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Runes: Standard
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Skaarl the Cowardly Lizard (PASSIVE)
Kled Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Adding more soon
Waddup fellow
Kled enthusiasts, I'm a measly gold player with an undying love for the short legged madman, and that lizard too I guess. Last season i was placed as the #213th
Kled in the world and 30th in North America. Gonna do my best to help others understand this champ as many seem to not understand what his passive even does.
I chose
Kled at first because I thought he looked entertaining and he told me to shut the hell up, so that got my attention too. He is very versatile in terms of team management and a crazy tanky, damaging, and mobile bruiser and bully. Riven has nothing on him.
Id like to say sorry for my lame looking guide, I lack the cool pictures so i made these to make up for it.

I chose

Id like to say sorry for my lame looking guide, I lack the cool pictures so i made these to make up for it.

Kled is an absolute monster of harass that sits top lane and yells at the enemy, Skaarl, and you, but not in a "trying to help you improve" kinda way like everyone else in league.;)
His early game is where he bullies extremely hard in lane but if you fail to bully to the extreme some times you can fall off in team fights in terms of damage instead of peeling.
If you are someone who loves to be a bully and want to decimate your lane with a lot of cushion, then Kled is your perfect over sized squirrel for the job.
Thanks to your passive
Skaarl the Cowardly Lizard you are typically really good at keeping alive in lane by just farming minions or poking with your
Beartrap on a Rope / Pocket Pistol and assaulting minions with autos,then freaking unsuspecting
Urgots out (Now the shoes on the other foot)
Being an extremely versatile team fighter makes him extremely useful in a team fight comp team. You can kit yourself to penetrate through no mans land into the enemies back line with
Jousting and keeping on them with
Beartrap on a Rope / Pocket Pistol.
Or you can be great for starting the fight using your R
Chaaaaaaaarge!!! to slam yo face right in what ever unlucky soul's booty is exposed first, followed by your wonderful team. oh yea and objectives too but who really cares about them right (I'm joking don't kill me)
Kled falls off in the multi target damage department(aoe if you would,) seeing as everyone one of his attacks is single target making
Titanic Hydra your only source of damage to multiple people.
Also he has a problem with coming back if him or his team are behind as he is very team fight oriented, so always be careful if this happens. Creep score makes the dreams soar or something like that.
His early game is where he bullies extremely hard in lane but if you fail to bully to the extreme some times you can fall off in team fights in terms of damage instead of peeling.
If you are someone who loves to be a bully and want to decimate your lane with a lot of cushion, then Kled is your perfect over sized squirrel for the job.
Thanks to your passive

Being an extremely versatile team fighter makes him extremely useful in a team fight comp team. You can kit yourself to penetrate through no mans land into the enemies back line with

Or you can be great for starting the fight using your R

Also he has a problem with coming back if him or his team are behind as he is very team fight oriented, so always be careful if this happens. Creep score makes the dreams soar or something like that.

•Max Hp damage
•Scales well into late
•Big ol bully
•Can tank and deal damage
•Destroys turrets hardcore
Skaarl the Cowardly Lizard can make flashy plays
Pocket Pistol +
Violent Tendencies = Quick Courage
•Runs real fast towards people and gains AA range without Skaarl
•No Skaarl = Low movement speed
•80% auto damage without Skaarl
Jousting or
Chaaaaaaaarge!!! without Skaarl
Chaaaaaaaarge!!! Cant be stopped
•Haunted by invisible badgers (
•Max Hp damage
•Scales well into late
•Big ol bully
•Can tank and deal damage
•Destroys turrets hardcore


•Runs real fast towards people and gains AA range without Skaarl
•No Skaarl = Low movement speed
•80% auto damage without Skaarl


•Haunted by invisible badgers (

Skaarl the Cowardly Lizard (Passive)



4 / 20 Courage is gained by killing enemy units and 5 / 15 for attacking structures, champions and epic monsters. At 100 Courage, Skaarl returns to the fight after a short delay with 50 / 60 / 70 / 80% health. Returning to base fully restores his health.
Words about passive!
This passive will constantly cause people to miss judge your abilities as an angry squirrel, especially in lower elos. Use this to bait as it is extremely easy to bait unsuspecting people with your tiny size and big mouth. Just remember to also know your limits though, takes about 5-8 hits on a champ with autos, a perfect pocket pistol hit will give you 25 courage though and its very easy to do while taking minions as it penetrates them at no damage drop off
•Use your low hp to bait enemies into thinking they could kill you but get skaarl back instead, be very cautious though it is very risky!
•Can be used to bait enemies into your team, be careful of slow movement though.

