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Taric Build Guide by Piccettin0

Top Taric Top 14.6

Top Taric Top 14.6

Updated on March 20, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Piccettin0 Build Guide By Piccettin0 6 0 25,193 Views 0 Comments
6 0 25,193 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Piccettin0 Taric Build Guide By Piccettin0 Updated on March 20, 2024
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Runes: VS Bruiser/Ranged

1 2
Phase Rush
Manaflow Band

Biscuit Delivery
Cosmic Insight

+10% Attack Speed
+2% Movement Speed
+10-180 Bonus Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


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Champion Build Guide

Taric Top 14.6

By Piccettin0
- (Passive): The passive of taric is the thing that allows u to do damage and stay toplane. It gives u a lot of good thing like 1)Attack speed for two autos 2)Magic damage that scale with ur LvL and Armor 3)All the Passive Autoattacks riduces the CD of your spell by 1s (WATCH DANCING TARIC)
- (Q) Cooldown=15s:The Q is the Healing potential of Taric, beacuse heal the champions near u and the champions near the link one (with ur W) in a good Area. This spell have Stack which increase all level (es: 1 point Q ---> 1 stack / 4 points Q ---> 4 stacks). All the time you use the passive u recive a stack of Q that makes the dancing taric all the time 2 stack of healing that is good
- (W) Cooldown=15s: The W of Taric have a Passive and a Active.
The Active is to link to one of ur allies that give him a shield, when u are linked to someone all the spell you use your "partner" throws them too (Q/E/R) and give him Armor Stat (u have this buff on ur armor also if u are not linked with none). This, if u think, it's very good beacuse ur link have a good range and u can heal for distance your allieas and block them with ur double stun that give a limitation to your Enemy. In Toplane is very good beacuse u can link ur jungler and all the time is in ranged they link automatically with ur last team member without reuse ur W on him (a Free Shield)
- (E) Cooldown=16s/15s/14s/13s/12s: I love the E Interaction of Taric, he canalize the E for one Sec and stun all the enemy in there, its a big rettangle in first look but if u move orizzontaly at last moment he became a trapezoid and that means that u have a more radious of stun ( u have to learn how to use it, it's the key to play in lane)
- (R) Cooldown=180s/150s/120s: Is a big cooldown ulti but beacuse it's very very strong beacuse after 2.5s of canalization if u use well all of ur teamates is invulnerable for 2.5. Ur ultimate have the power to Win a lost fight but the timing is the important part, u have to try and understand when use it to maximaise the efficency of ur team and save the game, when u are in the ulti you can heal your allies
Dancing Taric
"Dancing Taric" Is the only combo that Taric have to deal some damage.
Consist of use ur Q+AA+AA+Q+AA+AA+...
This combo permits to Taric to heal himself and the other teamates
The working is easy ur passive give you attack speed al the time you use a spell for the next 2 autoattacks, it's very important to don't miss a Autoattack during the combo beacuse u heal slower and do less damage and waste mana and ability cdr to other spell.
LvL 1-5
Use ur TP if you die early, you have to reach LvL 5 Faster
Never engage try to farm under tower and in distance with ur E, try sometimes to hit with ur stun the minion and the enemy champion.
When u are LvL 5/6 go back to base and buy ur items and u have to decide what u do.
LvL 5-6
U watch ur team stat and do this thing:
1)If the lane Botlane is feed return Top and stay in ur lane
2)If the enemy Botlaner is feed don't go u give him only other kills return Top and stay in ur lane
3)If is equal TP bot and help ur botlane to win the lane with ur R and ask the help of the jungler in case is a 2v3 or a 2v4 that he can't win, after that probably ur tower toplane is gone, u now have to defende the second tower and power farm to reach the enemy top laner
4)Help mid if is a little behind
5)In this season the objective Top are a lot stronger and u have to always help ur jungler to do it
The rest of the game are u that heal 1000% ur team and tank and stun a lot
U go always for teamfight in the river u have a lot of utility
If lane is very difficult go farm safe under tower and when u are LvL 6 start roaming across the map
Roaming and Help Lane
You are Toplane and now the toplane mean something about the priority of objective top like Voidgrabs and the Herald that give u and the other lane a big help to destroy the enemy tower. That means is very important to help ur jungler to do objective and in case of fight to kill all the enemy that interrupt you and your jungler to do the objective. Try to arriive in the objective Area with a 60%-75% of health in case push the wave go back take the boots and go to help ur jungler.
You are a good presence in the river Top side when u see a fight try to go in to take an assist (you can go in use a W and a Q and leave and pray god that ur allies survive and kill the enemy to give you an assist, but it's better if you stay beacuse you are a good frontline in equal fight)
If your jungler want to invade u can go to help him, you can lose some minions and exp to help your allies.
When you go bot or mid the 80% of the time they star to spamping you, but Taric don't give a damn about ping and try to push the wave as much as you can and when you see the opportunities zone the enemy with your ultimate and E. When you use ur ultimate undertower remeber that you are always targetted(pay attention of that) and there are more scenarios:
1) Your allies kill the enemy laner and now u have is respect(beacuse it takes the gold of the kill and the gold from the tower)
2) The Enemy laner choose to live and go back under the second tower that gives you to take a lot of plates or the tower and you can heal yourself and your member team when you do the tower with your Q
3) The Enemy laner is not scared because he know the enemy jungle is coming to help him in the fight but a 2v2 with taric is preatty hard and a lot of time dies both
4) Taric dies but help a lot the lane with some kill on the ADC or The Midlaner, it's not very important if you die if you give your death worth for carryies
5) Worst scenarios All Die, this is complicated if we are in botside beacuse means that you gives 3 kill or assist to the enemy botlane, if mid take a double means something but less than a death botlane.

