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Xayah is one of the two newest champions in League of Legends.And she is REALLY OP AND FUN TO PLAY.She has a lot of damage,a lot of ways to outpay the enemyes and she is the only ADC that can F*ck up Zed`s ultimate or any other fatal spells for the ADCs.So for the people who are ADC main.THIS CHAMPION IS WHAT WE WERE ALL WAITING FOR!
The pictures u will see below is some of my games with Xayah(3th one i managed to get a Pentakill and 1st one is my 1st game with Xayah EVER)
The pictures u will see below is some of my games with Xayah(3th one i managed to get a Pentakill and 1st one is my 1st game with Xayah EVER)
*Hight damage
*Fun to play
*Can screw up fatal abilities for ADCs with her ult
*Charming(not like Urgot :D)
*A lot of different plays for outplays
*Medium Mobility
*Hard to master
*Need BRAIN to play her(not a right clicking or headbang-in-keyboard type of champ.)
*Often get banned
*Hight damage
*Fun to play
*Can screw up fatal abilities for ADCs with her ult
*Charming(not like Urgot :D)
*A lot of different plays for outplays
*Medium Mobility
*Hard to master
*Need BRAIN to play her(not a right clicking or headbang-in-keyboard type of champ.)
*Often get banned
Xayah is a FARMING MACHINE.But not and at early levels.Ohh no,no,no.Not and before you get your Essence Reaver.Becouse her monstrous waveclearing(together with her poke) needs a lot of mana.Once oyu get ER you will be able to spam your spells and make the difference between your and enemy ADC CSs too big that they will loos like a bronze players :) .
I already told.BEcouse of the farming and pokeing and trading.Your abilities have pretty short CDR and each cost 50-60 mana.So when you are spamming them you are lacking of mana.And if you want to trade with enemy ADC or u r having a longer fight you need Essence Reaver.If you dont want to go back in base cuz you dont have enought mana,if u dont want to stay lesser than 60 seconds on your lane before you r out of mana,if u dont want to beg for blue buff and mess the thing up for your mid lane or jungler(the real blue buff needers) guess what ? You desperately need ESSENCE REAVER!Thats why its important and a must buy one!
I already told you abut runes but lemme say this.It depends on your gameplay.If u r agressive type of player Go 9 red AD and the rest of the runes for AS this is OP.If you are more deffensive type of player just go the runes i pasted above or some of the kind.I mean this is just to show you the way what to build so u dont be like a horse with a bag on his head and goofing around dont know what you r doing with the champ.Got and try different ways for runes and see what is best for you.
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