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Jinx Build Guide by i3na



Updated on August 21, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author i3na Build Guide By i3na 6,784 Views 0 Comments
6,784 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author i3na Jinx Build Guide By i3na Updated on August 21, 2016
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


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Welcome to my Jinx guide!
I hope this information helps and is useful for anyone who wants to learn the basics of Jinx gameplay! She's an extremely fun champ to play who also happens to pack a lot of power!

Happy Jinxing!
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Pros / Cons

Jinx Is a ranged marksman who's idea of a good time involves massive amounts of bullets and explosions that cause tons of damage to mow down her enemies. She's a spontaneous and impulsive nut who runs around the battlefield wreaking havoc and shooting anything that moves.


+ Fantastic poke
+ Switcheroo! passive grants tons of attack speed
+ Great wave clear and poke damage
+ Really nice Attack Speed Bonus with her Pow-Pow, the Minigun
+ Ult causes tons of damage if well aimed
+ Really good passive to escape teamfights
+ Nice Stun spell


- Hard to master
- No escape spell
- Immobility
- Early mana problems
- Short range with Pow-Pow, the Minigun
- Loss of attack speed with Fishbones, the Rocket Launcher
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Get Excited!
Jinx receives massively increased Movement Speed and stacking Attack Speed whenever she damages an enemy champion, tower, or inhibitor that is then killed or destroyed within 3 seconds.

Your passive is your only real means of escape so use that to your advantage, if you can kill an enemy or a tower and you have opponents coming your way, kill them and make a break for it!



Jinx modifies her basic attacks by swapping between Pow-Pow, her minigun and Fishbones, her rocket launcher. Attacks with Pow-Pow grant Attack Speed, while attacks with Fishbones deal area of effect damage, gain increased range, and drain Mana.
Jinx swaps weapons.

Pow-Pow, the Minigun:
Basic attacks grant bonus Attack Speed for 2.5 seconds. This effect stacks up to 3 times for a total bonus of [0]% (bonus scales with spell rank and Jinx's level). Stacks fall off one at a time and only benefit Jinx's first attack after switching to Rocket Launcher.

Fishbones, the Rocket Launcher:
Basic attacks deal 110% Damage to the target and nearby enemies, gain 75/100/125/150/175 range, drain Mana, and scale 25% less with bonus Attack Speed.

Cost: 20 Mana per Rocket
Range: 600

Your Pow-Pow, the Minigun is the damage of your kit. Use it to melt down opponents' health to quickly trigger your passive Get Excited!

Jinx uses Zapper, her shock pistol, to fire a blast that deals damage to the first enemy hit, slowing and revealing it.
Jinx fires a shock blast that deals 10/60/110/160/210 (+140% Attack Damage) Physical Damage to the first enemy hit, revealing it if it is not stealthed and slowing it by 30/40/50/60/70% for 2 seconds.

Cost: 50/60/70/80/90 Mana
Range: 1450


Flame Chompers!:
Jinx throws out a line of snare grenades that explode after 5 seconds, lighting enemies on fire. Flame Chompers will bite enemy champions who walk over them, rooting them in place.
Jinx tosses out 3 chompers that, once armed, explode on contact with enemy champions, rooting the target for 1.5 seconds and dealing 80/135/190/245/300 (+100% Ability Power) Magic Damage over 1.5 seconds to nearby enemies. Chompers last for 5 seconds.

Cost: 50 Mana
Range: 900


Super Mega Death Rocket!:
Jinx fires a super rocket across the map that gains damage as it travels. The rocket will explode upon colliding with an enemy champion, dealing damage to it and surrounding enemies based on their missing Health.
Jinx fires a rocket that gains damage over the first second it travels. It explodes on the first enemy champion hit, dealing 25/35/45 (+10% bonus Attack Damage) to 250/350/450 (+100% bonus Attack Damage) Physical Damage plus 25/30/35% of the target's missing Health. Nearby enemies take 80% Damage.

Cost: 100 Mana
Range: 25000
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Flash: Flash is a necessity when playing Jinx because she has such little mobility! I recommend taking flash not only because of her limited mobility in situations where she's trying to escape, but also because of her limited mobility in situations where she's trying to chase down a kill. Flash is a must on this champion, always!

For your secondary summoner spell I would recommend either Heal or Ignite

Heal: I would recommend heal for summoners who aren't quite settled with Jinx's abilities yet. Heal offers Jinx beginners a lot of room for mistake or sticky situations that may happen due to Jinx's immobility/squishiness


Ignite: Ignite is great for the intermediate Jinx main who's ready to get crazy. Ignite is helpful when going against a lane that you know is going to be tough to poke and it's especially helpful in early game against a bully to help you get the advantage and pick up a kill or two before you hit level 6. In mid to late game, ignite is great for helping take down fleeing opponents when your Super Mega Death Rocket! is on cooldown.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author i3na
i3na Jinx Guide
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