•Use extreme caution without Skaarl.
Video example

Beartrap on a Rope / Pocket Pistol (Q)
Beartrap on a Rope (mounted):


Pocket Pistol (dismounted):

Each pellet that hits an enemy champion restores 5 Courage.

Words about Bear Trap!
Bear trap is ya bread and butter, wanna yell profanities? Throw a bear trap. Wanna make their insides into outsides? Throw a bear trap. Wanna have a party? Throw a party (just invite me please I'm lonely.) If you ever feel like you shouldn't throw a bear trap, just remember that you don't have mana and you have low cool downs, so throw it anyway. It is helpful to kill minions at the same time as you try to harass with it.

Just a side note ever since I saw that Robot Chicken clip of the pink bear, bear traps have scared me.
•Bear trap can be used to kill minions and harass.
•Don't be sparing with your bear trap! you have no mana use it all the time.
•You dont NEED to finish the 2nd part of the Bear trap, its not always worth it.
•Great single target cc as it pulls slightly toward you and slows heavily.
•Can be used to cancel things like

Words about Pocket Pistol!
Its a pistol, that shoots like a shotgun, but its a pistol not a shotgun. So because its like a shotgun and not actually a pistol, you should run into their face then hit them with it for maximum courage and damage. This ability will go through minions and still hit champions at zero penalty.
•A point blank shot to a champ can restore a ton of courage, up to 25!
•Can be used to kite enemies as well as hurt them due to it launching you backwards.
•If shot in the opposite direction of a wall you can hop the wall!
•Shoot the enemy champ in lane when ever you can to get Skaarl back.

Violent Tendencies (Passive W)

Tips for Violent Tendencies!
•Does max. Health damage.
•When you hit level 2 don't level until you are sure you can get the 4 hits on a champ, sometimes you will get level 3 before you even use that point, so put one in

•The bonus damage applies to turrets.
•You are without a large amount of your damage when it is on cool down.

Jousting (E)

Words about Jousting! (E)
•When used with your

•Can be used to escape some situations and ganks.
•The 2nd cast can be used a much greater distance but is not infinite.
•The 2nd cast can go through walls to reach the other champion, but the first can not.
•Cant be used when Dismounted.

Chaaaaaaaarge!!! (R)

While charging, the duo gain bonus movement speed and a shield, both increasing over the duration.
The shield builds up to 200 / 300 / 400 (+3.0 per bonus attack damage) and lasts for 2 seconds upon finishing the charge. The duo trails a directional draft on their wake that lasts for 6 seconds and grants the same movement speed to all allied champions who follow their lead.
Skaarl homes in on the first enemy champion encountered, knocking them back and dealing 12 / 15 / 18% (+12% per 100 attack damage) of target's max. health in physical damage based on the distance traveled.
Tips for Chaaaaaaaarge!!! (R)
•Most effective at max range.
•More max. health damage!
•Best used from behind.
•The shield is most useful for charging through turrets.
•Amazing way to initiate a fight if used correctly.
•Allows for amazing roaming to other lanes, and objective control as it also brings your whole team!
•Do not use it in close range in 99% of circumstances! It will do almost no damage at all.
•Do not try to use it to escape if enemies are next to you, you will just slam into them.
Video showcasing all abilities

You want to max



Take always, no exceptions, ghost is barely useful for

Usually your go to second spell, it will give you the ability to leave lane much more to roam without losing too much of your turret in the process, plus increased map pressure and objective control.

While it is possible to make nice use of it, it is extremely situational.
Gives up your teams ability to split push without you using

Try to ward as much as possible in case you lose Skaarl, the enemy jungler will normally want that mini

Poking with

Use your

Roaming mid is more easily done by standing in the enemy jungle and

Warding the enemy jungle buffs and keeping eyes on the timers for them can lead to some very easy kills on the enemy jungler.
Your combo of Q E W is highly adaptable and has high damage, use it when ever you can as you have no mana
Use your 2nd E cast as an escape as well as a chase.
I made this simply because it seemed like it would be fun, was actually really enjoyable to stare at the face of
Kled for hours, feel free to hit me up in game ;)

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