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Adcs that are extremely safe while being able to kill you from far away can effectively lock you out of team fights unless you cheese them from stealth. It is also difficult to gank them since teemo has no hard CC.
Mobile champions with with cheese abilities like shroud are annoying. It can be difficult to engage her during ganks if she sits in her shroud, waiting out your blind and smacking you. Save your sweeper to know where she is going. Pull minions into her shroud and shroom them.
Unless Renekton is fed you effectively counter him. You blind before he can stun and you can get an easy gank off.
Lee Sin
Until Lee Sins damage is nerfed he is a problem. He disrupts you very well, making him difficult to 1v1.
If he misses Q and doesn't have ulty you have a decent chance of killing him. Better to wait for him to fall off, though.
Kha'zix does a lot of damages and with new items he can be invisible for awhile. Sweeper before you enter bushes, and don't try to facetank him.
If you successfully kite him and he leaves himself exposed hell die really fast, he is a squishy bug.
This bastard can knock you up while you are stealthed and doesn't die very well. He is one of the only tank supports that does very much against you.
Safe mages are similar to safe adcs, they make you less effective during team fights. If you catch her from stealth she is dead, though. You can also flash over her Q and finish her.
Dr. Mundo
A good mundo can be difficult to gank. If they have ulty they'll probably survive your damages.
Cheesy support mages that lock teemo down are a problem. It is difficult to gank bot against champions like this.
You can out duel a Graves unless he is fed. Same with Sheep lady.
Master Yi
The current version of master yi does not care about your blind. He has invulnerability during his Q and goes invisible after he one shots your adc.
You don't 1v1 master yi, you tell your team to let the chimp over-engage and die. Shroom places he might flank from before team fights.
Even if you catch out Ekko he will probably live with his ulty. Don't underestimate his damage.
He will try to cheese you. Be ready to flash and he becomes useless.
Safe mages with high burst are problematic for Teemo, especially Zoe. You are unlikely to catch her, and she makes you less effective in team-fights.
This is Lux if you like cooler champions. A good Xerath is unlikely to be caught by you.
Side step her swing and kill her.
You can make him less effective against your team
Similar to Zyra, difficult to gank in the bot lane. Kill lanes can ruin teemos ganks if your botlane has slow engages.
Ganking bot lanes with tanks like Braum is a breeze. You disable his passive, he can't run from you, and he isn't a kill lane.
This champion is like Kha'zix but easier to kill. Don't get cheesed and you'll have a good chance of splattering another squishy bug.
She falls off late game.
A fed Eve is cancerous, and her ulty makes it difficult to finish her off.
He has damages, health, and a invulnerability window.
A good Zed can be a problem. Focus on side stepping their abilities after they ult you, or get zhonyas.
Ganking top laners comes easy for Teemo. Its difficult for them to hit you at all if you play it right.
Another easy top lane gank, just don't get pulled.
A top laner with a higher chance of cheesing you or your losing top laner.
You can block hecarim E damage but not the knockback. If he over-engages during a gank you can capitalize and likely win and 2v2 or 3v3 encounter. If you catch him from invis and he doesn't run away he dies.
Enchanters like Janna and Lulu are not too much of a problem for Teemo. Worst case the gank fails, you rarely die.
If you don't get hit by Q you beat her. Focus her down if she ulties. Shroom her if she zhonyas.
Lucian mid is annoying to gank, his ulty hurts like hell, and they usually get fed early.
Try not to get ultied and you'll be fine. You might die after killing her in a gank if she focuses you.
Fiddlesticks can be a thorn in the side. Point and click fear is within your attack range. His ulty murders your team and your blind does nothing to stop it.
Warwick is an example of a jungle champ you can beat into the dirt. Kiteable melee champions that you shred the entire game.
Shaco is annoying to fight. You can shroom him / his boxes when he clones. I believe poison also shows the real shaco.
Varus is a very strong champion with potential to burst teemo down. If his ult hits you, you're probably dead.
Jhin kites pretty well and does good burst. If you are close when he ulties a auto-q-auto will probably leave him dead.
Miss Fortune
MF is a fast lady and you have no good way out of her ulty without flash. She has no good reason to do the damage she does while not building lethality early.
At least she doesn't have 3 passives and invisibility like newer champs. Except when she builds dark harvest...
Stinky top laner who dies good. He might run away before you kill him.
Save your blind for after her block, and don't let her heal from ulty.
Aatrox is a less cheesy riven. You can kite past his CC and beat him in a gank.
Unless you let yourself get mega gnared into a wall you're fine.
Draven mains are either pepega or challenger smurfs. Be careful.
Ivern doesn't really do anything except run around and have Daisy smack people. If he ever over-engages you kill him pretty fast.
Even if you do get hooked you might be able to Q the enemy adc and live during a gank. If you don't get hooked hes just a squishier tank support.
