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Sona Build Guide by ramtamtam

Support Sona ARAM AP

Support Sona ARAM AP

Updated on July 31, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ramtamtam Build Guide By ramtamtam 5 1 137,894 Views 1 Comments
5 1 137,894 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author ramtamtam Sona Build Guide By ramtamtam Updated on July 31, 2013
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This isn't a "How to play Sona right"-guide. This is just a simple guide how I play Sona at ARAM Matchups.

AND: Sorry for my bad english ;)
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In my case the one and only target at ARAM is to deal as much damage as possible and try to save the entire team.

Health and armor give you a little bit survivability if you need it. You also can choose 9 Greater Seal of Scaling Ability Power
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Skill Sequence

Nothing to say. At start choose 2x Hymn of Valor and Aria of Perseverance. At Level 4 build one Song of Celerity. Then max out first Hymn of Valor and then Aria of Perseverance.
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Summoner Spells

Flash: You can use it as exit strategy or for some funky push action.

Ignite: Simply damage... use it as often as possible.

Heal: If you don't want to play with ignite take Heal. This will give you and your team some survivability.
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Also nothing to say. "Standard"-AP-Build with Expanded Mind to push your Seraph's Embrace .
If you chose Heal instead of Ignite take one point from Summoner's Wrath and get the 4th point from Sorcery.
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At start take Boots, Tear of the Goddess and Faerie Charm.
Then build up your Athene's Unholy Grail to get your mana-regen up and running. Choose Sorcerer's Shoes for magic pen and movement speed.
Now it's time to build up your AP. Take Rabadon's Deathcap and Archangel's Staff / Seraph's Embrace first. Then build Liandry's Torment to get some health and finally get Void Staff.
Take Enchantment: Alacrity for some bonus speed.
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Team Work

At ARAM matchups you need to play with your team. Solo actions mostly ends in a fast and painfull death.

What you have to do is to wait until you have the chance to poke your enemy. Constantly use your Aria of Perseverance to heal up your team. If you are in range use Hymn of Valor.
In some games i tried not to attack the minions and save my Power Chord for pokes. It just work.

If you have the chance to hit 3 or more enemies and your team is in a good position use your Crescendo followed by Hymn of Valor and Power Chord-hits. This will give you and your team a perfect chance to fast kill 2 or more enemies. But don't forget to spam constantly Aria of Perseverance.

If you are in a defense possition just heal up your team and give them some movement speed ( Song of Celerity) to dodge abilities or fast pokes.
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Sona is an extremely fun champion to play, especially as AP in ARAM matchups. If you have any comments, questions or queries about my guide, please don't hesitate to ask any questions.

Upvote if you liked the guide, and only downvote if you feel it is absolutely necessary. If you do downvote, please inform me of why.

Have fun with Sona!

// SPECIAL THANKS: Credits to jhoijhoi for the template, which you can find here.

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League of Legends Build Guide Author ramtamtam
ramtamtam Sona Guide
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