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Twitch Build Guide by Hoodstomp

AD Carry Taking Out the Smelly Trash

AD Carry Taking Out the Smelly Trash

Updated on January 3, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Hoodstomp Build Guide By Hoodstomp 23 3 359,046 Views 36 Comments
23 3 359,046 Views 36 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Hoodstomp Twitch Build Guide By Hoodstomp Updated on January 3, 2014
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table of contents

1. introduction
a note about the author and the champion
2. pros and cons
strengths and weaknesses of Twitch
3. masteries
what masteries should I run?

4. runes
what runes should I run?
5. summoners
what summoner spells should I take?
6. abilities
what do Twitch's abilities do?

7. items
what should my item build be on Twitch?
8. matchups
how does Twitch do against certain AD Carries?
9. supports
how well will Twitch do with x support?

10. laning phase
what should my play style be early on?
11. team fights
how should I position during fights?

Wrapping it up for August, this is Hoodstomp. The branded position of marksman/AD Carry is the role I enjoy playing. Because I enjoy playing as a marksman/AD Carry very much, I've thus gained a lot of knowledge about the role of a marksman/AD Carry. My main account currently sits in Diamond 1, while I have a few smurfs, all in diamond elo and/or close to diamond 1.

Twitch is gaining his popularity, and for good reason. He's good for team fighting and split pushing, and he can trade well in lane too! Be sure to follow me on Twitter if you want to know whenever I have a new guide out, or on the rare occasion I might be streaming!


+ Great at all stages of the game.
+ Easy to position in fights because of Ambush.
+ Good late-game scaling.
+ Amazing single target as well as AoE damage with Spray and Pray.
Twitch is a versatile AD Carry. He's good throughout the game, whether it be early, mid, or late game. His damage is good because of Deadly Venom and expunge. With his Ambush, Twitch has an easy time with positioning in fights. Your opponents won't be able to see you coming, and you can set up nice ganks with it. With expunge and Spray and Pray, your late-game scaling is pretty good. Lastly, because of your auto-attacks, Spray and Pray, and expunge, your single target damage and AoE damage definitely isn't lacking.


- Close to useless in team fights without Spray and Pray.
- Hard to harass enemies under turret because of Deadly Venom.
- No traditional escape mechanism, relying on Ambush.
- Smells like the sewers. Yuck.
Unfortunately, Twitch's team fighting power comes from his Spray and Pray ability. He doesn't have the greatest range, and expunge isn't bursting their whole team. Because of his passive DoT, Deadly Venom, it's hard to harass your enemies under the tower without taking a tower shot. Twitch also doesn't have a reliable escape, and instead relies on Ambush to get out of sticky situations. Lastly, he smells kind of gross.

// Fury is the usual. It gives you extra attack speed, helping you fire off one or two more autos while trading than you would without Fury .
> Deadliness is completely normal. It gives you extra AD throughout the game.
// Havoc increases your damage by a tiny bit.
Weapon Expertise increases your damage as well, going along with the whole offensive theme here. All physical damage you deal ignores 8% of the target's armor which is nice for early armor penetration.
> Lethality gives you extra critical hit chance, which is helpful for trading if you ever get that lucky critical hit. It's useful late-game when you also start dealing lots of damage, especially on critical hits.
Brute Force gives you 2 more AD, but it's mostly a point filler.
// Frenzy isn't too bad, giving you extra attack speed after you land a critical hit. Goes well with Lethality .
Sunder gives armor penetration which gives you some extra damage early, going along with Weapon Expertise .
> Executioner gives you more power by being able to inflict more damage to low health opponents.

// Summoner's Insight reduces the cooldown on your flash, which is very important in all stages of the game, especially late game where you might need it to escape an assassin. After all, you do lack an escape.
Meditation gives you some extra mana regeneration. The most use you'll get out of this is during laning, where your mana pool is, for the most part, limited.
Improved Recall lets you go back a little faster, barely saving you from that jungler gank.
> Mastermind reduces the cooldown on your summoner spells. This is very useful. On Twitch, if you run these masteries, will have your Flash on a 255 second cooldown, while most AD Carries have it on a 300 second cooldown!
// Vampirism gives you 1% more lifesteal. Not vitally important.


