Champions with a lot of dashes, cc and poke are big red flags for Shyvana mid.
Try to avoid her Q and make sure you have either flash or ult to avoid her ult.
Champions with a lot of dashes, cc and poke are big red flags for Shyvana mid.
Doge his Q and rush Zhonya's if you feel that he's good at Zed.
Champions with a lot of dashes, cc and poke are big red flags for Shyvana mid.
However when it comes to Fizz you can easily zone him out after level 6 since his ult is really bad early game. (Unless feed) Make sure to get his E out before engaging and don't engage in close quarters combat with him since he will win 90% of the trades that way just use your E early.
Champions with a lot of dashes, cc and poke are big red flags for Shyvana mid.
Dodge her Q and E and make sure she has used her W before going in, and be sure to now be low since her ult can take you out easily
Champions with a lot of dashes, cc and poke are big red flags for Shyvana mid.
Doge his Q and make sure he uses his W bafore going in. However the average IQ of an Yasuo player is usualy below average so don't worry.
Champions with a lot of dashes, cc and poke are big red flags for Shyvana mid.
Doge his Q and make sure he uses his W bafore going in. However the average IQ of an Yone player is usualy below average so don't worry. But remember even a Cane Toad can press E so make sure he uses E at a bad time.
Champions with a lot of dashes, cc and poke are big red flags for Shyvana mid.
Katarina is basically a dodge if your playing ranked imo since you'll most likley end up feeding her and loosing the game.. since all she has todo is make sure you're below half hp and then Q, R Ignite and gone in less than your R cast time so be ready!
Doge her Q and if she hits a charm early she can showball but if you avoid that and either kill her before she ults or make sure she uses it before going all in.
Fuck ADC mid go back to botlane you cursed fuckers.
Watch our for her passive otherwise since with her R it hurts a lot so make sure to keep track of her passive and atlest have en idea if she has ult up or not. But if she's behind she won't be much of an issue
Yeah she hurts and doesn't fucking die lol. but avoid her Q and you'll probably live. Since CC is really good against Shyvana.
You can't kill him and he can most likley not kill you if you dodge his dash. If you want to play Shyvana i would probably go AD against this.
He will poke you out of lane and CS with his q and E and heal your poke back up using his W so avoid this matchup if possible otherwise avoid as much poke as possible and all in him when he is low.
He will poke you out of lane and CS with his soldiers and a good Azir always prevails in the end. Avoid his soldiers and i should be pretty okey depends on the skill of the Azir.
Probably a dodge in my book since shes basically the combination of all Shyvanas weaknesses CC, Poke and ungodly damage. Try to avoid her Q at all cost and try to make her waster her Sheid (summoner spell) early since most players take this instead of Ignite.
Yeah basically the same as Lux hard CC and Damage but pretty useless if behind.
harass her a lot early and avoid her Q poke, E's and make sure to know what spells she has and never flash from her unless you
absolutely need to since she gets both 3 free autos and movment speed from it
Champions with a lot of dashes, cc and poke are big red flags for Shyvana mid.
Avoid her E and don't engage when she has full stacks.
Yeah basically the same as Lux hard CC and Damage but still pretty useless in lane without her ult.
Teemo mid is pretty bad just make sure to not do anything stupid and try to avoid as much poke as possible.
Heimer has a lot of Poke and CC which is really good against Shyvana so be careful and make sure to dodge his E's and CS carefully
Ekko mid is really overpowered in mid since he can both recover all of your burst damage with his R and his CC and Poke is really good aswell so make sure to stay out of his W and be aware of his Q since it returns to Ekko shortly after cast.
Jayce has a lot of Poke potential and has hight burst damage so avoid his shots at all costs and make sure you know what mode he is in (R)
Champions with a lot of dashes, cc and poke are big red flags for Shyvana mid. Harass him constantly early game since after level 6 he is going to be really difficult to manage and using your R on him is almost useless after level 6 unless he is really low and you are faster than his ability to press R.
Twisted Fate
TF has great roaming which will give him a great boost in lane after level 6 but keep track of his W (Yellow Card) and you'll be fine. (Unless he's feed then rip)
She's going to keep her distance from you the entire laning phase so make sure to check for missteps/missplays and avoid her Q (ball) and you'll be fine!
Dodge his Q poke and don't fight him in close quarters combat since his W will provail. Use his ult against him since he can't stop it when cast, And he is really hard to kill because of his passive so kill him as fast as possible and keep atention to his "Skaarl" bar below his health bar
Lee Sin
Play agressive early and make sure the enemy jungler doesn't gank and he won't be an issue
Master Yi
surprisingly hard to play against since his Q can dodge your burst, his W can heal your poke, his E hurts a lot and his R makes him "the big fast"
Strong CC to keep your targets in place is really good with Shyvana since hitting your E will be a lot easier!
Strong CC to keep your targets in place is really good with Shyvana since hitting your E will be a lot easier!
Strong CC to keep your targets in place is really good with Shyvana since hitting your E will be a lot easier!
Hook champions are okey since it will missplace the enemy making it easier to predict E's and it might even casue the enemy to panic and missplay.
Hook champions are okey since it will missplace the enemy making it easier to predict E's and it might even casue the enemy to panic and missplay.
However with Thresh his lanters will be really useful for both escapes and engages!
Strong CC to keep your targets in place is really good with Shyvana since hitting your E will be a lot easier!
And Bards ult wil lgive you time to recharge your E and catch up if they are escaping.
Strong CC to keep your targets in place is really good with Shyvana since hitting your E will be a lot easier!
CC to keep your targets in place is really good with Shyvana since hitting your E will be a lot easier!
Strong CC to keep your targets in place is really good with Shyvana since hitting your E will be a lot easier!
Strong CC to keep your targets in place is really good with Shyvana since hitting your E will be a lot easier!
Strong CC to keep your targets in place is really good with Shyvana since hitting your E will be a lot easier!
Strong CC to keep your targets in place is really good with Shyvana since hitting your E will be a lot easier!
Hook champions are okey since it will missplace the enemy making it easier to predict E's and it might even casue the enemy to panic and missplay.
Hook champions are okey since it will missplace the enemy making it easier to predict E's and it might even casue the enemy to panic and missplay.
However with Thresh his lanters will be really useful for both escapes and engages!
Strong CC to keep your targets in place is really good with Shyvana since hitting your E will be a lot easier!
And Bards ult wil lgive you time to recharge your E and catch up if they are escaping.
Strong CC to keep your targets in place is really good with Shyvana since hitting your E will be a lot easier!
CC to keep your targets in place is really good with Shyvana since hitting your E will be a lot easier!
Strong CC to keep your targets in place is really good with Shyvana since hitting your E will be a lot easier!
Are you bored of the Current Meta champions? Well give AP Shyvana a try!
She isn't the best midlaner but she is surely one of the most fun to play!
Most of what i have written is in the notes icon next to what part of the Guide you're reading, this is just more like a finishing touch.
+ Really strong mid to late game! + Great roaming / engage potential! + Great chase and escape potential!
- Really weak against all types of CC... - Really squishy when going full AP... - Basically useless against Tanks...
Laning Phase
This is just a bare-bones explanation of what todo in lane: Level 1: Poke them with your E and avoid their poke. Level 2-5: Use W to rush in and E and then rush out. Level 6+: If you haven't bought any AP items yet don't engage but if you have and they are low around 1/3 (around 1/2 when 1 - 2 finished items depending on the enemy) of their max health ult over them applying your ult's dash damage which also procs "Sudden Impact" and then E, W for chasing them and Q for the extra close up damage.
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