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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Goes Where He Pleases (PASSIVE)
Dr. Mundo Passive Ability
My stats by Mundo

Mundo can be countered on TOP by:
-Pantheon (better poke)
-Fizz (don't use your ulti when he using his "W"
-Riven (better DMG in early, she can dominate you, fast build thonrmail)
Mundo is counter to:
-Shen (use "Q" to win)
-Garen (use "Q" to win)
-Amumu (use "Q" to win)
-Singed (use "Q" to win)
-Rammus (use "Q" and "W" to win)
Your Q have 25% HP DMG you can easy kill champions who have 4000-5000 HP but 0 magic res.
-Pantheon (better poke)
-Fizz (don't use your ulti when he using his "W"
-Riven (better DMG in early, she can dominate you, fast build thonrmail)
Mundo is counter to:
-Shen (use "Q" to win)
-Garen (use "Q" to win)
-Amumu (use "Q" to win)
-Singed (use "Q" to win)
-Rammus (use "Q" and "W" to win)
Your Q have 25% HP DMG you can easy kill champions who have 4000-5000 HP but 0 magic res.
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