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Heimerdinger Build Guide by ACORTLOW

Middle [SEASON 14] 80%+ WINRATE ****er! He'll be your favorite yordle.

Middle [SEASON 14] 80%+ WINRATE ****er! He'll be your favorite yordle.

Updated on February 21, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ACORTLOW Build Guide By ACORTLOW 6 1 20,989 Views 4 Comments
6 1 20,989 Views 4 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author ACORTLOW Heimerdinger Build Guide By ACORTLOW Updated on February 21, 2024
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Runes: Burst/Hard Carry (confident)

1 2
Cheap Shot
Eyeball Collection
Ingenious Hunter


+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[SEASON 14] 80%+ WINRATE ****er! He'll be your favorite yordle.

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INTRO: Mastering the Mid Lane: Optimal Laning Strategies with Heimerdinger
The Mid Lane in League of Legends is one of the most important positions on the map. It is a high-risk, high-reward role that requires a lot of skill and knowledge to master. In this guide, we will explore how to dominate the Mid Lane with Heimerdinger, a powerful champion that can control the battlefield with his turrets and abilities. We will discuss the different types of champions that can be played in the Mid Lane, the objectives and strategies when playing in this position, and the specific laning strategies and tips for Heimerdinger. By the end of this guide, you will have a better understanding of how to dominate the Mid Lane with Heimerdinger and how to maximize his potential in the game.

The Mid Lane is the shortest lane on the map and is located in the middle of the Summoner's Rift. It is a crucial position that can have a significant impact on the outcome of the game. The Mid Lane is where most of the action takes place, and it is where the opposing teams' Mid Laners battle it out to control the map. There are different types of champions that can be played in the Mid Lane, including mages, assassins, and marksmen. Each type of champion has its own strengths and weaknesses, and it is essential to understand their playstyle to maximize their potential in the game. The objectives and strategies when playing in the Mid Lane are to control the map, secure objectives like the Dragon and Baron Nashor, and roam to other lanes to help your teammates. It is also important to deny the enemy Mid Laner farm and experience, and to push the lane to create pressure on the enemy team.

Heimerdinger is a unique champion that can control the battlefield with his turrets and abilities. His kit allows him to push the lane and create pressure on the enemy team, making him an excellent choice for the Mid Lane. When playing Heimerdinger in the Mid Lane, it is essential to place your turrets strategically to control the minion wave and prevent the enemy Mid Laner from farming. You can also use your turrets to zone the enemy laner and force them to play defensively, giving you an advantage in the lane. To maximize Heimerdinger's potential in the Mid Lane, it is crucial to understand his abilities and how they work together. For example, his Q ability, H-28G Evolution Turret, allows him to place turrets that deal damage to nearby enemies. His W ability, CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade, can stun enemies and deal damage in an area, making it an excellent tool for setting up kills.

To take your Heimerdinger gameplay to the next level, you can use advanced laning strategies to control the minion wave and create opportunities for ganks and roams. One strategy is to freeze the minion wave near your turret, denying the enemy Mid Laner farm and experience while keeping yourself safe from ganks.
The Basics
The biggest thing to focus on in my opinion is to maximize damage when your Turrets shoot their charged up Beam Attack. You can Max out W first if you are good with skill shots, but I recomend starting out maxing your Q. Your turrets will sustain damage longer and hit harder.

Save your gernades for when you can stun your target within range of all turrets and you will halfhealth almost anyone.

Any other questions can be asked directly on my stream!
Value of Hard Pushing in Lane
My basic philosophy when playing Hiemerdinger mid is to pull the pressure away from the side lanes and the JG. Giving the enemey team as little prio as possible. The reason being is that most junlgers can't properly gank Heimerding without giving up a kill and often times give up multiple kills.

Especially in lower elos players just dont respect the turrets and will greed/int just to kill the annoying little brain rat that is the ****er.

