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Sona Build Guide by Devestation

Sona the bursty savior

Sona the bursty savior

Updated on May 18, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Devestation Build Guide By Devestation 2,260 Views 0 Comments
2,260 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Devestation Sona Build Guide By Devestation Updated on May 18, 2015
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LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


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Introduction to playing Sona

So as you future Sona players know, Sona looks like a super fun champion to play. Let me tell you something before you get your hopes up. I am Bronze IV. Let me make you feel a little better by saying the lowest rank I've ever gotten with Sona is a B+.I am constantly getting A's or better in almost all of the games that I play. So now that you know this, you may leave this guide and never return.

Still here? GOOD. Rank doesn't matter in League. It's how you play. Without further adieu, let us get right into the intricacies of playing Sona!
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Pros / Cons

Here is where I will list some pros and cons of Sona, so you can see what she is good and lacks in.

[*] She has absolutely incredible poking potential.
[*] She has a heal that scales with missing health, with a shield built in.
[*] She is the ultimate support in terms of utility.
[*] Her ultimate can stun a whole team.
[*] She has a movement speed spell that scales off of AP, AND affects the whole team.
[*] Passive gives you almost all of the effects of exhaust.
[*] Badass music (with DJ skin)

[*] Very squishy. One of the lowest health values in game.
[*] Ult is pretty easy to miss.
[*] Heal is very weak early.
[*] Mana hungry early.
[*] No escapes (unless you count her decent mobility)
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General stuff

As a support, your main thing to do is help your allies by healing/buffing them with your Q, W, and E. Your W is especially helpful in this sense, because you can PREVENT damage with it. As a side note, if you have Ardent Censor, your W will cause ALL of your team to gain its passive effect, Similar to Janna and Soraka's ultimates, except Sona's W is on a much lower cooldown. In general, you should be poking the enemy down whenever possible, both in lane and out. You have generally impressive damage, and no one will see it coming, I promise. (Unless they play Sona themselves.)

Your ultimate can be used in many different ways, including initiating.

An important thing to note is that you NEED to keep track of your passive, and specifically how many charges it has.

One thing I do with Sona is get my Q and use it twice in fountain so you get all of the mana back, and you can leash easier/get a good poke off really early.
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End notes

I will be updating this guide as time goes on. I hope this helps you to start your Sona career off correctly! GLHF!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Devestation
Devestation Sona Guide
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Sona the bursty savior

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