>>AD Marks are pretty standard for AD Carries. These are used for last hitting, trading, and destroying turrets easier. These are essential to have, because if you don't, you'll most likely be losing trades because you're losing damage on auto-attacks and your AD scaling abilities!


>>These seals are again, essential. It helps for tanking auto-attacks, minion damage, and the occasional tower shot. Again, if you don't have these, or run some abnormal runes, you'll most likely be losing trades because of it. Throughout mid-game, you'll be reducing some of the damage you take from AD assassins.


>>Magic resist glyphs are simple too. The damage you take from support champions such as Sona and Lulu are decreased by a bit. By mid-game, it'll mitigate a tiny bit of damage from the pesky AP Carries. The mana regeneration runes will help you reduce the burden from your Venom Cask and expunge.


>>This is a little bit more dependent on comfort. I like to take 2 lifesteal quintessences and 1 AD quintessence, but you can run 3 lifesteal quintessences if you'd like. It gives you a good amount of sustain in lane combined with Doran's Blade. The 1 AD quintessence boosts your attack damage by a tiny bit, but it can be handy.


>> Flash is a very crucial summoner spell to take on any AD Carry. It helps you get out of most bad situations. It can also help you get into range to deal the killing blow that you wouldn't have gotten otherwise. Flash can also be used to jump over some walls. A tip to Flashing over walls is to put your cursor at the farthest range of Flash. It should blink you over the last little bit of the wall because of the way the game is coded.


>> Barrier is the other summoner spell that you will most likely be taking on Twitch. Barrier provides a shield for 2 seconds. It gives Twitch another defensive option, making up for a lack of defense. You'll most likely be very offensive, so if a trade if coming too close, you can pop Barrier just in case. It'll help you save yourself in most situations. It can block a lot of burst at later levels too!


>> Ignite is another option for a summoner spell. Ignite isn't that bad. It gives you some extra damage to kill your enemies, and when combined with your Deadly Venom and expunge, they won't be expecting to die so quickly. The other effect of Ignite, reducing incoming heals by 50%, can be essential to tag onto a Swain or Nidalee to prevent them from healing back up quickly.


>> Cleanse is the last summoner spell option. It's another defensive option, and it'll be very handy against team compositions that are running a lot of CC to shut you down. This can be a Charm by Ahri, or Grasping Roots by Zyra. If you use Cleanse correctly and at the right time, you'll find yourself staying alive, instead of looking a gray screen.

> expunge > >

Deadly Venom (Passive)

\\ Deadly Venom is a great passive. People often underestimate the damage it gives you, but if you have a lot of stacks up, it can really add up. It's also the main component in using your expunge ability, so you'd be nothing without this! People will often die after fights to max stacks of Deadly Venom if they're very low.

Ambush (Q)

\\ Ambush is an amazing ability. It can be used both offensively and defensively. Use it as soon as someone shows up to gank and juke them by running in an awkward direction, or use it to sneak up on someone and get a jump on them. It also gives you movement speed and makes repositioning in team fight very easy to accomplish. Do remember that when coming out of Ambush, you gain extra attack speed!

Venom Cask (W)

\\ Venom Cask is your utility skill. It's really good because it gives you 2 free stacks of Deadly Venom and slows as well. This will be your setup for most trades and fights. You can also use it to kite or run away from enemies because of the slow from Venom Cask.


Expunge (E)

\\ expunge is your bread and butter skill, and honestly what makes Twitch so strong. It does a massive amount of damage at all points of the game. Make sure you have a lot of stacks up before you use it, preferably 4 or more, or else the damage might not be what you expect. It has a pretty long range too, so you can execute people that Flash away from you with your Deadly Venom stacks up.

Spray and Pray (R)

\\ Spray and Pray is a really good ultimate. This is what allows you to be such a beast in teamfights. It gives you damage, and most importantly, range. It gives you 300 bonus range. It also applies Deadly Venom to everyone that you hit with it, so you can follow up with an expunge after spraying everyone down.

A Doran's Blade is the basic start for every AD Carry. It gives you a good amount health and AD for 475 gold. While you don't have any potions, you have your lifesteal quintessences and the life gain on hit from Doran's Blade. It'll make for an easy time trading in lane, and recovering from any bad trades you might participate. If you don't have a Doran's Blade, you'll probably be losing your trades.

