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Mordekaiser Build Guide by Fennixas

Jungle [Season 14] [14.3] EUW Destroyer's Fennix Mordekaiser Jungle guide

Jungle [Season 14] [14.3] EUW Destroyer's Fennix Mordekaiser Jungle guide

Updated on February 10, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Fennixas Build Guide By Fennixas 14 1 46,995 Views 2 Comments
14 1 46,995 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Fennixas Mordekaiser Build Guide By Fennixas Updated on February 10, 2024
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Runes: Best rune page

1 2
Legend: Tenacity
Last Stand


+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


Always go for this
LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


LoL Summoner Spell: Mosstomper Smite

Mosstomper Smite

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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
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[Season 14] [14.3] EUW Destroyer's Fennix Mordekaiser Jungle guide

By Fennixas
About me
Hello guys !

Lets start with who I am. So my nickname is Fennix, previously known as 44Lovely or trenheca im mostly known for being insane Hecarim, Mordekaiser, Diana, Talon player, my playstyle was always different from most people I snowball really hard and know how to make plays which leads to getting advantages over other junglers. My playstyle is usually pure 1v9 taking aggresive fights and punishing people because of my experience on the champion.

I originally started playing League in S2. I play a lot champions which are 1v9 material im not a huge of perma ganking strategy since i don't feel like suits well for the soloq jungle gameplay. Youre supposed to be 1v9 scaling machine that is why I always have high winrates because I do not flip games i play for a safe way to 1v9 which is scaling and then going heavy. Started playing mordekaiser only after the rework since i really like the champion playstyle nowadays it fits me perfectly I have always been competitive player. Peaked 1k LP EUW in season 9.

A lot of people suggested that I should create my 1v9 guide, so yeah here you go :)

I also stream on twitch so if you want to see insane Jungle 1v9 gameplay with bangers here you go, you can learn more about the actual in the real gameplay:
What to know about mordekaiser jungle
So first of all Mordekaiser is not hard champ that requires a lot of effort to learn all the essentials. To be become 1v9 god you have learn these things:
Correct path (In lower elo's always prefere to get leashed since it gives you faster clear time and you can use that yo your advantage to 1v9)
Knowing your champ limits, when you can can engage, when you need to disengage and knowing the damage of your champion.
That's basically all that you need to learn

Mordekaiser's minuses :
1. Early game its gonna be hard to gank lanes but don't be afraid to fight youre really strong just hard to gapclose before level 6
2. Mordekaiser's biggest power spike is after he gets his level 6 after that no one can technically beat you 1v1 if you play correctly. Be aware that youre not that strong before level 6 so really play around your ultimate.
3. Keep that in mind that you need items to 1v9 so focus on getting your core items as soon as possible which is Riftmaker and Liandrys.

One thing from my personal experience : Don't be afraid to fight at lvl 4, a lot of people doesn't understand how strong is Mordekaiser] at lvl 4 with ghost at [[Rift Scuttler fights. So yeah, always try to force it if you can.
What do you ban when playing Hecarim ?
Personally I prefere banning one of these :
Bel'Veth (the champion i ban most of the games) Champion is disgusting at the moment has tons of dashes counter your damage while being in her e.
Lilia This patch lilia has been really overtuned which means that its actually gonna be hard to play vs it since she can outrun you most of the times so do not overchase her.
Kindred Kindred is just really annoying bacause of the dashes that she can dodge your q and e with. And the ultimate can really impact the game after you go out of your ultimate leading to you losing teamfights.
Elise Annoying because of the early game pressence can really snowball from the early ganks of the game and later on if she is overfed youre gonna have a hard time killing her.
Vayne Vayne is not that big of a threat if she isn't extremely fed if she is you will have a lot of troubles trying to kill it because of the movement speed she has and the damage she deals.
So yeah basically I would say that Conqueror + Resolve Is the best option for Mordekaiser. I have been testing it for a long time now. It perfectly fits the playstyle of the champion resolve helps you to be dealing a lot of damage and being tanky at the same time.

Conqueror is just the option nothing can match it. Triumph is necessary and helps you in a lot of situations. Last stand is really matching well with your w since you deal way more damage the lower hp you are and you use your shield when youre low hp which leads to really good damage outburst. Resolve as a second page allows you for the scaling to be tankier with really good damage ratio. Conditioning is really good going into later stages of the game since it allows you to scale even more. Revitalize is just necessary to be 1v9 machine since the heals that are combined with conqueror riftmaker are really insane.

Why do i take 1x Attack speed 1x addaptive force ? Its because i personally like the faster way of getting my passive while clearing or fighting champions. Since the auto attacks changes a lot of scenarios in the game while getting your passive. I have tested 2x addaptive damage but i don't think its worth. Because once you get your passive only then you become the real machine. And overall it just helps with the clear.

When Armor when magic ressist ? Going into heavier ad teams you go armor, going into heavier ap team you go magic ressist as simple as that.
Mordekaiser I have tried out many builds and have been testing the damage over the past. This is what i found the best options currently on Mordekaiser.

