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Blitzcrank Build Guide by hypey

Support Super Alpha Diamond Support Blitzcrank Guide!

Support Super Alpha Diamond Support Blitzcrank Guide!

Updated on November 10, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author hypey Build Guide By hypey 2,830 Views 0 Comments
2,830 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author hypey Blitzcrank Build Guide By hypey Updated on November 10, 2014
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
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Blitzcrank is a "sleeper" OP support champion that can change the whole game with just one hook. When played correctly he's the biggest bully in lane. One thing to always keep in mind while playing Blitzcrank is that it is really crucial to land his Q. I'll emphasize this many times more in this guide.
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Magic Pen + Ability Power = Surprise Q damage that could result in a flash or an early kill!
Mana regen - Blitzcrank is a very mana hungry champion so that's why it's important to have mana regeneration to help forgive missed pulls.
Armor + magic resist = Good sustainability to go aggressive in lane with Relic Shield to help.
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0/9/21 Masteries used for support with lots of utility: Blitzcrank!
Modified with more points for speed boost so you can charge into lane and knock some fools up.
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-Best spell LoL hands down. Always pick this to get yourself out of sticky situations.

-Ignite for aggressive laning and quick kills when you land pulls!

-Exhaust is a good choice when going a high burst/high dmg champions/compositions e.g. Talon, Fizz, Zed, Draven
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Pros / Cons

    Biggest lane bully with his Q
    Guarantee easy kills/flash use if land Q early game
    Good early invade utility with Q
    One hook can change a whole game
    E knock up can cancel dash/jumps from enemies prematurely
    Sexy hot grill is inside robot suit

    Mana hungry
    VS good opponents a missed pull could be very unforgiving
    Almost useless if Q is missed
    Q is a bit slow and predictable

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Blitzcrank is a strong champion if you land your hooks. If you can't land hooks, W run up to them, E knock up, then Q. (don't do this when you have less than 10% HP vs 2 enemy champions - BE SMART) Landing Q is the most important skill to have for any Blitzcrank fanatic who wants to be the best hooker. Once you master the regular stationary hook. Try to time hooks right when enemy minions die so the enemy can't see it coming fast enough. If you think you're ready to move onto the ultimate level, try a flash-Q combo!

Thanks for reading my Diamond guide on support Blitzcrank. Please rate and comment. Any feedback is welcome!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author hypey
hypey Blitzcrank Guide
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Super Alpha Diamond Support Blitzcrank Guide!

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