  • What you most likely want to get when you go back should be a Vampiric Scepter. It gives you some extra sustain in lane.
  • Another option would be to get a B. F. Sword if you do have enough for it. It allows you to easily win trades, and gives you extra damage on your expunge.
  • If you have to go back fairly early, you can go for a second Doran's Blade.

Infinity Edge is great on Twitch. Long range champions excel with Infinity Edge because you get so many free attacks from range. When paired with Spray and Pray, you'll be putting out tons of damage. I choose to get this item first instead of Bloodthirster or Blade of the Ruined King because I want to prepare myself for the late game as soon as possible. An Infinity Edge will help you transition easily from laning phase to mid-game. Combined with Statikk Shiv, you should be doing tons of damage to the enemy.

Statikk Shiv is amazing because of the synergy it has with Infinity Edge. You always want to stack critical hit chance on top of critical hit chance to get maximum effectiveness. You might ask why I choose Statikk Shiv instead of a Phantom Dancer. You get a massive burst if you land a critical hit with your Statikk Shiv proc and Spray and Pray. This can hit all 5 players on the enemy team and absolutely decimate them. You also get very fast Statikk Shiv procs because it gains stacks off of your Spray and Pray as well. A Statikk Shiv is also a bit cheaper than Phantom Dancer, and gives a better result when you get it early

It's standard to get Berserker's Greaves on Twitch, just like any other AD Carry. Most of the time, you'll want to finish it before you complete your Infinity Edge. The attack speed and movement speed from Berserker's Greaves is a huge boost of power early/mid game. Berserker's Greaves can help you roam faster, resulting in more kills for you and your team! Who wouldn't want that?

Bloodthirster is great as a third or fourth item for Twitch. You usually want to get it after your Last Whisper. However, if the enemy team isn't stacking armor items, like Frozen Heart, you can get it as a third item to deal a lot of damage to squishy targets. The lifesteal and damage it gives is amazing once you have it stacked. It can also be used sort of like a defensive item. Sometimes, you can lifesteal tank yourself through bruisers diving you. It also gives you a really nice damage boost to your Expunge.

Phantom Dancer is a great late game item choice for Twitch. The usual scenario in which you get a Phantom Dancer is when it's very late game. At this point, you will end up selling your Statikk Shiv and replacing it with Phantom Dancer because it has a higher damage output later on. Combined with Infinity Edge, Last Whisper, and Bloodthirster, you'll be destroying anyone late game.

Blade of the Ruined King is a great offensive option for Twitch. It's traditionally built if you want to play as a split pusher. Blade of the Ruined King gives you amazing dueling potential and you can 1v1 pretty much anyone if you get the jump on them with Ambush. However, since this build rushes Infinity Edge, you should only get Blade of the Ruined King as a last item. It's very good for late game when tanks are very beefy with items like Randuin's Omen.

Last Whisper is the standard 3rd item choice for most AD Carries. It's necessary in pretty much every game as you get into the mid/late game phase where enemies are getting a lot tankier. It simply gives you the most damage when paired with your other items, Infinity Edge and Statikk Shiv. It'll help you ignore the armor of the enemies.

Banshee's Veil is a great option for your defensive item. It's especially useful against burst casters like Syndra that want to delete you off the map with one combo. It now upgrades out of a Spectre's Cowl, which isn't a bad magic resist item by itself early on. The health regeneration after taking damage is a nice stat to have as well.

Guardian Angel is the defensive item you choose when you feel like you need both some armor, and magic resist. It's great for when you are a priority target and feel like you will get dove and die no matter what. It gives you a second chance at life, which usually grants your team enough time to win the fight or back you up.

Mercurial Scimitar is the recent upgrade of Quicksilver Sash. If you have picked up a Quicksilver Sash to deal with a champion like Warwick, you'll want to upgrade it to this item when you get the gold. The Cleanse aspect is helpful when you don't have Cleanse or you already used it. Mercurial Scimitar will cleanse every debuff! This is the most offensive choice of the defensive items.

Enchantment: Distortion is the best enchant for any AD Carry. Your Flash is such a valuable tool in surviving and making plays. The more it's up, the better off you will be. You'll have a reliable escape on a shorter cooldown. Your Flash can make or break the team fight and decide the game.

