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Kayle Build Guide by tolgasari

Tolgasari's OP Kayle build! *under construction*.

Tolgasari's OP Kayle build! *under construction*.

Updated on August 16, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author tolgasari Build Guide By tolgasari 2,186 Views 4 Comments
2,186 Views 4 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author tolgasari Kayle Build Guide By tolgasari Updated on August 16, 2013
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Hello Mobafire! ^-^
This is my first "real" guide here on Mobafire!
This guide will be about Kayle!
NOTE: This build starts being effective mid to late game and u will only see the power spikes after u have 3-4 items!

Now to me: I am a Plat 2 player with 350+ games with this kayle build!
Unfortunately my account got perma banned due to leaving the games.. :(
But I continue to play LoL ofc now with a new account that i will soon start to play ranked with and destroy people with my Kayle ^-^
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Pros / Cons

+REALLY strong Late game!
+Safe farmer
+Cheap but great Champion
+Can be played everywhere(jungle/supp/top/mid)

-Mana Issues!
-Late game oriented champ with this build
-CC vulnerable(no tenacity)
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For Runes i run AS quints, Hybrid Pen. reds, armor yellows and ap blues.

U can ofc go for mana regen yellows if u dont like having mana problems :-).
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Skill Sequence

Max your Q first follow with E or W depends on your laning phase!
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Tips and Tricks

Team Fights:
When you have your full build and you fight wait until you got under 50% health, than you can activate your ult. That activates the passive of Guinsoos Rageblade, this gives you additional 20 % Attack Speed 10% spell vamp and lifesteal!
That means u will have full life again until your ulti wores off :D

Lanings Phase:
Play passive! Dont trade often because often you will loose and wait until you have your mid game items and u will 1shot adc's :D
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League of Legends Build Guide Author tolgasari
tolgasari Kayle Guide
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Tolgasari's OP Kayle build! *under construction*.

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