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Draven Build Guide by garcohen

There is no other Draven

There is no other Draven

Updated on July 29, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author garcohen Build Guide By garcohen 2,189 Views 0 Comments
2,189 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author garcohen Draven Build Guide By garcohen Updated on July 29, 2014
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LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


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Hey everyone, Doc Wumbo here to give you an amazing guide into Draven, the glorious executioner. I have been a Draven main since yesterday and since then, I got to say that i have improved so much. In fact, i climbed the "ELO ladder" within 5 hours; I went from cardboard 9 to bronze 5. And without further ado, here is my guide! :D
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x3Attack damage is vital on Draven for early game Kills

x9 Attack damage is vital on Draven because he needs to be Draven

x9 Draven needs Armor because it helps early game sustain.

x9 This is the most important part about Draven runes, because once the enemy team sees that you have 11 Ability power, they will be overwhelmed by your extreme power and skill, they will be forced to afk.
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21 points into the offensive mastery tree:
Draven needs the intense early game damage so he can snowball like crazy

9 points into the defensive mastery tree:
Draven needs some sustain in lane
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Berserker's greaves is well needed for the movement speed and attack speed

Draven needs to rush Infinity Edge because it gives extreme damage and an amzing passive

Statikk Shiv gives Draven more crit chance and paired with Infinity edge, He can 2 shot people.

Bloodthirster gives great sustain from the shield and the lifesteal. It also gives great damage.

More damage, armor pen, what more do you need on Draven?

Why Nashor's Tooth? Because Draven.
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Pros / Cons

- He has an awesome Stache
- He is the League
- Only viable ADC right now
- He can 2 shot anyone
- Draven is love
- Draven is life
- He is a king person
- His champion select quote even Welcomes you to his League

- If there was a con with Draven, it would be fixed ASAP
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Skill Sequence

Max Blood Rush ASAP, Draven is all about movement speed and running after the enemy

Secondly is Spinning Axe, Draven is also about damage, with Spinning Axes you will show everyone why Draven is Draven.

Get Whirling Death at all levels you can level it up (6, 11, 16), this is Draven's famous ability. When someone is low and they think all is good, snipe them and say "Not today".

Stand Aside should be maxed last because the CC remains constant, it will just be on a shorter cooldown.
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Draven needs heal for a speed boost to kite enemies down.

Draven has no real escapes, therefore he needs Flash
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Team Work

Listen, Draven is like the Lebron James of League. Draven doesn't need a team, he needs victims and if he has team mates, they aren't allowed to feed or else they will be DDoS'ed. According to the LODL (League of Draven Laws) No champion can hurt Draven unless he lets them hurt him. And even if Draven's Nexus is about to be destroyed, the opposing team's Nexus explodes first, which means Draven is always the winner.
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Draven is an exceptional Farmer, because of 1 of his hidden passives (he has like 500). One of his passives states "if Draven misses a creep, he is given gold equivalent to 5x the gold he missed (example, if he missed a Siege minion he gains 205 gold)"
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I hope all of you know that this was a joke for a guide, I hope you guys enjoyed the guide as much as i enjoyed making it! Remember DDoS and cheating is bad, never do it! It was mentioned in this guide for fun and as a joke (like Draven being the god of League).
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League of Legends Build Guide Author garcohen
garcohen Draven Guide
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There is no other Draven

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