YOU HAVE TO BE CAREFUL THOUGH. You MUST be intentional about it. You need to know where the enemy Jungler is at all times. You need to have good vision on them and position in lane accordingly. You want to be up far enough that you bait a gank. And you need to save your E (gernade/stun) for when they take the bait. It should also go without saying, but Don't bait a gank if you dont have ult. This is necessary in order to secure one or both kills. The enemy must decide between dying just to get to you, or backing off and taking a recall. Either way, you get gold advantage. Gold from kills, or gold from free farm. Ideally both. ;)

Your second item, and if you can swing it, your second back, you should be investing in a stopwatch. Having Zhonyas Hourglas is so important for this character. This will almost guarentee winning trades in a fight/enemy gank. And having this rune selection, you get cooldown bonuses for your items, allowing you to use this more often.( and you WILL be using it a lot).

I also prefer to take Lyandrys for the extra passive burn damage. It's just one more thing that the enemy usually ignores when prancing around in your turrent zones. So when you are invulnerable in your Zhonyas active, they are getting the max damage over time, maximizing your chances of them dying before you're out of your Zhonyas.

This is also key, DON'T FORGET TO EMOTE WHEN THEY PASS AWAY. lol, a tilted enemy is a losing enemy. Get out there and climb! GGs my friends!
Good Vision For A Mid Lane Player In League Of Legends
As a mid lane player in the popular online game League of Legends, having good vision is essential for success in the game. Vision control is a crucial aspect of gameplay that can often be overlooked, but it can have a significant impact on the outcome of a match. In this chapter, we will explore the importance of good vision for a mid lane player in League of Legends, discussing the various aspects of vision control, including warding, map awareness, and teamwork. We will also delve into the different types of wards, optimal warding locations, and strategies for maintaining vision control throughout the game. Additionally, we will examine the role of vision denial and the importance of clearing enemy wards to gain a strategic advantage. By the end of this guide, you will have a comprehensive understanding of the significance of good vision for a mid lane player in League of Legends and how it can contribute to individual and team success.

Section 1: The Importance of Vision Control

Vision control is a fundamental aspect of gameplay in League of Legends, and it is particularly crucial for mid lane players. Good vision provides valuable information about the movements and positioning of the enemy team, allowing mid laners to make informed decisions and avoid potential ganks. With proper vision, mid lane players can effectively track the enemy jungler's movements, anticipate roams from the side lanes, and maintain a safe and advantageous position in the middle of the map. Furthermore, vision control enables mid laners to contribute to their team's overall map awareness, providing valuable information to their teammates and facilitating coordinated plays and rotations. In essence, good vision empowers mid lane players to exert greater influence on the game and contribute to their team's success.

Section 2: Warding and Map Awareness

Warding is the primary method of establishing vision control in League of Legends. As a mid lane player, understanding when and where to place wards is essential for maintaining map awareness and preventing surprise attacks. There are several types of wards available in the game, including Stealth Wards, Control Wards, and Farsight Alteration. Stealth Wards are the standard wards that provide vision of a specific area for a limited duration, while Control Wards grant vision and have the additional ability to reveal and disable enemy wards and traps. Farsight Alteration, available at level 9, allows players to place a ward at a long range, providing vision without risking direct confrontation.

When it comes to warding as a mid lane player, strategic placement is key. Placing wards in key locations such as river entrances, jungle pathways, and brush areas can significantly enhance map awareness and provide early warning against potential threats. By effectively warding key areas, mid lane players can gain valuable information about the enemy's movements and intentions, allowing them to adjust their positioning and play accordingly. Additionally, mid lane players should pay attention to the minimap and communicate with their teammates to ensure comprehensive vision coverage across the map. By maintaining strong map awareness through proper warding and communication, mid lane players can proactively respond to enemy movements and contribute to their team's overall vision control.

