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Shen Build Guide by Chrisjeligo

AD Offtank Tanky spilt pusher Shen

AD Offtank Tanky spilt pusher Shen

Updated on June 11, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Chrisjeligo Build Guide By Chrisjeligo 2,173 Views 0 Comments
2,173 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Chrisjeligo Shen Build Guide By Chrisjeligo Updated on June 11, 2014
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The origin of this build.

After I have watch Tpa Stanley Shen so far.I realize that they are using Shen more than just a tank.He went for a really high attack speed Shen with some health.I try to go for Statik Shiv Shen but it doesn't work really well because the lag of sustaining.So I made this guide for Shen with damage,sustain and tankiness in a same time.
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Start Building.

The first item that I go for this build first again weak early game champion is a Long Sword + 3 Health potion.Again strong early game champion, I will go for 2 Rejuventaion Bead + 3 Health potion.I will finish a single item first,if you face again weak early champ.I will build toward the Vampiric first for dealing damage.In the other side,go for Tiamat first to gain more sustain.And then rush for the Hydra imediately.
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Second item.

It mostly depend on the situation,if you go for a Hydra but still get bully in lane.Go for a tanky item. I will go for a Sunfire cape for an extremely minion clearing speed with some tankiness.But still depend on which type of champ you are dealing with. You may also go for Warthog if you get an early kill and want even more sustain.If the game is in your favor,go for Wit'end for some magic resist and attack speed.This will make Shen clear a giant minion wave in a split second.Some people might want to go for a Spirit Visage if you are facing again AP top.But I dont,go for a Wit'end or a Warthog would be better for split pushing.
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Go for a tank item.

Just what the title have said.Go for tanky build.Spirit Visage,Sunfire cape,Warthog and GA,if you havent go for the Wit'end.But if you go for Wit'end,go for Sunfire cape,Spirit Visage first but Warthog or Ga depend on the situation.Fighting again high burst damage champ,go for Ga.But normally I will go for a Warthog.
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Boot ???

If you are pushing really deep most of the time, go for boot of swiftness for a better escape.
If you are fall behind in lane.Go for Mecury thread or a Taibi.Boot of mobility is not recommend in this build as you are not going to roam alot.Boot should be finish after the Hydra.
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Just do what normally Shen do.Play for your team,tank for your team and be a good player.
This is my first guide and I hope You guild will like it.Thank you for reading! :D
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Chrisjeligo
Chrisjeligo Shen Guide
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Tanky spilt pusher Shen

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