Enchantment: Furor is useful to get only if you feel you are having problems kiting enemies like Nunu & Willump because of his constant slow and increased movement speed. That's probably the only reason to get Enchantment: Furor. Enchantment: Distortion would be the best choice out of these three.

Enchantment: Homeguard This is very self explanatory. If you are behind and have to defend the base this is always the best enchant you can get! If not, get a different enchantment. This gives you no stats during fights, besides the fact that you could maybe get to the fight faster. You should be better off with Enchantment: Distortion though.

AD Carries
Difficulty Scale: 5/5

Ashe Difficulty: 3/5

Ashe is a semi-difficult lane for Twitch, solely because of the extra range that Ashe has. Make sure you are careful about your positioning in lane when farming. You don't want to get poked down too much, because that will cause you to get zoned. If she TRIES to trade with you and you are actually in range, you will destroy her. This is unlikely though. You two scale equally as well, so splitting farm in the lane isn't the worst situation. Careful at 6 because she can all in you really easy with an Enchanted Crystal Arrow combo with her support, or have follow-up from a jungler.

Caitlyn Difficulty: 5/5

Caitlyn is a very difficult champion for Twitch to lane against. Caitlyn has massive range, and this is the bane of Twitch. You want to try and farm as safely as you can, and avoid taking poke from her. If she walks up to harass, try to land your Venom Cask on her and give her another auto-attack and expunge. This will be a very good trade for you. You definitely outscale her, and has a stronger all in.. So as long as you just farm you are golden. Once you get to level 6+ you can try to force an all in on her.. by stealthing right up to her and unloading with spray and pray. Try to end laning phase against this champion as soon as you can!

Ezreal Difficulty: 2/5

Ezreal is a pretty easy lane opponent for everyone, including Twitch. Make sure you stand behind creeps most of the laning phase, which allows you to dodge all of his Mystic Shots. When he walks up to farm, you can trade auto-attacks with him. If he tries to hit you back, he will lose because you're getting poison stacks up on him. Hit him with a Venom Cask plus 3-5 stack expunge. It will destroy him. You have a stronger all in at 6 as well, so as long as you don't face tank too many skill-shots, you will destroy him.

Graves Difficulty: 2/5

Twitch actually does pretty well against Graves. Graves has very short range just like you, so it's easy to trade with him. An auto-attack, Venom Cask, and expunge combo trade is about even with his Buckshot plus auto-attack, so don't be afraid to fight him. Get as many autos in on him as you can because your Deadly Venom is especially effective against Graves because it does TRUE damage, going through his True Grit passive. Be careful about stealthing up right next to him though, especially at level 6. He can delete you from the map with his HUGE burst. Also be wary about his Smoke Screen cooldown. If he smokes you out during your Spray and Pray, you're going to miss a lot of damage.

Miss Fortune Difficulty: 4/5

Miss Fortune is a very hard champion for Twitch to deal with in lane. She crushes you in normal trades, and can bully you for a lot of the early laning phase. Try to farm safely for the most part, and if she goes in for a trade, hit her with your Venom Cask to slow her and get a little damage in if you can. You outscale her greatly, so as long as you are farming in this lane, you are doing well. At 6, you can take her out pretty easily, as long as you don't stand in a full channel of her Bullet Time. Either sidestep it or Flash out of it, and go to town on her with Spray and Pray.

Tristana Difficulty: 3/5

Twitch against Tristana is a very even lane. They both have a ton of early damage+pressure in the first few levels. Only levels 1-2 are really scary for you though as Twitch, try to avoid trades especially at level 1 because explosive shot just gives her so much free damage early. Once you get around level 3+ you can trade a lot of with her, a couple autos and a cask+expunge and she'll have no answer for it. Trist kind of hits a lul in power at around 6, and you get really strong. Try to all in her to get a kill/force her out of lane every opportunity you get

Varus Difficulty: 4/5

Varus is traditionally known as a lane bully, and the fact that he has a pretty decent amount of range on you makes it a hard matchup. Play it carefully, and try to avoid poke from both his Hail of Arrows and Piercing Arrow. Varus is very vulnerable to all ins because he has no escape. If you can get on top of him with your Ambush, you will most likely win the fight. Just don't be too aggressive unless you know you can get in and go on him. Being even in farm in this lane is MORE than sufficient to carry yourself into a strong late game.

