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You cant do too much at early game,but late game can be insane good for both.VS Jinx, first build Stormrazor, but be careful if she try to snipe you with her R. Also try to avoid her traps(E).
Early game stay under turret, but when he gets his R, try to dodge as much as possible. He outscales you, so you will probably never be able to 1v1 him.Your SUP must be able to shield and heal you everywhere. Try to build all items as faster as you can.
This champion easily poke you,stay under turret and try to poke her with Q and E.If she try to attack you under turret, your SUP must be able to help you(and sacrifice if it is possible to save you). Late game will be harder and harder if you begin to feed(like me!:D).
Try everything possible to poke and kill Syndra every time when it is possible(and 1v5 if that happen).
Early game can be hard, but when you got 2. item, AS should be BIG, so poke and damage Vayne as much as possible. In late game you shouldn't need too big teamwork.
Strong everywhere and every time you try to kill him. In early game poke him as much as possible, and late game try to kill him everywhere and when you can, but team work is very important VS Draven. Also he can be more stronger with good SUP-s like Blitzcrank, so in lane try to get more farm. When he gets stronger, you should be stronger too.
He should be much weak than you, but try to avoid his E(life steal). As SUP,you dont need to target him first.
Try to avoid his Q and E, when he casts W, try to W or E and headshot him.That can deal good amount of DMG. Poke him with your Q,and you should target him first.
TARGET SONA FIRST EVRY TIME. She is massive healer and helper, but you should kill her easy. Avoid her R if you can, but that is very hard so your SUP should be able to help you.
Just avoid his W,E and R-ed abilities. Your SUP should be able to help you when you see him.
Avoid him everywhere. Dodge his abilities when you can,try to get as much farm as
possible. Just try to poke and headshot him.
Try to have more farm and poke him better than him. Avoid his R, if your SUP has been R-ed by him, run out of your SUP. Also, you should be better than him.
Poke him and farm as much as possible. he can hunt you easy, so try to kill him when you can. In late game, you should be able to kill him 1v1.
Avoid her E and R, and be sure that she is not there everywhere. When you got at least 3 items, you should be able to kill her 1v1, but dont try 1v2( or VS more champions,except you're really good with Caitlyn) when you fighting VS Leona.
Just push her and avoid her W. Force her to cast her R, it have big cooldown.
Try to avoid his Q. His R is like a Guardian angel, so just be careful when you kill a champion near him.
Miss Fortune
Just push her, but be careful on her E and R. Hide in bush and wait when she farm, then exit and Q her. Just try to get kill on her when you're trying to survive 1v2,3,4 and 5.
Dont push him solo. When you get chance to kill him with your R, try that or E to him and Q.
You can easy kill her, but avoid her W and R. Dont give a chance Ashe to get 4 stacks of Q(allows her to get AS on basic attacks.
Avoid her stun and E. Just be careful.
He is good SUP. Avoid his Q and passive.You should kill him first because he can block your attacks with E and W. R airborne you so you should avoid that!
Avoid her Q and try to run when she hunts you. With her R she can easy kill you and her R is good to her for running. Get as much help as possible VS her.
Lee Sin
Avoid his Q and just run and poke him when it is possible. In team fights he should be very strong, so avoid team fights and 1v1 VS him.
Master Yi
Avoid his Q and when he R, just poke him as much as possible. In others, he is not so big threat.
Be sure he is not here everywhere, because he can easy jump on you and kill you. Big threat, avoid him and dont go solo on him.
Avoid her Q and R. You can easy poke her, so poke her as much as possible. She can easy run and hunt, so try to be better and have help VS Vi.
Try to avoid his W and R. Poke him when you can and dont go solo on him.
Be sure that he is not hiding with his Q and avoid his R. His poison is so disturbing.
She can easy hunt you with her R. Also avoid her E.
Avoid his R and Q. He can hunt you with his W.
Avoid her E. You have greater range and you can poke her from distance.
Try to avoid his Q and E. He can shield ally with W and slow you with R, so kill him first if it is possible
Try to avoid his Q. When he R, try to poke and run as much as possible.In others, he is not too big threat to you.
Soraka is not a threat. But her heal is enormous, so kill her first if you can.
Avoid his Q and R, be careful when he E-s and W-s to you. Stay under turret in early game and never try to kill him 1v1. With your SUP try to rush him in lane.
Not so hard, but try to force him to cast his R and later just push him.
Tahm Kench
Try to avoid his R. Dont give him a chance to W you.In others, game can be good.
Dont flash trough her R and avoid her E. Push her when it is possible.
Just stay under turret and avoid her E, because then she can R on you and then you're dead. Poke her when it is possible. She is very dangerous with her Living Weapon.
Avoid his W,E and R. Try to farm as faster as you can when he isn't in lane. When he R-s, try to attract him to stop R .
Avoid her Q and E, try to poke her and dont give a chance her to dive you. In others, game can be good.
Avoid his E. Push him when it is possible.
Avoid her Q,E and R. Try to push her when you're in bush, and she doesn't see you.
Avoid her polymorph(i dont know what is number of ability). Push her when it is possible.
He is very dangerous. Avoid his Q,W and R. When he E-s, just run.
Avoid his W and R. When he dont have R, push him because he is weak without his R.
Hi, im Megamarin. this is my first build, so im trying my best. For this build i will do as much as i can. If you need something that is not in my guide, please dont flame me.Also, i have 9 years and im level 32 in LoL. Really, I dont lie! I love to play Caitlyn because i can build AS fast and abilities are unique. Lol is my favourite game. If you read this, thank you!
Skill Sequence
Skill Sequence
If champion you play against is insane, use E first for poking and running. If you have insane SUP, then use Q first. Also build Q first every time. You can easily poke champions in late game; try root champion with W, then Q,E and try to basic attack as more as possible(if you have at least 2-3 items).
You don't need to use W first, and NEVER build W first.
Pros / Cons
Pros / Cons
-Excellent late game
-Great poke
-Her R(Ace in the hole) is good for finishing
-Can hunt easily with abilities
-Can also run easily
-Easy to master
-Her R can be easily blocked
-Her W does not last long
Team Work
Team Work
Team work is very important in early game, but when you feed myself team work will lose on importance. Also, VS OP champions team work is important everywhere. When you got chance for team work VS someone, attack as much as possible.
Precision is first rune. If champion you attack is not insane, use Lethal Tempo. For insane and strong champions use Fleet Footwork. Second rune can be Domination if you can easily shoot champion with basic attacks, or Resolve for insane champions.
For 3rd build, use Inspiration.
When just you and your SUP are in lane, farm as much as possible, but be sure that your SUP
is with you. SUP-s are not just to help you,they must get farm too. When your enemies are in
lane, especially on start of game, try to farm, but also to be untouched.
More about SUP-s is writed down.
More about SUP-s
More about SUP-s
SUP-s are supposed to help, but they also need help. SUP-s must help everywhere, so to be SUP is hard. Some SUP-s like Rakan are just harder, because they're hard to play. But, do you think that ADC-s are harder? For some players yes(like me), but for some players no.
End of guide
End of guide
At end, i will say... what? That is my first build. If i can, i will do more guides(not for Caitlyn). Thank you for reading!!!!!!!!!!
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