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Kha'Zix Build Guide by Maile

Jungle Season 11 Kha'Zix Solo Carry Jungle Guide

Jungle Season 11 Kha'Zix Solo Carry Jungle Guide

Updated on December 21, 2020
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Maile Build Guide By Maile 10 0 11,148 Views 0 Comments
10 0 11,148 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Maile Kha'Zix Build Guide By Maile Updated on December 21, 2020
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Legend: Tenacity
Coup de Grace

Cheap Shot
Ravenous Hunter

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Chilling Smite

Chilling Smite

LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


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Champion Build Guide

Season 11 Kha'Zix Solo Carry Jungle Guide

By Maile
About Me

I am a Grandmaster Kha'Zix OTP in NA. I've been playing Kha'Zix for about 3 seasons now after playing 7 seasons of ADC. The guide I made is a playstyle that works for me as I play a very aggressive style of Jungle and thus, a very aggressive style of Kha'Zix. I hope you enjoy this guide! If you want to support me, I stream on Twitch at
Early Game
Kha'Zix doesn't have the best early game, he is pretty exploitable which is why champs like Graves or Elise can ruin your game. Look to power clear your first clear and try to rush level 6. If you are in a winning matchup and have strong lanes, looking to invade and push the enemy jungler out of the game is always a strong choice. Look for solid gank opportunities which you will get a flash or kill out of them because lane experience is really broken. Focus on scaling into the mid game and getting your mythic item.
Mid Game
The mid game is the most crucial portion of the game. This is where your knowledge of your champs limit comes into play. In the mid game, you're usually at least level 11 so you'll have 2 evolutions at this point. If you are playing as an assassin, make sure you're hiding in pockets of Fog to get easy kills on their carries. If you're playing the bruiser version, look to chip their HP bar with W and also slow them to setup any potential fights with your teams CC. YOU SHOULD NEVER BE THE ONE ENGAGING FIGHTS REGARDLESS OF WHICH VERSION OF KHA'ZIX YOU ARE PLAYING.
Late Game
At this point a lot of people are at full build and if you're playing assassin Kha'Zix, you still want to hide in Fog and make sure to pick off their carries. It'll be harder because they'll have itemized. W evo with assassin Kha'Zix at level 16 is really strong because you can potentially pick off anyone who is isolated with the 90% slow. Late game, your main objective is to pick off anyone who is isolated from their team. If you are playing the bruiser version you just want to create as much disrupt possible so their carries aren't DPSing your team. W slow and invisibility will make their carries into awkward positions so you can force their carries to get hit by more skills and CC.
Your Q is actually an animation cancel so you can cancel your passive auto attack animation with Q to get more DPS. This goes the same for everything. You can't W midair anymore so you can W before you use E to maximize damage. Your W will always reach the max distance of your E before it gets evolved. Many Kha'Zix players don't make use of their passive so make sure whenever you come out of your R stealth you always get your passive auto in. Regardless of which style of Kha'Zix you are playing, you never want to be facing your opponents head on. You want to angle yourself because your W will hit the most people when it's evolved. The biggest thing to learn on Kha'Zix is knowing how to play perfectly with the stealth. You want to be reposition yourself in stealth and force the enemy into more dangerous positions. Remember that Kha'Zix has a super fragile early game so if you get behind you will stay behind. I hope this helps! Good luck on your Season 11 climb with Kha'Zix
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Maile
Maile Kha'Zix Guide
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Season 11 Kha'Zix Solo Carry Jungle Guide

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