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Taric Build Guide by Taric ADC

Support Taric Pyke

Support Taric Pyke

Updated on November 17, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Taric ADC Build Guide By Taric ADC 3,597 Views 0 Comments
3,597 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Taric ADC Taric Build Guide By Taric ADC Updated on November 17, 2024
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Taric
    Default Taric
  • LoL Champion: Pyke
    Default Pyke

Runes: Default

1 2 3 4
Lethal Tempo
Presence of Mind
Legend: Alacrity
Last Stand

Second Wind

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


Double Ignite is meh, so we run Exhaust+Ign. You can also exhaust enemys to slow them early. Espaccially lvl 1
LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
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Champion Build Guide

Taric Pyke

By Taric ADC
How to use Pyke Taric
LvL 1: Best case you team invades and you kill the first person you see.
Otherwise you both wait in a bush and hook someone. As soon as the hook is cast cast taric so. The enemys lands and you instantly stun him. You click and kill him.

Lvl 2: You use Taric E and right before the stuns, pyke dashes forward to stun the enemy and stats to channel his hook immidietly. As soon as the hock is ready to full, use it. The stun duration is long enoth that enemys without tenecity will always be pulled back. You both rightclick the enemy, and hes dead.

Lvl 3: Pyke uses his W and goes invis. Now enemys cant see Taric E unless they see Pyke aswell. Best case: taric is in a bush and unseen. So there is no indication, that they will be stunned.
Pyke hooks the enemy and waits with his E to react to flashes/dashes. If they have non, chain CC by dashing as you Hook.

Lvl 4: NOW you are finnaly strong, the 2 Points in Taric Q double his heal. You win nearly every single 2v2. (If you play it perfectly there is no enemy that can win just by stats. Just get good!)

Lvl 6: Finnallyy!!! You reached your Peak. You can kill enemys in a 2v3 if they are not to feed. If you have your Jgl botside, you can probably 3v5.

From here on you stats to fall off. Use your lead and tempo to go mid after you got the tower.
When can you fight Enemys?
If the jgl is not with them, you win on every level and should at least go for trades(Pyke hooks into Taric stun and you attack them with Hail(pyke) and passive(taric)
And just walk out.
Good versus competent enemys(engage tanks)
Gameplay when you cant kill botlane?
You cant kill botlane?
Try to catch enemys midgame, Play dirty and use numbers advantage. Invade with your jgl, gank mid, gank top. Play for objectives.

You do win lvl 6 always. I cant think of enemys who can lvl against you unless your fed way to hard.
How do you communicate, and how do you prep and tie a fight on botlane?
We call out cooldowns for out most important spells.
Taric: E 3 = E in 3 seconds
Pyke: On out of: E 3, Q 2, W 5 depending on what he intends to use.
We always repsond with the coresponding CD
And you call the one to target:

Pyke: E 4 on Lux -> Taric: E 3 = We play that.
Pyke: E 4 on Lux -> Taric: E 6 = We DONTĀ“T!!! play that. -> So Taric says after attack somehting: E 1 and pyke gives the go.

Taric: E 4 on Lux -> Pyke: E 3, Hook 2 = We play that.

Then we just play muscel memory but still call spells and cooldowns and every single E 1/ Q 1 etc.
What is the general game length you are aiming for?
We always try to end as fast as possible. Duo to pyke ult and the kills+tower. We always have the most gold in the game. So every minute after min 20 wont make us any stronger.
When do you spike? how do you play around it?
lvl 4 for 2 Taric Q points.
lvl 6 for ults.
Mana cystal on taric.
Frozen heart.
and PERMA fight from lvl 4 on.
Who is csing? How do you protect pyke from poke
Pyke is the one who gets the most of the farm. Taric uses his passive on minions, so he steals a lot.

There is no need for protection, either you just give up and let them push in or you kill them.
Any early issues and solutions?
We are by far the strongest early ^^
What skin pairing looks best together is obviously the most important question
Taric is outrages regardless, so as long as Pyke has a cool skin, you are good to go.
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