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His poke as well as his damage is a Major threat but it also depends on your skill gap.
Shields vs Shields, he will win because of the shield/slow against you.
Kinda like braum, it can slow you and hold you down so ideally you would play more on a save your CC for when he CCs type of moments.
You both serve the ADC with CC.
It's quite even, really about skill gap.
I list this as a Major threat to more of a lower elo, where the lux pick can overwhelm you with the hard to predict CC.
In higher elo games, if you know how to dodge skill shots, this will be a piece of cake.
You gotta be able to dodge hooks and save your CC to counter his against the ADC instead of against Thresh himself.
Aside from brand, this champion can out poke you during the early laning phase, so its best to ban this champion when you have a squishy ADC.
Just dodge the hooks man!
Only a good karma would beat you here, but you also got to keep your CC to the ADC because she will just speed/shield him away.
She's not a huge threat in any way, but a real good Janna could kick butt, so just play safe and avoid engaging without your ADC.
If she lands her Q stuns on you, it'll definitely be a hard game, avoid the stun and you will win the lane.
She has good amount of CC to battle yours, so focus on the ADC once dead, the leona wont have anything left to throw at you.
High skill Ashe players are aware of the combination of taking Approach Velocity as a second line rune in INSPIRATION which matches great with your own slows and cc
If you play this with a duo, after hitting your E or W the Cait must quickly place a trap under enemy and continue with the combos.
Draven is a strong pick itself, if he has the advantage over the ADC, so will you over the entire lane.
Not the greatest but it's not too bad. would rather not because only 4 shots sometimes won't guarantee the kill until late game.
Poke with Poke/CC.
What else is there to say.
Unless the Kai'Sa is good, this will not be easy to pull off before her first item or two.
Don't think this would be bad, but with how slow he is as an ADC. He wouldn't be able to follow your CC.
Free damage for him to hit the enemies easily.
A good sivir will know when to help a good bait with her E to shield while you as a Sylas can go in for the dive and make the best of your CC.
Can't tell if Trist can be as strong with this combo but as long as she doesnt ult away the enemy, it should be a win.
Twitch isn't in his best meta at the moment but if you can allow him to get to level 6, the combos will be too deadly.
This one is entirely depending on how good the vayne can play, a good vayne makes good use of CC, a bad one will not know what to do and likely to E away the target.
Rakan would be better with Xayah.
CC plus CC plus slows, equals a good combo for both lane and team fights.
Same as with Caitlin, is about timing traps and slows while you as Sylas go in for the combo.
High skill Ashe players are aware of the combination of taking Approach Velocity as a second line rune in INSPIRATION which matches great with your own slows and cc
If you play this with a duo, after hitting your E or W the Cait must quickly place a trap under enemy and continue with the combos.
Draven is a strong pick itself, if he has the advantage over the ADC, so will you over the entire lane.
Not the greatest but it's not too bad. would rather not because only 4 shots sometimes won't guarantee the kill until late game.
Poke with Poke/CC.
What else is there to say.
Unless the Kai'Sa is good, this will not be easy to pull off before her first item or two.
Don't think this would be bad, but with how slow he is as an ADC. He wouldn't be able to follow your CC.
Free damage for him to hit the enemies easily.
A good sivir will know when to help a good bait with her E to shield while you as a Sylas can go in for the dive and make the best of your CC.
Can't tell if Trist can be as strong with this combo but as long as she doesnt ult away the enemy, it should be a win.
Twitch isn't in his best meta at the moment but if you can allow him to get to level 6, the combos will be too deadly.
This one is entirely depending on how good the vayne can play, a good vayne makes good use of CC, a bad one will not know what to do and likely to E away the target.
Rakan would be better with Xayah.
CC plus CC plus slows, equals a good combo for both lane and team fights.
Same as with Caitlin, is about timing traps and slows while you as Sylas go in for the combo.
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