or they are majority AD
Mercury's Treads:Only if they have 4-5 AP.
Immortal Shieldbow
This is a staple item on Vayne. The item is too broken and helps Vayne function. It gives you the ability to absorb a ton of damage. The lifesteal is also very useful allowing you to run alacrity in your rune page.
Kraken Slayer
You can only buy Kraken Slayer if you have predetermined that you will build it beforehand because YOU MUST RUN Legend: Bloodline. Here are the ideal situations to build Kraken Slayer :
- You have 1 or 2 reliable shielders
- The enemy team has a lot of tanks and aoe that you can dodge
Guinsoo's RageBlade
You should always go Guinsoo's Rageblade on Vayne since it double procs herW stacks. This item synergizes really well with Vayne because it gives attack speed and makes all her damage consistent by converting her crit into ad.
Wit's End
Wit's End is really good on Vayne because the on hit damage gets amplified by Guinsoo's Rageblade while giving Vayne more movement speed and magic resistance to survive burst.
Phantom Dancer
Phantom Dancer isn’t a bad item but you either build this item 2nd or 5th item. If you build it second, that means you plan on building Infinity Edge (see ie on when you build it). Otherwise if you went full on hit, you can build Phantom Dancer 5th or 6 to stack on top of all of your items.
Infinity Edge
You only build Infinity Edge if the entire enemy team is squishy and you need the Phantom Dancer movement speed. This item isn’t as good as it once was because it is overpriced and not as gold efficient compared to on hit Guinsoo's Rageblade build. On top of that, you normally max W which does not synergize well with the crit.
Titanic Hydra
This item is really good as a tank item after your core on hit build. This gives you hp while giving you an on hit effect meaning that Guinsoo's Rageblade will double proc the Titanic Hydra effect. This item also gives you aoe wave clear which is what Vayne lacks. This is a very solid item choice for every single Vayne game after Guinsoo's Rageblade and Wit's End.
This item is terrible after the changes. I would only buy this 5th or 6th item if the enemy team is really tanky to layer on top of the rest of your build. You would build this item as a Lord Dominik's Regards replacement.
Only buy this item if your Guardian Angel has procced and there are no other good alternatives. Sell theGA and use this item until theGA timer has come back. Otherwise you never really build this item 4th or 5th.
Guardian Angel
This is a really solid choice as a final item to revive you. Sell this for another item when it has been popped.
Randuin's Omen
Buy this item if the enemy team has a lot of AD damage that you want to lower. Don’t forget to use the active most notably on Hecarim players when they charge at you with E to lower their damage.
Anathema's Chains
Buy this if the enemy team has 1 really fed member and MAKE SURE TO apply the effect to them. Examples of good champions to use this on: Rengar, Evelynn, Kayn, Zed, Qiyana.
Spirit Visage
Only buy this if you have a Soraka and the enemy team is heavy ap. You are actually unkillable with this because you will be healing a ton while also being tanky.
Runaan's Hurricane
Only buy this if you went crit build and you are down 3 inhibs.
Mortal Reminder
Only buy this if your entire team REFUSE to buy heal cut while the enemy team has an absurd amount of healing ( Soraka, Vladimir, Seraphine) Before you buy this item, kindly ask your teammates to buy heal cut and see if they do.
Examples of Core builds
-> -> ->
-> -> ->
[FULL BUILD] ON HIT - I can’t explain every single scenario but you want to build based off of your knowledge and experience on past games. Adapt to every game and be flexible with how you build.
-> -> -> -> ->
It's safe to buy this variation every game.
-> -> -> -> ->
If you need movementspeed or more attack speed.
-> -> -> -> ->
If the enemy team has a lot of ad threats or a Hecarim you want to slow.
-> -> -> -> ->
If the enemy has a lot of tanks.
-> -> -> -> ->
If enemy has 1 really fed carry.
CRIT BUILDS - Examples of Crit Builds
-> -> -> -> ->
Build this if the enemy team has some sort of CC you need to escape.
-> -> -> -> ->
Buy this is you are confident you can dodge or the enemy team has no cc.
Condemn Flash Combo: This combo is really good if you want to stun somebody by redirecting where the condemn will end. It is also really fast and hard to react to so you can surprise a lot of people with it. Bonus points if you dodge an ability while pulling it off.
You pull off this combo very similarly to Lee Sin insec combo by using Condemn, while the Condemn is winding up you Flash to a different location to redirect where it goes.
Auto Attack+
Auto attack + Tumble Combo: This combo allows you to instantly attack and will most commonly be used only when you are leashing level 1 and while doing objectives such as dragon, baron nashor, and sometimes towers if its safe. It is a very simple concept, the faster attack the faster your next attack will be available.
Condemn Tumble Combo: You rarely use this combo. You will mostly use it on gromp. You use this combo to look stylish or if you want to conceal your Condemn.]
