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Sona Build Guide by Aboottreefitty

Sona Support Guide - Diamond ELO

Sona Support Guide - Diamond ELO

Updated on May 24, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Aboottreefitty Build Guide By Aboottreefitty 4,754 Views 1 Comments
4,754 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Aboottreefitty Sona Build Guide By Aboottreefitty Updated on May 24, 2013
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Supporting is generally meant to carry your lanemate into the lategame where they strive, Sona lets you do this and allows you to scale tremendously as well!

This support will almost ensure you dominate your lane because of her general beefiness, and her high damage output!
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Early game

Focus on making sure you land your power chord! This is crucial.

You need to prioritize landing your power chord on the enemy support in order to assert lane dominance.

On blue side, neglect opening golems. Proceed to the enemy bot lane brush in order to setup an ambush as they enter lane after leashing, they never expect it. This new-level of meta is used at top tier of platinum and diamond!
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Mid game

Make sure you save your skills for last hitting.

As support you generally won't be farming, so kills will allow you to spring forward and be ahead of the enemy support.

Your damage is underestimated by most players so they will take on and lost in 1v1s!

Around this point you want your DFG/Zhonyas or on Ad Sona, you want your Frozen Fist.
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Late game

Self explanatory! You shred through tanks, ADs, Mids, anyone!

You will need to prioritize yourself, saving heal/exhaust for when you are in danger, you are the main reason your team is ahead.

Also make sure to stay behind your ADC to make sure you don't get mowed down.
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My Climb.

Well, this all started back in my Silver 3 days where I was duoing with my pal, El Hanouti.

We discovered that Sona's burst potential is through the roof, and we discovered the optimal Season 2 build due to the sheer overpoweredness of Leviathan!

We worked out the kinks and came up with this, my win rate skyrocketed and I was carrying people straight to platinum.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Aboottreefitty
Aboottreefitty Sona Guide
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Sona Support Guide - Diamond ELO

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