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Fiddlesticks Humor Guide by Helms Hammerhand

ADC The only and real ADC: Classic Crittlesticks (Humor guide)

ADC The only and real ADC: Classic Crittlesticks (Humor guide)

Updated on May 12, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Helms Hammerhand Build Guide By Helms Hammerhand 31,813 Views 1 Comments
31,813 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Helms Hammerhand Fiddlesticks Build Guide By Helms Hammerhand Updated on May 12, 2014
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You are bored?
You wanna play something different?
You like crit chance on ADCs?

Hes one of the best Crit-ADCs with a 100% Crit chance!
The only ADC with a fear!
And the perfect lategame carry, if you are in a close game!

Attention!! If you dont wanna get blamed, flamed and banned NEVER play Crittlesticks in ranked...
Attention!! If you dont like english grammar mistakes please LEAVE!
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Summoner Spells

Flash and Heal are actually the best summoner spells for crittlesticks, because youre always able to escape in early game. If youre flash isnt up better play passive and use your Crowstorm passively.
Sometimes its better if you use your Heal before the enemy can cc you, because you get a movement speed buff and this can help you to escape from a gank.
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Fiddlesticks passive isnt that good for Crittlesticks, because you mainly deal AD dmg, but this spell can be very usefull in early game for your trades.

I always skill Terrify first, because this ability is perfect for early game trades, if the enemys adc is feared he cant deal damage to you ;D
This ability is very important to save you from incoming damage. If a bruiser sticks on you in lategame its really usefull to fear him and crit him in his face.

Bountiful Harvest isnt that usefull for Crittlesticks too, because you cant Crit the enemy if you drain him, but your crit damage is quiet better. It can be usefull to give one point into Bountiful Harvest because you need substain in early game.

Reap is the perfect Crittlesticks-Antimage-Spell, because you can silence him after you Terrify him and he can still do no damage to you while you crit him in HIS FACE. The damage of this spell is pretty nice in early game too.

Your main escape spell, like i explain in my Crittlesticks tips. In your early this spell has much damage too and it can be usefull to take it as your engage spell, but remember you are squishy!
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Why Crittlesticks?

Main idea of Crittlesticks:

->dealing DAMAGE

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Pros / Cons


+ Crits and attack speed
+ Good CC with q and e
+ Gapcloser


- Nearly no Survivability
- No Built In Substain
- Vulnerable
- if there is a assassin in the enemy team you will have a bad time
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Team Work

I really like it if i have a Thresh or a Janna as support, because they are able to save me from the enemys jungler.
If you play Crittlesticks tell your support he shall rush Mikaels, because this item can save you from cc.
A Mikael makes you to the COUNTER CC CRITTLESTICKS you want to be. (Thats cool because its a alliteration)
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Some Crittlesticks tips

As Crittlesticks youre not THAT tanky -> thats why you should use youre ult to counter a gank.
But theres a big Problem: If you use your ult a thresh or somebody with knockback will interrupt your Crowstorm.
The best way to save you with youre ultimate is the following:
If you go in a bush the enemy cant see you (if the bush isnt warded) and cant attack you.
You can start your Crowstorm in a brush to jump to your turret in safetly.
Otherwise you can use this:
This is really riskfull, because the enemy is able to interrupt your Crowstorm.
But nobody can follow you over that wall, if they use no Flash or bigger gapclosers, like Ezreals Arcane Shift.
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Ranked Play

Please never play him in ranked because he sucks as hell....
Youre team will feed and everybody think youre THE REASON...

Thats all i want to say about "Ranked play with Crittlesticks"
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Thank you for your attention!

Special thanks to Riot, because they didnt banned me after i played Crittlesticks so many times ...

Enjoy youre own Crittlesticks !
Feedback for following guides would be very nice <3


another good Crittlesticks guide:
(but not totally updated)

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League of Legends Build Guide Author Helms Hammerhand
Helms Hammerhand Fiddlesticks Guide
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The only and real ADC: Classic Crittlesticks (Humor guide)

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