Vayne Difficulty: 2/5

This is a pretty easy lane for Twitch. Vayne is very weak early and has a low range as well. You want to bully her. As soon as you hit level 2 that's when you can start to pressure her hard. Don't be afraid to walk forward and use your Venom Cask to initiate a fight with her. If she tries to fight you, just get your autos in and when she tries to retreat, hit her with an expunge. She will get destroyed. Even at 6, when Vayne is very strong and known as a "great duelist", you can take her on. Just be careful, and ALWAYS initiate fights on her from Ambush. If you get the jump on her you will win. If she gets the jump on you, she will win.

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  • Twitch is VERY strong in the early game. He does an unreal amount of damage with his expunge. All in/trading potential is great. He does suffer from a lack of range though.
  • You can take a very early lead in the lane if you know what you are doing. At level one, a lot of AD Carries will try to trade with you. When it looks like they're winning, you will end up as a win for you as soon as you press your expunge.
  • Trade auto for auto, being careful to not get too low. As soon as you get 3+ stacks of Deadly Venom up, expunge them and they'll think twice about getting in range of you again.
  • At level two, you start to gain a bit more control, because you can actually FORCE the trades with your Venom Cask. Walk forward throw it at them, either they run away or take a few autos from you, followed up by an expunge, which is a great trade for you in most cases.
  • Splitting farm is also fine for Twitch if your opponents choose to play like *******. You scale AMAZINGLY into late game and have a great team fight as well, so don't overforce and get killed trying to be super aggressive.
  • It is quite easy to pick up kills using your Ambush. If you have someone in your lane around half hp, try to walk back into a bush where they have no vision, Ambush next to them, and try to all in. Remember to try and get as many autos you can while you're in range! Even if they Flash away you'll be able to burst them with your expunge so it's essential you get stacks up while you can.
  • At level 6, you gain a decent bit of power, but mostly just range. Don't feel like you're Jesus or something at 6. However if you're laning with someone like Sona, if she hits Crescendo on both your opponents, you'll be able to use your Spray and Pray to hit both enemy players and you can get a double kill off that.
  • Another thing is, if you're all inning at 6 and you know you can win, don't be so quick to use your Spray and Pray.Wait for them to Flash or start to run, THEN use your Spray and Pray to utilize your extra range and get those last few autos in.

Twitch is a god at team fights. His Spray and Pray lets you hit 5 players at once for a ton of damage, while staying at a VERY safe range. It's also very easy to position because of your Ambush, and you don't have to pop out until you feel that it's safe. A typical team fight should generally happen this way: the engage starts and you Ambush and disappear so that no assassin/bruiser can jump on you immediately. Once they commit to another player, because you're invisible, you come out and activate Spray and Pray, hopefully on 2 or more champions, and you go to town. Be patient until people are stacked up, or until you can hit a very high priority target before you use Spray and Pray. You might ask, "What if I don't have a chance to hit a lot of people or a good target?" Just use your NORMAL attacks to hit a bruiser/tank while positioning well until you see your opportunity for a good spray and pray. Try to get as many auto-attacks in as you can, and then follow it up with a max stack expunge. This is MASSIVE AoE damage that the enemy team is taking.

If a bruiser does get to you after you come out of Ambush, just kite backwards with your Venom Cask to slow them. Continue to hit them and the people behind them with your Spray and Pray. You have to be very careful of when you pop your Spray and Pray though. You never want to hit just one person with it in team fights, unless you have a shot on the enemy ADC, and you can just one shot him. As the fight progresses, you have AMAZING clean up potential with with your Ambush/ Venom Cask. Ambush gives you a movement speed increase so you can catch up to those low targets, hit them with a Venom Cask, and finish them off.

There's another way to team fight as Twitch too. Although a bit risky, you can Ambush INTO the enemies, get behind them, and hit Spray and Pray on all of the carries in the back. This can work well if you can kill the carries instantly, and don't get turned on/CCed instantly. It's a lot safer to team fight using the first method I explained though. Just remember to be wary about your positioning, but it should be easy using Ambush. Also, remember not to get too trigger-happy with your Spray and Pray. Wait for a good opportunity!
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