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Dr. Mundo Build Guide by xxxrealpowerxxx

Tank So, You Want To Master Mundo?

Tank So, You Want To Master Mundo?

Updated on October 3, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author xxxrealpowerxxx Build Guide By xxxrealpowerxxx 1,477 Views 0 Comments
1,477 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author xxxrealpowerxxx Dr. Mundo Build Guide By xxxrealpowerxxx Updated on October 3, 2013
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Gotten that out of your system? Thanks, im going to start by saying the question your all asking, why, whats the point of doing a mundo with offensive, i mean defensive is beast hes like shen but better, well thats the problem; mundo is great but the problem is he is too much like shen, not even op unless your facing idiots because people dont focus him!!! now this puts the enemy team in a situation similar to jax, he is their main tank but does tons of dmg, so focus him, and get raped by his team, or focus his team and get raped by him.

Mundo can deal damage not by building many expensive damage items but by getting Torment and Rylais, his clevers have a 75% slow :) his toggle able W has a 15% perma slow :) and better yet applying applying Torments passive does 12% of their health in magic dmg(this is damage over time so it will do 4% every second they are in combat with you and last for 3 seconds, or 12% afterwards) so lets add this up, you can have your w toggled on dealing 4% of their health plus 121 magic damage from the W itself, then the sunfire wit another 40... thats 161 plus 4% maximum health ever second simply because you are near them, in teamfights you are a tank, so you will be diving in to the middle and at all times probably hitting 3 people unless they are really stupid and being aoe idiots, anyway so 161x3 and 4x3 thats 483 plus 12% magic damage ever seconnd to the enemy team, doesnt suck does it? :)
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So what is this guide saying mundos best at.......

Well really he is probably great where you want him most.. no not mid or adc. but jungle support or top are all great decisions! support mundo is BOSS with a clever every 4 seconds your enemies will never catch a break, on top lane you will destroy looking out for yourself and not having the hassle of wondering if you will get a useless adc this game, jungle, eh not my style but i imagine hes not that bad, massive speed boost, great for diving, tons of slowing from Q and pushing power from E, so i say once again what do you want from Dr.Mundo!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author xxxrealpowerxxx
xxxrealpowerxxx Dr. Mundo Guide
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So, You Want To Master Mundo?

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