Coup De Grace
Cheap Shot
Ultimate Hunter
When Fighting Darius, Run away from him to reset his passive stacks on you.
Fightable Lvl 1-2
Can start e against him.
You Beat Him. But he does outscale you
Go Tp/Ignite or Tp/Flash
You can't oneshot his ghouls with w
Try to save your q or avoid his w(cage)
zzzz matchup
Go Tp/Ignite
Avoid His W and you win lane
Interrupt his Q with your q or e
Go Tp/Ignite
You win this matchup
Watch for his w, Back off when he w
You can easily dodge his q
Dangerous Croc
Forfeit Waves 1-4. If he doesn't punish you, then farm for free
Can't fight Sett early unless he mess up
Watch for his passive shield
You cannot die in this lane or it's over
If he has ghost, U can Q-Grasp Trade near tower. He can run you down lvl 1
You can Q into Jax E to knock him out of stun range
Fight him when he has no passive stacks
Jax is Stronger than you. You have to manage minion waves to win lane
You cannot die in this lane or it's over
Outscales you
You win lvls 1-5
Don't Fight her near walls
Rush Ninja Tabis
Mordekaiser counters you
Hard to dodge his abilties
He has more substain
His R traps you
You can Trade Lvl 1 Grasp procs
Rush Tear, Boots, Qss then go Normal Items
Kinda Cancer.
Lvl1 Move out of his q2. And Q-Grasp trade
Don't Dismount him unless you're gonna followup with more damage
Chunk Him and leave him in Mount form until cds come back up and then wait for him to waste w on minions. If you think you can kill him, you can go for it
Can't Dodge Q or W
Outheals you
Need to dodge outer Q and W to win matchup. Try to walk into him to dodge q and use minions to block his w
Ornn Outscales you and has better stats
You cancel Ornn Q with your Q
You can cancel Ornn w AA with ur Q
You can w him when he w
Ornn has 1 sec of unstoppable once he finishes wing. You cannot cancel his w AA if u are right next to him.
Once he is lvl 6, you can use Q, E,R to cancel his R2
His E cancels your Q
His W is a 2.5sec Damage reduction
His Q pokes you in lane
His Passive Heals him when he uses an ability
His R disengage you or engage u
Champ is a better u
The only saving grace is that gragas players need reaction time and skill to play the champ. So it is winnable if other guy has no hands
His Q pokes you
His W cleanses any cc u throw at him
His Barrel does dmg, Gives a true dmg passive attack, and gives him ms
His R is a global dmg ability that slows
Champ is dangerous when fed and when the player is skilled
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