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Taric Build Guide by OTGBionicArm

Support Taric: Complete Guide to Outrageous Secret Powers.

Support Taric: Complete Guide to Outrageous Secret Powers.

Updated on May 27, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author OTGBionicArm Build Guide By OTGBionicArm 66 3 474,968 Views 132 Comments
66 3 474,968 Views 132 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author OTGBionicArm Taric Build Guide By OTGBionicArm Updated on May 27, 2014
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Table of Contents

Quick Guide


Basic Information

Advanced Tactics

Wrapping Up

Synergies and Counters
Summoner Spells

About the Author
Who is Taric?


Taric's Skillset
Skilling Order


Roaming and Ganking
Strategy and Tactics



Starting Items

Core Build

Early Game

Targon's Brace

Mid Game

Face of the mountain

Late Game


Offensive Items

Defensive Items

Talisman of Ascension

Synergies and Counters

Taric is good against:

Taric is weak against:

Taric works well with:

Summoner Spells



Flash is mandatory. Simply put. Most of the time you will want Exhaust to shut down anyone attacking your Marksman. Ignite can be useful to secure early kills, but Taric has very low kill potential against most lanes.


This is a standard page for Taric. All runes chosen feed into Taric's ability scaling and damage.


As Taric is primarily a tank support, 21 in the Defense tree feeds into his durability and his ability scaling. He can't really utilize anything from the Offensive except the CDR, and 9 in utility feels best on him, providing him with mana sustain padding and more powerful potions as well as Summoner Spell CDR.

About the Author

I'm OTGBionicArm, a veteran here on MOBAFire and Taric was the first support champion I ever played and I continue to play him on into season 4. Once heralded as the premier king of supports, he lost his title to Thresh earlier this year. Season 4 dawns and Taric has some shiny new gems and tricks up his his sleeves to rise again in popularity and reclaim his throne. I've always enjoyed playing Taric due to his extreme durability and his versatility in auras, defense, debuffs and healing.

GrandmasterD coded the entirety of this guides' format and YayaFTW created the banner and dividers.


Taric is a hybrid tank, support and healing champion that specializes in the use of armor and shredding the enemies armor. He boasts very high innate tankiness, and he also provides bronus armor and attack damage and ability power to his allies. Taric is also a competent healer, being able to heal himself and an ally for quite a bit of health due to his new defensive scalings.

In this guide I will showcase a reactive carry defense style of playing Taric, the Gem Knight. I focus on defending my carry, punishing enemy mistakes, and objective control. Taric can fit on nearly any team. He works with a majority of the marksman cast, and is easy to pick up and use in solo queue. The best time to use Taric though, is against primarily AD oriented comps, as his armor aura will make your team's overall durability much, much higher.

Just some Taric mood music; Listen while reading the guide!

Who's Taric?


+ Versatile
+ Extreme Durability
+ Targeted Stun
+ Armor Shred
+ Powerful Auras
+ Powerful Heal
+ Manly as F***

Taric's main strength lies in his auras, providing armor, attack damage and ability power to his allies. While being a strong front liner, Taric also excels at healing, but is outclassed by others like Soraka and Nami. Taric can also engage with his Dazzle and soften up enemies with his Shatter, making him a decent initiator that makes the carries job easier. Finally, Radiance is a very powerful tool for shoving down towers, or securing Dragon and Baron faster.

Taric's Limitations

Taric is a melee champion with no ranged harassment, making him very prone to ranged harass. Champions like Nami and Caitlyn will make his life hell, and force him to burn mana on Imbue, quickly diminishing his meager mana pool. Taric is very predictable in his engagements, so it's better to wait for enemies to overdo a play and make mistakes. While this is common enough in solo queue to win, the higher up the tiers you go, less mistakes will be made for you to capitalize on.


- Low Mobility
- Predictable
- Prone to Harass
- High Mana Costs
- Passive Sucks in Lane
- Low Early Damage
- "Fabulous" -.-

Taric's Skillset

Taric's passive causes the auto attack after each one of his spell casts to deal bonus magical damage and reduce all of his cooldowns by 2 seconds. Proper weaving of auto attacks between Taric's abilities can allow him to chain his Dazzle and Shatter in quick succession. This passive is amazing in team fights and skirmishes, but is less than useful in lane.

Taric's heal is very potent. It has a highh base healing value as well as a small AP ratio and bonus health ratio. It's great for keeping you and your carry up and kicking in lane but using it often rapidly burns your mana. Also note that the heal is far greater when used only on yourself, making Taric extremely difficult to kill.

