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+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Determination (PASSIVE)
Xin Zhao Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
Hello and welcome to this guide!
I'm Snorkil, a 22 year old streamer for FNATIC
I've been challenger since season 4, and peaked rank 13 in season 8, rank 1 in season 9 and so far challenger in season 10.
I'm a part of the Fnatic Network,this means that i have a personal discount code for SHOP.FNATIC.COM, giving you a 10% discount when you use the code "STYLLEE" during checkout!
I Appreciate your time reading through this guide, if you have any questions, make sure you follow my twitch channel and ask them while im live, so i can give you the answer you are looking for!
Be sure to check out my SOCIALS
I'm Snorkil, a 22 year old streamer for FNATIC
I've been challenger since season 4, and peaked rank 13 in season 8, rank 1 in season 9 and so far challenger in season 10.
I'm a part of the Fnatic Network,this means that i have a personal discount code for SHOP.FNATIC.COM, giving you a 10% discount when you use the code "STYLLEE" during checkout!
I Appreciate your time reading through this guide, if you have any questions, make sure you follow my twitch channel and ask them while im live, so i can give you the answer you are looking for!
Be sure to check out my SOCIALS

+ Strong early game + High DMG output + Playmaker + Good gangs + Early spike ![]() |
- Scales bad into the lategame - Needs a good early game - Needs to snowball - Squishy If you dont Snowball early as ![]() |
Xin Zhao your main goal is to get an early lead and close the game as fast as possible!
That means you have to do a lot in the early game and you can't really spend your time farming the jungle.
Try to get some early ganks off, can even go for lvl 2 cheese gank
Lvl 2 cheese gank is where you start red buff and then go to whatever lane is easiest to gank or what lane you feel like ganking.
You can also go for an early invade. Take red buff and then move straight into enemy jungle if you are stronger than him early, take his camps and if he comes then you can just fight him, but you must take in mind that enemy team can help their jungler first before your team can, so make sure you have pressure on lanes and ping them to help you, and if they can't do that, then dont go for a play like that.
A standard jungle route is Red - Golems - Blue buff which get's you an early lvl 3 and then you can either go for a gank, invade or continue to farm 1 more camp, and then go for scuttle. In most cases you should try to go for a gank here or an invade, as you want to get a lead as fast as possible.
When you get to the midgame you wan't to either go for zoning the enemy team off or try to do some 'insec' plays, that means you jump in and try to knock the enemy teams carries into your team with your Ultimate
Crescent Guard
You should really try to end the game here, if you make it to over 30 mins the game will in most cases be out of your hand to carry.
If you get to the lategame you just need to follow your team around and keep using your Ult + CC to zone enemies away from your carries so they can carry the game, you are supposed to be a more supportive champion in the lategame compared to the early game.

That means you have to do a lot in the early game and you can't really spend your time farming the jungle.
Try to get some early ganks off, can even go for lvl 2 cheese gank
Lvl 2 cheese gank is where you start red buff and then go to whatever lane is easiest to gank or what lane you feel like ganking.
You can also go for an early invade. Take red buff and then move straight into enemy jungle if you are stronger than him early, take his camps and if he comes then you can just fight him, but you must take in mind that enemy team can help their jungler first before your team can, so make sure you have pressure on lanes and ping them to help you, and if they can't do that, then dont go for a play like that.
A standard jungle route is Red - Golems - Blue buff which get's you an early lvl 3 and then you can either go for a gank, invade or continue to farm 1 more camp, and then go for scuttle. In most cases you should try to go for a gank here or an invade, as you want to get a lead as fast as possible.
When you get to the midgame you wan't to either go for zoning the enemy team off or try to do some 'insec' plays, that means you jump in and try to knock the enemy teams carries into your team with your Ultimate

You should really try to end the game here, if you make it to over 30 mins the game will in most cases be out of your hand to carry.
If you get to the lategame you just need to follow your team around and keep using your Ult + CC to zone enemies away from your carries so they can carry the game, you are supposed to be a more supportive champion in the lategame compared to the early game.
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DEATH'S DANCE Pretty good item for sustain |
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THE BLACK CLEAVER![]() ![]() |
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STERAK'S GAGE Getting a bit more tanky aswell as getting some damage is really great |
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GUARDIAN ANGEL An extra life is always good, good for zoning and creating pressure also! Can always pick up this item throughout the game |
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PHANTOM DANCER If you are fighting a lot 1v1 etc. ![]() ![]() |
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RANDUIN'S OMEN If you need to get a bit more armor and tankyness ![]() |
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MAW OF MALMORTIUS If enemy team is AP heavy and you want an early item against their AP dmg, get ![]() |
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ADAPTIVE HELM![]() ![]() ![]() |
In general it's pretty good to start on your Red buff and look for a cheasy lvl 2 gang, most people don't really think about it, and you can get a good early lead from that
E-Q - auto till knockup and then use W to 100% hit
E-Q-W to slowhim instant and then follow up by auto attacks
When you are ahead as
Xin Zhao you should try to maintain your lead by getting
Rift Herald, it's really easy to take as
Xin Zhao and it won't take you that long. Getting
Rift Herald makes you get 1-2 turrets in most cases which is a lot of gold for you + your team, aswell as creating more pressure on the map.
You can also solo drakes quite early on, and you should usually controll the rivers as you can 1v1 most champions
E-Q - auto till knockup and then use W to 100% hit
E-Q-W to slowhim instant and then follow up by auto attacks
When you are ahead as

You can also solo drakes quite early on, and you should usually controll the rivers as you can 1v1 most champions
Thx alot for reading through my guide and getting down here!
Xin Zhao is a really great early game jungler and he's straight foward to play, he doesen't really require any hard mechanics etc.
I would appreciate if you would drop a like if you enjoyed this guide, as it would help me a lot, and you can always check out my stream if you want to see some high elo gameplay or if you got any questions about anything ( i can answer most of the league related ones ;) )
Overall i think
Xin Zhao is a jungler every 1 should be able to play, you can almsot always pick him in soloq, and he fits to any teamcomp and any playstyle. Pick this guy up if you want some freelo i would say! :)

I would appreciate if you would drop a like if you enjoyed this guide, as it would help me a lot, and you can always check out my stream if you want to see some high elo gameplay or if you got any questions about anything ( i can answer most of the league related ones ;) )
Overall i think

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