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Ability Order
Noxious Slipstream (PASSIVE)
Singed Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
range autos alot of mobilty and he slows you down... this guy is annoying ^^
Hello :)
Lets start ! :D
Lets take a short look at the runes and why i pick them
Movespeed Quints: Its simple youre singed you like to run around take those !
Ability Power Glyphs: You need those for your lvl 1 proxy farming/lane power
Armor Seals: Standart deff runes for Singed
Hybrid Penetration Marks: With singed you do a surprising amount of autoattacks its well worth to go for hybrid instead of Magic Pen
Movespeed Quints: Its simple youre singed you like to run around take those !
Ability Power Glyphs: You need those for your lvl 1 proxy farming/lane power
Armor Seals: Standart deff runes for Singed
Hybrid Penetration Marks: With singed you do a surprising amount of autoattacks its well worth to go for hybrid instead of Magic Pen
Lets not go to deep into the spells, i just want to tell you some important stuff, tips and tricks you maybe dont know :)
/ If you want to become good with singed you have to know how to do the W+E combo for the stun this move is also called "the Goo Flip" and can rly turn around a fight
Another trick with the E that some singed players dont know is; You can hit the enemy with a autoattack while he is mid air!
/ If you want to become good with singed you have to know how to do the W+E combo for the stun this move is also called "the Goo Flip" and can rly turn around a fight
Another trick with the E that some singed players dont know is; You can hit the enemy with a autoattack while he is mid air!
The items you want as Singed and why
Youre go to item everygame! The slow from it is a must have
If you need more dmg take this!
With the changes to mercury treads and the buff on boots of swiftness you better pick those boots ! ninja tabis can be usefull too sometimes
Dont build this on singed! or i will hunt you in youre dreams !
My Favorite item for singed <3 movespeed armor and hp what you want more ? imo build this everygame :)
/ Strong armor items vs adc that stack attackspeed
/ get one of those if you need MR,I prefer spirit visage because of the CDR but thats optional
/ Those little bastard are your early game goal and the reason why you dont go for tear
Youre go to item everygame! The slow from it is a must have
If you need more dmg take this!
With the changes to mercury treads and the buff on boots of swiftness you better pick those boots ! ninja tabis can be usefull too sometimes
Dont build this on singed! or i will hunt you in youre dreams !
My Favorite item for singed <3 movespeed armor and hp what you want more ? imo build this everygame :)
/ Strong armor items vs adc that stack attackspeed
/ get one of those if you need MR,I prefer spirit visage because of the CDR but thats optional
/ Those little bastard are your early game goal and the reason why you dont go for tear
The most important thing about singed is the proxy farming!
here is a video:
(not done by me all credits to chimpso pls check out his channel)
Link to chimpsos channel
here is a video:
(not done by me all credits to chimpso pls check out his channel)
Link to chimpsos channel
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