1v1 he will just ulty and might catch you even if he steps on a shroom. In a gank he'll try to E past your top laner and escape through the jungle bush. Shroom his escapes beforehand.
Dodge tentacles and kill her. Your top laner might be a pepega and die, though.
She doesn't have the best escapes and you might be able to straight up out duel her. Don't get hit by the stun.
Kayn clears really fast and can get fed off your team. Mid to late game his ulty can ruin your chances to capitalize off his squishy nature.
Dueling him early game is pretty even, though, especially if you catch him from stealth.
Try to counter-gank him and don't let yourself fall behind too much.
don't get stunned and run him down.
Depending on the patch Kai'sa is overpowered. Her auto targeted abilities are not affected by your blind.
I used to hate vsing Vayne until they released adc assassins like Samira and Kaisa. Don't get hit into a wall and save sweeper.
Your Q doesn't effect her ulty despite it allowing her to crit and lifesteal, and she can block your blind.
Newer Adcs like her can outplay your potential damage cheese, and if they are fed you can't do anything against them.
I think when Devs create newer ADCS they use dueling Teemo in a 1v1 as a baseline.
Nidalee can't do much against you unless she hits everything. She is also squishy.
A fed kled can be a problem. A not so fed one is just another tank you shred.
Jinx can't do much against you if she doesn't fend off a gank with her chompers.
This champion is really fast and annoying to fight, but still squishy.
Shroom where he left his body. Dodge his bullshit and kill him.
Walk around his wind wall, or shroom it if hes trying to camp on it. If he is fed you might be in trouble.
She can cheese you and is hard to cheese back.
You can usually survive his ulty by kiting him into shrooms or straight up out dueling him with Drain Tank build.
Ezreal is annoying but squishy. If they released him in 2021, his E would give him and invuln window and hed have two more passives.
Electrocute build with ludens and he might die if he steps too close. Kite him into shrooms.
Her polymorph is annoying but the bot lane probably can't cheese kill you. Worst case you fail a gank.
Twisted Fate
You might be able to Q him before he can get his gold card off, but he slightly out ranges you. He probably cant kill you in one combo so just run away
if you catch up to a kogmaw he dies.
You shred tank junglers
This is for Lux players with Robot fetishes. Her damage isn't as op but she has more utility. If you catch her off guard you probably kill her.
If you get on an ashe she is either dead or backing.
You can beat up a swain during a gank.
Rengar wins scuttles because of the bushes. You might be able to kill him if you catch him from invis, and he is easy to pick off during a counter-gank.
Save sweeper for his late game ulties because you can Q him mid jump. Put shrooms from where he is trying to flank from.
You probably can't duel him early because his damage is overtuned.
Another tank you can beat up on
Depending on the team you might not be able to reach her, so hope you have an assassin on your team. Build morello.
I barely know what this champion does, but riot chilled out on how oppressive new champions are so I kill him just fine.
A worse zed but hell probably hop over walls to avoid ganks. Save sweeper.
If you get E'd hes gonna shred you. Otherwise hes easy gankings.
Adcs without invulnerability windows, op ulties, or invisibility are easy pickings. The days before every new champion came with 3 passives.
Kind of annoying to fight and pretty tanky.
Early game the bot lane will be easy to gank. After level 6 just don't get cheesed by her ulty because without flash you can't get out of it that well.
If you get hooked its bad news. Otherwise you might be able to 1v1, and can certainly gank him.
If you don't get stunned shes easy to fight.
Boring champion that either gets fed and is a problem or you just shred to death the whole game.
Volibear is one of the spookier tanks but you still shred him and kite him.
Xin Zhao
This champion is like Vi, boring, but stronger. You can still duel him most of the time and in teamfights you blind is helpful.
Shred him, shroom to hit his blobs when he dies. Don't put yourself in situations where getting hit with a Zac E will let the enemy team pick you off.
Shroom his escapes and kill him. Be willing to give up a kill if his poison gets you low.
Wukong is pretty cheesy. He might escape or hit your team with a good ulty. Kite back and shroom during team fights, and save sweeper for his invis.
Shred him, don't get hit by Q.
Garen rework but they forgot to delete Garen afterwords. Easy to dodge his abilities and shred him.
He might try to cheese but you counter him. He can't 1v1 you.
Nami is super easy to kill if she misses Q.
She does damages but she wasn't made in 2021 so she doesn't get an invis, invulnerability, and 3 passives. Run out of her ulty and kill her when she underestimates your damages.
Any champion that can delay your cheese damage is a threat.
Nunu & Willump
Nunu will outfarm you and you can't really duel him. He is unlikely to outright kill you, though.
You might win ganks with your range and you can shred him late game.
Teemo suffers because the new jungle item does not have On Hit damage, but Olaf doesn't. He out clears you and he can run you down.
Try not to fight him without help unless you catch him from invis.
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