This is the core of Taric's kit. This ability provides an armor aura for nearby enemies based off a percentage of Taric's armor, as well as providing him even more bonus armor. The active use of this ability will remove Taric's bonus armor for the cooldown, and high high magical damage and shred the enemy's armor. Due to the heavy armor scaling on this ability, the core build in this guide should run you over 250 armor in most games.

Taric's stun is one of the most potent in the game because it is targeted and ranged. The base damage increases the closer Taric is to his target, but you'll likely use it from max range nearly every time anyway if you are engaging. more than often though, you will be using this defensively to disable enemy carries when your carry is engaged upon by the enemy support.

Taric's ultimate has very high base damage and provides an absolutely massive offensive aura to your allies. In fights it is used to all-in and kill things as fast as possible, but it has many other uses. It's short cooldown allows Taric to use it for simply things like wave clearing and shoving, and it's primary use outside of combat is to secure Towers, Inhibitors, Dragons, and Baron Nashor as fast as possible. This ability makes Taric very powerful on a siege composition, particularly with Caitlyn.

Skilling Order




















Maxing Shatter is Taric's standard affair. It increases his durability, burst damage, and armor shredding abilities. Maxing any of his other abilities first is not advised. Maxing Dazzle second will maximize your CC up time and give you a bit more damage. Using your passive properly, you'll be chaining stuns with ease in team fights. Maxing Imbue second can be good for baiting with heals, but its mana cost is atrocious if you max it early.


When itemizing Taric, as with many supports, you should be focusing on 3 key things; Durability, Utility, and Effective Cost. Supports simply don't have the gold to be buying crazy items like Warmog's Armor or other items that are either too expensive, or don't provide enough utility to the team.
Let's go over some items that are arguably the best you can buy for Taric as well as a few interesting picks.

Targon's brace
Early Game

Pretty much the core build. Try to get these by your first or second back for maximum gold generation and efficiency.

Face of the Mountain
Mid Game

Around this point you'll be doing a lot more roaming, warding, and de-warding. Use your Face of the mountain active to protect key members and use them as bait with your heal in team fights. Remember to keep using your stacks to execute minions as often as you can.

Late Game

These will be your main defensive items to stack armor for everything that is Shatter. Frozen Heart and Randuin's Omen fuel all of Taric's scalings and solidify him in his niche role of countering full AD teams. Use your auras and Omen's active to shut down AD champions that are coming for your carries. Banshee's Veil is a final item, or you can get it sooner if AP is more threatening to you than AD.

Offensive Buys

Iceborn Gauntlet synergizes so well with Taric's new kit, it's insane. The only reason it isn't in the core build is because it's expensive and I prefer to have utility items as core. This item will allow Taric to deal significant damage with his Gemcraft combos. Thornmail is a cheap and massive armor boost that feeds into your armor ratios further and provides reflection damage to attackers. If you need a lot of armor fast and wanna deal some extra damage too, look no further. Sunfire Aegis is more for a fed Taric. It provides beastly defensive stats early on and the magical damage over time is very helpful to Taric because he is very cooldown reliant to deal damage. Be aware that this item is best used when rushed and is far less useful later on.

Talisman of ascension
Defensive Buys

You can opt for the Talisman of ascension line over face of the mountain if you prefer the team wide speed boost, which helps your team capitalize on your Dazzle. Locket of the Iron Solari provides one of the best team fighting actives in the game and helps your team shrug off heavy AP teams. Mikael's Blessing is an amazing optional item on Taric as it fixes a lot of his mana issues. The active is also another heal, as well as a cleanse for him to save his allies. Burst healing with this item and Imbue can be super clutch.


Taric's weakest point is laning phase. He often struggles against high poke supports and carries, and his main priority is usually to keep himself and his carry alive. If your carry is attacked, use Dazzle on their carry and Shatter both enemies if you can. If your carry fights back a bit, you can win trades by playing defensively and reactively, rather than man-moding into people with Dazzle. If a carry oversteps to grab a creep though, you have full permission to Rambo that champion to death for making the mistake of coming to close to you.

Taric's Shatter aura goes a long way to protecting himself and his carry from physical harass, from the likes of champions such as Caitlyn or Ezreal. These champions are also hilariously squishy as it is, so catching them off guard with Dazzle and Shatter can create easy kills for high damage carries like Sivir or Graves.

Being void of mobility and very little CC, Taric's lane is prone to being ganked. Be sure to ward properly to avoid this. However, remember that Taric is durable as hell. You can bait out fights when their jungler ganks, if you know yours can get there in time to counter gank. Let them focus you and hopefully your carry and your jungler will collect 2 or more kills. If you have to die so that your carry or other allies may get kills and live, do so.

