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Runes: High sustain damage runes.
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
Ability Order
Petricite Burst (PASSIVE)
Sylas Passive Ability
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Champion Build Guide
This is my Sylas stats on TW, that's the only reliable thing I have to show for, I'm platinum in Singapore Garena and currently climbing Taiwan.
Laning phase pre 6.
At level 1, with E as your first skill. ALWAYS ALWAYS TRADE, Throw your E out right click, activate first stack of electrocute, throw your E active, that activates second stack, then right click with your passive, this activates Electrocute. When you have this always use it. When you trade for your E finish, back off as fast as you can.
When you reach level 2, use your W as a sustain/damage against your enemy laners. Always makes you do not spam your skills without using your passive, make sure the passive always activates upon each skill. So for this case, there should be 3 passive use in your trade.
At level 3, you should use your Q to close the gap slow them down then trade with them, and as I said beforehand, make sure you use your passive well. In this case, 4 passive should be used here, but in this case scenario, using your passive with your Q seems too much, so do not force the 4 passives, 3 works, you can use your E to close the gap after using your Q, or vice versa, do not force the 4 passives as this will cause you your trade.
Everytime all your skills are up, engage a trade. Back off after all your skills have been used.
When you hit level 6, nothing changes, just do everything as normal.
This is my Sylas stats on TW, that's the only reliable thing I have to show for, I'm platinum in Singapore Garena and currently climbing Taiwan.
Laning phase pre 6.
At level 1, with E as your first skill. ALWAYS ALWAYS TRADE, Throw your E out right click, activate first stack of electrocute, throw your E active, that activates second stack, then right click with your passive, this activates Electrocute. When you have this always use it. When you trade for your E finish, back off as fast as you can.
When you reach level 2, use your W as a sustain/damage against your enemy laners. Always makes you do not spam your skills without using your passive, make sure the passive always activates upon each skill. So for this case, there should be 3 passive use in your trade.
At level 3, you should use your Q to close the gap slow them down then trade with them, and as I said beforehand, make sure you use your passive well. In this case, 4 passive should be used here, but in this case scenario, using your passive with your Q seems too much, so do not force the 4 passives, 3 works, you can use your E to close the gap after using your Q, or vice versa, do not force the 4 passives as this will cause you your trade.
Everytime all your skills are up, engage a trade. Back off after all your skills have been used.
When you hit level 6, nothing changes, just do everything as normal.
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