Section 3: Optimal Warding Locations

In the mid lane, there are specific locations where warding can have the most significant impact on vision control. One of the primary areas to ward is the river, particularly the entrances from the enemy jungle. Placing wards in the river bushes near the mid lane can provide early warning against potential ganks from the enemy jungler or roams from the side lanes. Additionally, mid lane players should consider warding the pixel brush in the river, as it offers vision of both river entrances and provides crucial information about the enemy's movements.

Furthermore, mid lane players should also prioritize warding the enemy jungle entrances, especially if they have pushed their lane and have the opportunity to roam or invade. Placing wards near the enemy blue or red buff can provide valuable information about the enemy jungler's location and potential jungle routes. By effectively warding the enemy jungle, mid lane players can gain insights into the enemy team's positioning and create opportunities for coordinated plays with their own jungler or side lanes.

In addition to river and jungle warding, mid lane players should also consider placing wards in the brush near the raptor camp or the blue buff area, depending on the side of the map they are playing on. These locations can provide vision of potential jungle invades or roams from the enemy mid laner, allowing mid lane players to adjust their positioning and play accordingly. By strategically warding these key locations, mid lane players can maintain comprehensive vision control and contribute to their team's overall map awareness.

Section 4: Vision Denial and Ward Clearing

In addition to establishing vision control, mid lane players should also be mindful of vision denial and ward clearing. Vision denial involves removing the enemy's wards to limit their vision and create opportunities for strategic plays. As a mid lane player, denying vision can be achieved through the use of Control Wards and sweeping trinkets. Control Wards can be used to detect and disable enemy wards, while sweeping trinkets can reveal and remove enemy wards within a specific area.

When it comes to ward clearing, mid lane players should actively look for opportunities to remove enemy wards in key locations such as the river and the enemy jungle. By denying the enemy's vision, mid lane players can create opportunities for surprise plays, ganks, and rotations, while also limiting the enemy team's ability to gather information and make informed decisions. Additionally, effective ward clearing can contribute to maintaining vision control and establishing a strategic advantage for the mid lane player and their team.

Section 5: Teamwork and Vision Control

Vision control is not solely the responsibility of the mid lane player; it is a team effort that requires coordination and communication. As a mid lane player, collaborating with teammates to establish and maintain vision control is essential for overall team success. Mid lane players should communicate with their jungler and support to coordinate warding efforts, establish vision in key areas, and deny the enemy's vision effectively.

Furthermore, mid lane players should actively participate in vision-related objectives such as placing Control Wards around major objectives like Dragon and Baron, contributing to the team's overall vision control and securing strategic advantages. By working together with their teammates to establish comprehensive vision coverage across the map, mid lane players can facilitate coordinated plays, rotations, and objective control, ultimately contributing to their team's success in the game.

In conclusion, good vision is paramount for a mid lane player in League of Legends. Vision control encompasses warding, map awareness, vision denial, and teamwork, all of which are essential for maintaining a strategic advantage and contributing to individual and team success. By understanding the importance of vision control, mastering warding techniques, and actively participating in vision-related objectives, mid lane players can elevate their gameplay and make significant contributions to their team's success. With comprehensive vision control, mid lane players can exert greater influence on the game, make informed decisions, and seize opportunities to secure victory on the Summoner's Rift.
Champions to Synergize with Heimerdinger in League of Legends if you Have a Friend to Duo With
League of Legends is a game that heavily relies on teamwork and coordination to achieve victory. One of the most effective ways to improve your chances of winning is by playing with a duo partner. In this essay, we will explore the optimal champions to pair with Heimerdinger, a powerful champion known for his ability to control the battlefield with his turrets. We will examine champions that complement Heimerdinger's playstyle, those that can cover his weaknesses, and strategies for maximizing synergy between Heimerdinger and his duo partner.

When choosing a champion to pair with Heimerdinger, it is essential to consider champions that can complement his playstyle. Heimerdinger's turrets are his primary source of damage and control, so champions that can provide crowd control to set up his turrets are ideal. For instance, champions like Leona, Nautilus, and Thresh can provide CC to set up Heimerdinger's turrets for maximum damage.
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