When u are botlane try to focus your healing and shiealding process to the carry, but try to minimize the death count of your team

Roaming is good if you take advantage to other lane but you cannot do that vs heavy splitpusher or powerfarming Toplaner
Taric R
Taric unfortunally is not a very common champion and this is bad, beacuse a low-medium Elo for some reason u can have a good timing R but your Team don't know what it is and works and you waste a good ulti for nothing.
I try to tell you some ideal spot and tips to use your Ultimate:
1) Remember to use your W to an allies before using your ultimate probability to take more allies possible
2) Never use your ultimate when you are alone it's a waste when u are in mid/late game, i prefer to die once thinking of a future fight that can give to my team 2+ kills
3) Use it in the same time 2 more enemy start a fight with your allies and try to catch the 2 with ur speed and CC Potential
4)I like to have it when we start an objective because he gives the security to take that objective and more % of stay alive if an enemy or more came in the place and try to kill us
In this part I want to show you why buy this item and why is good for Taric buy them and for your Team(in this day I try to Build different build not only with Tanky items, if i find something I put it in the guide)

- Iceborn Gauntlet: Very good Item on Taric beacuse give you the Perfect stat, and you can Proc the Slow Area every Time. I prefer to Build the Armor first beacuse you have your W/E who scale on Armor and give you more
survivability in lane. I build it 80% Vs AD or tank or vs that champion that continuos to jump or dash, in late is very good beacuse the area of the slow scale with your maximum health and it's like to have a glacial augment but with lower countdown of Proc

- Fimbulwinter: This is one of my faovorite item to build on Taric beacuse give you Ton of Healt and Ton of Mana (more mana more health). It's a unique interaction with this item, if you immobilazing a enemy you obtain a shield and beacuse Taric is a meelee you can slow Enemy and he proc the shield, its a good synerge with . More enemy are near when you immobilaze or slow an enemy and the shield will be bigger.

- Spirit visage: It's an Item that is very nice on Taric because give u the sustain and the resistence you need on Taric but remeber the effect of 25% of shielding and healing it's only on Taric and not for other members of your team

- Anathema's Chains: It give ton of Health and a good way to "nerf" the enemy feded I like to build it at second Item if I see a good feded Enemy. I buy it in case there are all AD and one AP who do a lot of damage/damage over the Time. You can use it with for first Item and after go to second Item

- Abyssal Mask: It's a Very cheap Item who give you good Stat, it's good when you have in Team a mage or something doing Magical Damage beacuse reduce the Magic Resistence of the enemy near you and give you 9 magic resistence depending on how much enemy are near you

- Force of Nature: This Item give you a indecent ammount of Magic Resistence (125 at max for like 7s) And more give you 5% of movement speed that is good on Taric and a Max Stack Other 10% that is very good because you can change position faster and help your team

- Frozen Heart: All the Stat Taric wants are in this Item. The Absurd part is this Item it's only 2500g

- Jak'sho: It's a finisher Item for me like 5th or 6th Item, because he give you a ton of stat in a very low time, 5s in combact and give you 30% increase Armor and Magic Resist

- Thornmail: I take it only if the enemy toplaner heals a lot and there is other vs me that can heal in the enemy team (Like supports or Junglers)

- Randuin's Omen: It's a very good stat Item and vs feded ADC it's very good because decrease the damage of Crit by a lot and is active is a Slow Area that helps you to catch enemy with your E easly

- Warmog's: I like to build that if I'm ahead, and after core item you became the biggest wall ever with continue healing and healing when you are not in fight that was good

Item to be supportive for your team

- Knight's vow: I love this Item. It give on Taric the stat that he want. I buy it when I have in my team A feded one and I link me to him to give him a lower chance to be killed and for me a good healing and becaming is Unkillable Frontline. Sometimes I build it for first Item when I see our Botlane is loosing and I go and link the ADC and try to help early

- Ardent censer: I like it a lot beacuse in Teamfight you proc It 100% of the time for all of your team member it means You give a 25% Attack Speed and a 20 Magic damage On Hit global to your Team (to proc you need to shield or heal someone, not youself)

- Echoes of Helia: You have to know how works this Item but with that you can maximise your healing power on your Team member and deal bonus magical damage passivly on your enemy during fight (like a thornmail). All the time you hit an ability or a Autoattack it give you a stack for a max of 3 (E-Auto-Auto 3stack, Q-Auto-Auto-Q-Auto-Auto) and when you heal or shield a allies you consume the stack and heal more your teamate and deal magical damage on a enemy

- Zeke's Convergence: It's a good Item on Taric but you have to go in the middle of the enemy team to slow them using ur ultimate that is good because your allieas have the time to came and do something

- Solari: I build it only when I have all squishy teamate and there are some enemy with spell or ulti with a huge area

- Redemption: I like it beacuse give you a lot of shield and heal power and when you die when you cast your Ultimate and you can use it while you are died and healing your teamates when he was in your Ultimate
If you want ask me something or help me to complete the guide you can do it in the comment area
Thanks for All <3
pls vote up if u like it
It's not finished yet but i try to update this guide every patch and add or change something
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Piccettin0
Piccettin0 Taric Guide
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Taric Top 14.6

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