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Irelia Build Guide by CrazyPandaRO

AD Offtank The Will of...I don't know...

AD Offtank The Will of...I don't know...

Updated on March 2, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author CrazyPandaRO Build Guide By CrazyPandaRO 1,223 Views 0 Comments
1,223 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author CrazyPandaRO Irelia Build Guide By CrazyPandaRO Updated on March 2, 2013
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This is my first guide and i am not from America or U.K.,so if i do mistakes,please comment!Okay...and...ummm im CrazyPandaRO,LOL name:Alexynnio.

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Why AD Quints?Because u want to play a tanky with a big amount of damage Irelia.Basic defensive stats with MR Glyphs and Armor Seals.But now it comes the big part:Attack Speed Marks.And why?Because your W is a high damage Active skill with duration :))

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Tanky masteries...

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First we need to eliminate the Crowd Control,cuz u want to play tanky so u take Mercury.Black Cleaver for dmg and Hp,then Warmong to make the noobs focus you.Thornmail for a 1v1 with a strong ADC or jungler,top laner,idk.Trinity Force with a rush in zeal for completing ur Runes.And the Mallet(u can take it earlier if the enemies keep evade with all what u have:Slow or Stun,Flash,Q).

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Classic Flash and Ignite.If u wanna to,u can take Heal or Barrier,not the ignite.

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Pros / Cons


3 sec:Pentakill
Q makes the farm awesome
She's not nerfed :))
She can kill caries very easy


No Gear,No win
Defensive runes,Masteries dependent
Ure meele :(
Activate W!!!

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Team Work

Play Tanky!,Engage!

As a tanky Champ,u will engage,and bait the enemies!U will need to Roam and sacrifice yourself to save a squishy champ with a big amount of dmg.

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League of Legends Build Guide Author CrazyPandaRO
CrazyPandaRO Irelia Guide
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The Will of...I don't know...

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