Auto Blastcone+
AA Blastcone Condemn combo: You also rarely use this combo but it can be good sometimes if the situation comes up. You auto the Blast cone, while your auto is in mid air you Condemn your target.
Advanced Tips & Tricks
The PTA Trade:
The PTA trade is specifically for level 1 but it can be applied to any other stage of the game. It is very simple but sometimes can be very dangerous to execute if you do it incorrectly. You auto + q trade on somebody, and space back or forward 1 step and weave in an extra attack and back off.
The hard freeze is consistently maintaining a push that goes towards you and forcing the enemy team to react. If not it makes the enemy team lose minions. There are very specific times you can do this (normally when you come off base) and how many waves you can freeze depends on the game.
Wave is on your side -
Wave is on your side: You want to stack 2 - 3 waves and crash it when you want to base or do an objective. When you crash waves you can either base, or go get vision, do objectives, or dive if possible. If the enemies try to fight you, fight with the big wave and try to win with it.
Wave is even -
Wave is even: Generally depending on the situation when the wave is even, if you think you can get pressure you can do a 2 wave crash or just hard shove and find something to do whether it is to base or go ward. If you are losing you can also just last hit and wait for the enemy team to start pushing towards you.
Wave is stacking towards you -
Wave is stacking towards you: You must call your support to come help you soak the wave otherwise you will get dove because the wave is now stacking towards you. The enemy team can either do a 2 wave or 3 wave crash and zone you from the wave.
Push Vision Push Execute -
This concept is a bit harder to execute in solo queue but you can still naturally do it with your teammates if you are winning. Don’t bother trying to explain this concept to your teammates but you can ping your teammates to move with you.
This is where you push the lane, since you are winning if the enemy steps up you can fight because you are winning. Pay attention to side lanes and see if the enemies are showing before fighting.
After you push you can see the enemies clearing the minions which means you can move with your teammates to clear vision and establish control for your desired objective.
From here go back and push the next wave that has come while also being open to fighting if enemies are showing on side lanes.
Execution can look like many things from: Starting the objective, Sieging towers, Sitting on your control wards and looking for a pick, Stealing camps, Rotating hard to another lane and/or Basing.
Zone of Influence -
Zone of influence is very simple. It is understanding the maximum range and how fast abilities or auto attacks are. In order to use this concept effectively, you must know what every single champion in the game does.
Team Fighting -
During the dance before the teamfights, you need to be calculating the things that are lethal to killing you and running the concept zone of influence through your mind. You need to be very proactive on surviving the initial burst, from there if you can dodge it you will pop off since your damage is very consistent. While fighting try to do a concept called isolating the 1 v 1 situation. While the fight may be 5 v 5, you want to hold a front to back position and only put yourself in range of 1 enemy person to be able to hit you. While focusing this person don’t tunnel your vision and forget about other dangers that can pop up while enemy cooldowns are coming up. This concept will also serve you very well if you ever end up in a literal 1 v 5 situation.
Game Play
Early Laning Phase:
Generally speaking you should always look to ego your opponents in laning phase and see if you can cheat control of the lane. Ego means: (To see if you can walk over your opponents and control the wave regardless of matchup) Vayne is surprisingly very strong level 1 with Press the Attack so if you commit you can push a lot of people out of laning phase. Even if you have Lethal Tempo you can still attempt this but your spacing needs to be really good. If you take control of the lane SLOW DOWN THE PUSH and continue zoning your opponent. This is to make them miss as much gold as possible while looking for opportunities to continue trading/poking if they decide to walk up. Once you reach level 2 start hovering up on your opponents, if they disrespect you then kill them, if not do a 3 wave crash. After you crash the 3rd wave, if you poked them hard enough you can suicide dive them and trade 2 for 2 or base for a cull.
Mid Game:
During the mid game you generally want to group with your teammates mid and look to try to pop off in team fights. Normally if you are winning the game, you want to push vision push execute.
Late Game:
At this stage try to wait out the initial engagement and focus targets in a front to back manner. Front to back means killing the enemy team from the front to their backline. Generally speaking their tanks and bruisers will be in the front allowing you to hit them while their mage and adc will be in the back line. However if the enemy priority targets ever step forward it's okay to hit them too.
In conclusion Vayne is a highly rewarding ADC but is generally weaker during the earlier stages of the game. Many match ups are not in favor of Vayne and you will often have to sacrifice many resources to avoid dying. However if you can make it through and push through the hard parts of Vayne, you will find yourself carrying more games and creating those highlight plays.
Thank you very much for taking the time to read my guide and I hope you guys have a better understanding of how to play Vayne. I will always be available in my discord or stream to answer any further questions you guys may have!
In the future I plan on releasing a gigantic guide on specific matchups in a separate document that I will update on this guide and discord.
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