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Recommended Items
Runes: Jg Zed Pls use these for Jg
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Challenging Smite
Threats & Synergies
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Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Wait for ganks when playing against her you can win a 1 on 1 against her if lucky but she can destroy you if she gets her stun of
Champion Build Guide
Why The Build for Zed Jg
Before you get mad for some reason at my build read this
Why go Shield Bow instead of something like a Duskblade or any lethality mythics
1.Zed is getting his passive buffed in the jg and if you want to get more of the passive AA off this is the best build to go
2. You get a shield and you clear the jg way faster with more attack speed since you can't one shot any camps early game.
3.The Shield bow + Death dance main items is way better for players who have a bad day or for player who can't really hit abilities when they are ganking
Thus, The main combo if u can hit Abilities when u are ganking is
1. Pre lvl 6: W(gap close) Q E AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA until they are dead
2. After lvl 6: R/W(gap close) Q E AA AA AA AA AA AA AA until they are dead basically.
And you won't actually die because of Shield Bow passive and Death Dance.
After these two items feel free to go Ghostblade or Umbral Glaive (Depends on the Game)
Ravenous to Clear Faster/ Serylda Grudge for slows etc.
Why go Shield Bow instead of something like a Duskblade or any lethality mythics
1.Zed is getting his passive buffed in the jg and if you want to get more of the passive AA off this is the best build to go
2. You get a shield and you clear the jg way faster with more attack speed since you can't one shot any camps early game.
3.The Shield bow + Death dance main items is way better for players who have a bad day or for player who can't really hit abilities when they are ganking
Thus, The main combo if u can hit Abilities when u are ganking is
1. Pre lvl 6: W(gap close) Q E AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA until they are dead
2. After lvl 6: R/W(gap close) Q E AA AA AA AA AA AA AA until they are dead basically.
And you won't actually die because of Shield Bow passive and Death Dance.
After these two items feel free to go Ghostblade or Umbral Glaive (Depends on the Game)
Ravenous to Clear Faster/ Serylda Grudge for slows etc.
Why the Runes for Zed jg
Why don't we go Conqueror or Electrocute on Zed Jg
1. Conqueror is only good after you have 8 stacks and when you are ganking an enemy laner I doubt you can stack Conqueror fast enough for it to be useful (with Zed)
2.Electrocute is good for early game trades where you proc it basically off cooldown in lane so its not that good for Zed Jg.
Electrocute is good for lvl 3 ganks as Zed gets a huge power spike on lvl 3
and since your clear is so fast you can get a lvl advantage on the lane you're trying to gank
Why Dark Harvest
Dark Harvest(because you actually want to power farm in the jg with zed, Dark harvest is to basically signal you when to gank lanes (Only gank when they have dark harvest stack showing or pushing up way too far))
1. Conqueror is only good after you have 8 stacks and when you are ganking an enemy laner I doubt you can stack Conqueror fast enough for it to be useful (with Zed)
2.Electrocute is good for early game trades where you proc it basically off cooldown in lane so its not that good for Zed Jg.
Electrocute is good for lvl 3 ganks as Zed gets a huge power spike on lvl 3
and since your clear is so fast you can get a lvl advantage on the lane you're trying to gank
Why Dark Harvest
Dark Harvest(because you actually want to power farm in the jg with zed, Dark harvest is to basically signal you when to gank lanes (Only gank when they have dark harvest stack showing or pushing up way too far))
I will always type down things you might want to know in the Notes for every build that I have posted
I will try to update daily but if I can I will still update it weekly.
When to Play What
When to Play Bruiser Zed or When to Play Assasin Zed.
Conqueror Zed also known as bruiser Zed is played against Tanky teamcomps because of the current meta with alot of tanks like Malphite, Galio, Darius, Urgot etc.
You still have high damage with this build and still can one shot squishies when ahead but the point of using this build is so you can deal more damage on to enemy tanks or sustain through teamfights.
Electrocute Zed also known as Assasin Zed is the most basic Zed rune you can use being able to one shot squishies early and late game, Decent scaling potential and it is good into alot of matchups
Electrocute is good on Zed because of how easy you can proc the Rune with your abilities WEQ or WQE can easily proc the rune and even if you missed one of your abilities you can just use W for gap closing for an AA to proc when trading with the enemy
Conqueror Zed also known as bruiser Zed is played against Tanky teamcomps because of the current meta with alot of tanks like Malphite, Galio, Darius, Urgot etc.
You still have high damage with this build and still can one shot squishies when ahead but the point of using this build is so you can deal more damage on to enemy tanks or sustain through teamfights.
Electrocute Zed also known as Assasin Zed is the most basic Zed rune you can use being able to one shot squishies early and late game, Decent scaling potential and it is good into alot of matchups
Electrocute is good on Zed because of how easy you can proc the Rune with your abilities WEQ or WQE can easily proc the rune and even if you missed one of your abilities you can just use W for gap closing for an AA to proc when trading with the enemy
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