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Ashe Build Guide by NGNL Asian

The Arrows of Cancer

The Arrows of Cancer

Updated on January 1, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author NGNL Asian Build Guide By NGNL Asian 4,731 Views 0 Comments
4,731 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author NGNL Asian Ashe Build Guide By NGNL Asian Updated on January 1, 2016
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Path #1: Attack Speed first. AD later (Late Game Burst). You're really weak until mid game.
Path #2: AD first. AS later (Mid game). You're sustainable

For the last items please refer to the situational builds
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Situational Builds explanations

Phantom Dancer: You get into 1v1 fights a lot
Blade of the Ruined King: More lifesteal
Rapid Firecannon: Split pushing and pushing
Youmumu's Ghostblade: You don't do enough damage
Lord Dominik's Regards: Anti tanks
Mortal Reminder: Against non tanky champs
Mercurial Schimitar: Reduce stuns and slows and debuffs
Death's Dance: If you have a insane healer
Frozen Mallet: More hp and slowing
Lord Van Damm's Pillager: If you're quite fed and they escape you a lot
Iceborn Gaunlet: More HP mana etc
Guardian's Angel: Revive
The Black Cleaver: Tank Deleter
Wit's End: Some magic resist and atk spd
Maw of Malmortius: Shielding wise and some ad
Banshee's Veil: Magic resist and shielding from passive
Muramana: If you have a long time to stall with
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League of Legends Build Guide Author NGNL Asian
NGNL Asian Ashe Guide
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The Arrows of Cancer

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