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Anivia Build Guide by DynamicConscious

Middle The Real Battle Mage: Anivia

Middle The Real Battle Mage: Anivia

Updated on July 4, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DynamicConscious Build Guide By DynamicConscious 2,377 Views 0 Comments
2,377 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author DynamicConscious Anivia Build Guide By DynamicConscious Updated on July 4, 2021
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Runes: Mobility and Burst 1

1 2
Cheap Shot
Eyeball Collection
Ravenous Hunter

Magical Footwear
Approach Velocity

+8 Ability Haste
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
+6 Armor


1 2
Kill Pressure
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


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Champion Build Guide

The Real Battle Mage: Anivia

By DynamicConscious
The Masteries
The Domination option is fairly meta, which doesn't need much explanation. However, the change that might pique the interest of others is the approach velocity, as I do not think this passive ability gets much attention. I got the idea from playing ashe, but when I realized the potential on Anivia, I thought about the potential for capitalizing on it.

Anivia's greating weakness is her mobility problems and long cool downs, and this is the first step to solve these issues. With Approach velocity, the moment you cast your Q and hit someone, you are able to essentially sprint towards them and use your E or whatever combo you want to commit to. The same can be done for using your ultimate. Despite your ultimate not coming to full potential until 1.5 seconds, it still slows the target, which will give you the opportunity to catch up to them if you are chasing. With the new changes to Anivia's ultimate having almost no cooldown, this is dangerous and convenient for chasing people. Try this out.

The defense runes are due to her poor survivability and not really needing early game AP. Her ratios are fine enough and she tries to shine mid-late game anyway, so I see that AP as not being very useful because she does a ton of damage without the extra Adaptive damage, especially if you are using electrocute correctly. Furthermore, the ability haste is to further improve upon her poor cooldowns. One might not think she has long cooldowns, but the worst feeling is using all your abilities and then becoming a sitting duck, the point of this build is to negate that.
Why Use This Build
I will preface this by saying that the changes that Riot gave to Anivia really help you considerably because she was like a slow bursting mage. I have been playing Anivia for a long as I can remember, I am not any amazing player or any amazing ranked player, but I do enjoy theory and trying to be innovative.

The Problems I try to Solve:
    Long Cool Downs
    Sitting Duck Syndrome

I have been trying to build for about 2 months before making this guide, and it is my first guide, but I am a passionate Anivia player and I think she has some of the most amazing potential. What had me really consider this change is due to how fast League of Legends has become, and how hard it was to play her against all of these champs with insane mobility. Also, how you could just use you Q and R and E, but after bursting someone, feeling like you can't follow up any further. Essentially feeling like a burst mage and I hated that feeling in this fast meta. So I decided to try to make her a true battlemage, where I actually feel like she is fighting and consistently contributing instead of waiting around constantly for cooldowns and being slow and getting killed for it.

With this build, you will be able to achieve the full potential of Anvia, using you masteries, you are able to obtain essentially perpetual movement speed by using "Approach Velocity," and one you get the Cosmic Drive with T2 boots, you will feel the difference and you will think the old Anivia is slow and clunky. For the players that prefer that feeling, by all means, use it, but this is for people that might want to try something different.

If an Anivia player knows how to properly spam her E, you will see yourself getting off two frostbites within roughly 3-4 seconds, and this will not only surprise you, but surprise your target, as they will think you are done with your burst, but then you immediately follow up with another, and then are either dead or almost dead. You can destroy objectives extremely quickly, and chase down targets efficiently, all while playing this champ that moves as slow as molasses.

I urge everyone to give this a try and tell me what you think. This is my First guide, so please tell me how I can improve this.

Thank you for reading!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DynamicConscious
DynamicConscious Anivia Guide
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The Real Battle Mage: Anivia

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