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Skarner Build Guide by henneke37

Skarner lane build

Skarner lane build

Updated on August 21, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author henneke37 Build Guide By henneke37 5,020 Views 0 Comments
5,020 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author henneke37 Skarner Build Guide By henneke37 Updated on August 21, 2011
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My first build ever.Bought skarner right away and now i'm trying to master him.In this build im explaining how i play with skarner.Its a build ment for laning, but since wriggle's my first item it can be used to jungle.
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I chose armor penetration runes because they are very usefull early game, espcially for first blood, when I play skarner I ALWAYS go for firstblood.
Second i picked dodge because skarner is close combat champ, or play him close combat.
Last i pick mana regen runes, these are important so u dont have to pick a manawise build.
Late game the runes can also carry enough mana regen so u can keep going this is also very handy in 3v3.
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The first item allows you to get blue buff in 5v5 very early at lvl 4 and dragon at lvl 7(with aid if ur not sure).
the boots then i choose in combination with the dodge runes.
gives a little mana, just enough and the passive is also a big help since skarner can do crystal slash real fast.

Then if the game is going good i go for because the spellvamp and so later creating a

Then you have to deceide which are most important hp,def or attack.
If i choose hp u buy the .
Then finish your
and finally get ur Banshees Veil
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Extra items

Should be ur basic first 3 items.No doubt.

If then u deceide u need more tank go for a
Magic damage and Health regen.
against attack damage.
Melee dps champs like
Tryndamere Master Yi Xin Zhao Nocturne Twitch

Are easy to counter with a thornmail !!

Buying the right items fitting your current game is very important my build doesn't cover everything but just gives you a perspective how skarner can be played.
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Lane partners

Good lane partners for skarner have range, slow or stun.
I highly recommend ashe or nasus.
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I know this build is unproffesional but i just wanted to publish my view.
Please no flaming or any bad language below. Advise is always welcome!
I also apologise for my poor english and many spelling mistakes.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author henneke37
henneke37 Skarner Guide
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Skarner lane build

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