Main item is Riftmaker The reason why its really good on mordekaiser because the damage stacks over time combined with conqueror and revitalize you just become unstoppable 1v9 machine.

For the boots option there are only 2 viable options. First is Plated steelcaps which is really good into heavy attackers or just overall heavy ad teams.
The second option is mercury treads go for it when enemies have heavy cc compositions or heavy ap damage compositions since its really nice to have when combied with tenacity rune into heavy cc.

Second item should always be Liandry's Torment With the new season it has became really good option since the damage that scales up with riftmaker conqueror and lianry's is just insane. It should always be built as a 2nd item.

Third item Rylai's Crystal Scepter The slow is just perfect addition to the kit can't find item thats better for a third option did some tests with defensive option but it wasn't as affective as Rylais.

Now for the fourth item here it becomes the choice depending on the team comp that you're playing against Jak'Sho, The Protean thats the usual thing i Build but keep that in mind if theyre heavier ad and you're snowballing you can always go for Zhonya's Hourglass since the ap that it gives was buffed + stopwatch can help you in a lot of scenarios to save your bounty.

Fifth item is depending on the game aswell usually its Rabadon's Deathcap if youre snowballing really hard or youre the only ap champion in your team and you need the damage otherwise you can go for the defensive options that i have showed in the items section. Since sometimes you will have enough game for witstanding but you will lack a bit of defensiveness.

Always remember to properly build according to what you need in this game. Thats litterally the most important part. For example don't build what you don't need (building heavy armor vs champions that are ap)

Overforcing fights without having items will lead you to being behind.
As Mordekaiser Most of the games lways try to full clear when you can, after full clear don't be afraid to contest Rift Scuttler Fight's a lot of people don't know that Mordekaiser is really strong at level 4 because of Conqueror And Ghost If you play it properly you can easily outplay win almost every Rift Scuttler Fight. The only times you shouldn't fullclear is when you can either get a free kill on (flashless enemy laner) or extremely low hard pushing laner.

So yeah starting with the pathing : I always prioritize full clearing, only in some situations you don't full clear when there is possible free kill in lanes that you're pathing towards.

Usual Clear : Always prioritize to fullclear towards a lane that is worth to gank for example don't gank a lane that has easy escape since its really hard to gank escape champions as Mordekaiser before level 6 because of how easy it is to escape so prioritize laning towards a lane that is worth your time to gank which has high kill posibility.

So for example your pathing should look like this, if youre starting Blue buff : Blue buff >> Gromp >> Wolves >> Raptors >> Red buff >> Krugs Then always check if mid/bot is gankable if it's really hard to gank then try to contest the Rift Scuttler Because you win 1v1 hard, but be aware of laners, sometimes you will have to leave it if enemie's are roaming to it. But if your team is coming aswell don't be afraid to contest it, because Hecarim is really strong in these situations.

If you're starting Red Buff : Red Buff >> Krugs >> Raptors >> Wolves >> Blue Buff >> Gromp >> Rift Scuttler

What to know when clearing :
1. Always try to get your passive as soon as possible. The fastest way is E Q into AA
2. Be aware of invades don't get too low hp. To make sure youre safe use your w effectively
3. Kite the camps using your passive burn as a range.
4. Be aware of what's happening on the map (try to keep the track of the enemy jungler), pinging enemy jungler's possible gank is always a good idea and it helps your team.
How to 1v9
So basically the way how i recommend you to play is playing for objectives with ganks that are most likely to work out.

In the current season best way to play Mordekaiser is to play for voidgrubs early game since you can do it really effectively. Do not be afraid to ignore the first two drakes since its they do not really matter aslong as you get the voidgrubs, because after you get the voidgrubs then you can start playing for the drakes and since you have the voidgrubs buff your lanes will be able to push the lane towers faster which will allow you to play for drakes more.

Focus on getting as much of guaranteed gold through farming, keep your cs/min high enough to be able getting items as soon as possible, do not overchase for kills that do nothing basically. Farming was always the most effective way of getting gold and believe me you definitely need your items powerspike as soon as possible.

How do you actually play Mordekaiser ? So Mordekaiser is mechanically not the hardest champ all you need to kinda know is how to fight properly.
Always focus on choosing the right target to ult take the person that you are sure that you can kill for example don't ult the person that has zhonyas up. You can take a champio like the xin'zhao for example which you can definitely kill which will lead you to getting their core stats and after you get out of ult make sure that you still have your passive because with the core stats that you gain from killing someone you can continue fighting since you have qonqueror stacked up same as your Riftmaker/Liandrys so make sure to not be afraid to continue the fight (believe me youre gonna melt them). Try to avoid the stealth escape champions as much as you can as your focus best option to ult is either a melee champion or adc that is out of position.

How to use ghost properly on Mordekaiser ? WHenever you can run them down and keep chasing them you can pop your ghost since the cooldown isn't big do not be afraid to use it and don't forget trading ghost for enemies flash is always worth it.

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League of Legends Build Guide Author Fennixas
Fennixas Mordekaiser Guide
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[Season 14] [14.3] EUW Destroyer's Fennix Mordekaiser Jungle guide

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