Warding and Ganking

This guide is about how to play Taric and not how to play supports in general, this isn't the place to learn general warding and support behavior. However, I can tell you that Taric can often punish other supports when waging "ward wars" with them. Proper use of Dazzle and Shatter on squishier supports like Sona will seriously injure them, or get them killed by your carry. Just remember; remove their wards, then replace yours. If you know the enemy has a support has a Vision Ward out, wait for a safe moment to bonk it to death.

Taric is also an decent roamer and ganker, and if your enemies have gone back to base, you can opt to roam up to mid lane for an attempt at a gank. using Flash out of a bush into Dazzle, Radiance and Shatter can create a very surprising gank, but this will fail if they had the area warded and they knew you were coming. Sometimes it's better to just do your entire combo at once, instead of proccing Gemcraft between abilities, simply to kill your gank target faster.


Taric isn't exactly the best team fighter. However, he creates a lot of invisible power for his team through his auras. His primary duty in team fights is to catch out a key target with Dazzle and then protect and peel for his AD and AP carries.

Assassins and Bruisers will be the prime targets of Taric's Shatter and Dazzle as he peels for his team mates. Shatter will reduce tanks and bruisers to squishies, and Assassins into mush. If your carries don't cower and run, and instead stand and fight with you, they should make short work of these champions.
Taric should almost always be accompanied by a high damage AD character when roaming around the map. If he catches out a lone champion with Dazzle and Shatter, it can be a very easy kill for his team. You should be diligently removing wards around the map and placing your own to create safe havens for your team, and badlands for your enemies.

Remember to heal your low health allies with Imbue and use your items actives to heal, shield, and protect allies and mitigate burst damage.

Strategy and Tactics

In a nutshell, we've covered Taric's core gameplay, stun people, shred their armor and protect your carries. But now I will go over some more advanced tricks and nifty hints.

Basic Attacks

Taric's passive takes a bit of finesse to use now. Weaving auto attacks in between every ability use will allow you to rapidly chain Dazzle and Shatter, if you have enough CDR. This will burn your mana easily, however, so be careful to hit the right enemies and heal the right allies with each spell cast.

Item Actives

Taric's core build is filled to the brim with item actives. Each one for specific purposes. You may find yourself confused with so many hot keys, especially when using a normal mouse. Highly suggest investing in a multi-button mouse to easily use your item actives. Not just for Taric but for supporting in general, as they tend to use the most active items.


Dazzle is a very powerful stun, however it has some issues. You should never walk towards enemies with the intent of stunning them, unless you are simply zoning them. Not only is this predictable, but it gives them ample time to react and get out of harms way before the stun hits them. The projectile for this ability is very slow and even if it hits, it won't stun targets like Graves, or Ezreal until they reach the end of their respective dash and blink abilities.


Do not be afraid to use Radiance for things like pushing turrets, or clearing minion waves. The cool down is very short and it will likely be up again by the time you'll need it. Multiple ranged AD characters ( Jayce, Jinx, Nidalee) greatly benefit from this ability when pushing towers or securing other objectives.


In lane, Taric compliments nearly every carries. Specific synergies include Graves, Vayne and Jinx. Taric and Graves are a great combo due to the armor aura stacking with his True Grit, making him very tanky for a marksman. Vayne gets a massive power spike at level 6 and Radiance gives her even more AD to fuel this spike. Additionally, Taric makes a very good body guard for her with his armor aura, which will mitigate harass she takes. Lastly, Jinx is Taric's best companion on a siege composition due to her Pow pow machine gun. With your ult, she will demolish towers, even at low levels in a matter of seconds.

Taric synergizes less with his team, and more with the enemy team's composition. Teams with 3 or more AD champions will find it very hard to deal damage to Taric's team in the early and mid game. However, Taric is a very poor initiator compared to most tanks or bruisers, so having one for Taric to follow up with does wonders for team fight execution.


Taric suffers against high harass supports. Particularly, Mage supports like Morgana and Nami give him hell because they build AP and deal massive magical damage. Taric does not like having to build MR early on, so fighting primarily AP oriented teams is bothersome for the Gem Knight.

High mobility champions like Ezreal and Kassadin also give Taric grief because Dazzle does not catch them out anywhere near as easily as other champions. Against these types of champions, you have to wait until they waste their blink or dash moves before striking.


This concludes my guide to Taric, the Gem Knight. He is a rather easy champion to pick up and play and I highly recommend him for newer support players! I hope you enjoy playing him as much as I do, and appreciate how outrageous he and his gems are. That's all for now, and remember that Taric offers more than just precious stones. He brings you outrageous secret powers!


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League of Legends Build Guide Author OTGBionicArm
OTGBionicArm Taric Guide
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