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Thresh Build Guide by Gnormy

Support Siege Support Tank Thresh

Support Siege Support Tank Thresh

Updated on August 17, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Gnormy Build Guide By Gnormy 1,822 Views 0 Comments
1,822 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Gnormy Thresh Build Guide By Gnormy Updated on August 17, 2015
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


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Your goal with this build is to become as globally annoying late game as possible. Early game you will start off normally, supporting your adc, which will continue until you get zzrot. Once you get zzrot, your goal is to irritate whichever lane is the weakest by placing the zzrot portal and pushing the lane.
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Zzrot is your bread and butter, use it every time the cooldown is up. Thresh has great synergy with zzrot as its damage scales with armor and magic res. Thresh's passive gives additional armor just by collecting souls. Build thresh as tanky as possible to maximize the annoyance zzrot will cause the other team, you can blast towers and inhibs down with this item insanely fast in the late game.
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Team Work

Your adc isn't going to be a huge fan of you playing roaming support, he will want you around. Unless there is a huge advantage of heading topside, try and stay between the middle and bot lane with your portal.

Placing the portal in bushes in the jungle near to the lane you are attacking is recommended, the portal acts as a ward.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Gnormy
Gnormy Thresh Guide
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Siege Support Tank Thresh

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