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Ability Order
Double Strike (PASSIVE)
Master Yi Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Vi is the most dangerous jungler to face off against as her kit literally counters yi. Her shield, %damage and CC will destroy you if you are not careful. The only tip here is to ward your jungle so that she can't counter-jungle you and try not to fight her in the early game.
The next is the first back items. These items will help you clear the jungle camp much faster and when ganking, I believe this is the best option for many scenarios as the Bow gives Attack Speed and Bonus on-hit damage. The reason why you do not take Stalkers Blade is because the only thing that it really provides you in the early game is the smite stealing MS but thats about it. In the long run for the next 4-8 min, the Bow will provide a faster jungle clear and more damage when you are hitting the enemy champion.
I usually get the completed jungle item first if I am not ahead or too behind as this helps a lot in the jungle clear and easier to gank lanes. The Blade of the ruin king is one of the best items that you can get on Yi as this provides you with Life steal, Attack Speed, Attack Damage, an active that damages and slows enemy champions, and deal %damage which is important against tanks. If you are ahead, I would definitely try to get BOTRK first as it is important.
For the Critical items, It does not matter in any order that you buy them in as long as Infinity edge is the second item. This is because the other 2 crit items gives you 30% crit and 35-45 percent attack speed. [Infinity edge literally doubles the damage output of your attacks that you will hit the enemy with. Now some might ask "Why dont you Buy Essence Reaver?" This is because Essence reaver really only gives you Attack damage because if you are able to one shot them, all your cooldowns are basically non-existent so the passive from Essence Reaver is useless.
The boots are all situational depending on how you like to play, if you enjoy playing safe, take Ninja Tabi or Mercury's Treads if you enjoy a risky play, go for Berserker's Greaves.
If you are starting Blue side(Bottom left), start Red, raptors, Wolves, Red, Gromp, then gank top or mid.
After ganking, you want to see where the enemy jungler is as this is the chance for you to go and counter-jungle him such as taking his gromp, or raptors.
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