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Dr. Mundo Build Guide by Belle19

Top TOO BIG TO FAIL || NA grandmaster mundo main guide (check notes!!)

Top TOO BIG TO FAIL || NA grandmaster mundo main guide (check notes!!)

Updated on November 30, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Belle19 Build Guide By Belle19 141 5 258,220 Views 2 Comments
141 5 258,220 Views 2 Comments
League of Legends Build Guide Author Belle19 Dr. Mundo Build Guide By Belle19 Updated on November 30, 2024
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Grasp of the Undying
Second Wind

Magical Footwear
Approach Velocity

+10% Attack Speed
+10-180 Bonus Health
+10-180 Bonus Health


1 2 3 4 5
LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


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Champion Build Guide

TOO BIG TO FAIL || NA grandmaster mundo main guide (check notes!!)

By Belle19
Thank you for taking the time to check out my guide! I am a masters/GM NA 1.3mil Darius main who also plays a lot of nasus, mundo, sett and mordekaiser: For the last two seasons/splits I have shifted pretty much completely from only playing darius to only playing mundo.

this screenshot is from august 13 2024

I initially fell in love with mundo because A) his business skin voice lines hype me up so much, something about him screaming TOO BIG TO FAIL and then tanking an entire team for 20 seconds is pretty funny, and B) similarly to darius, if you play laning phase well (although unlike darius where this means obliterating your opponent, with mundo it just means not losing lane) you will make bat**** insane plays that look blatantly overpowered. But overtime, I have discovered he actually fits a very interesting niche of being a juggernaut that loses into most of the matchups other juggernauts win, and then wins most of the matchups most juggernauts completely faceplant into. If you like a character with some depth that doesnt take itself too seriously (aatrox/kayn mains WILL have 20 e-girls on standby, if that's what you want mundo is not for you) with really strong stats instead of flashy plays and the potential to completely carry a game if played well, Mundo's a great choice. I am a 19 y/old in university, so there are periods of time where I need to lock into midterms and such, but I relatively consistently stream my ranked games, so if you could check that out and give me a follow if this all sounds interesting to you, I'd definitely appreciate it:

I've also made a Darius guide on here and will probably make more in the future as they are a lot of fun so check that out if that sounds interesting.

Lastly, if anything seems wrong, you disagree or there's something I should improve upon, I'd love to hear about it! I'm still learning, and want to put out the best guide possible. If you could quickly rate it as well so I know just in general how the guides looking, it'd mean a lot to me.

NOTE: You may be wondering how it is possible for mundo to have so many "good matchups" in the matchup section. This is because I am ranking non-top champions based on your ability to fight them once you actually encounter them in-game, which is usually after laning phase. Since mundo is a hyper-scaling champ, most champions arent much of a problem for him at that point. For example ahri is a level 1 threat on my matchup sheet as, assuming you lock mundo top into whoever and get out of lane ok an ahri mid will have a very hard time matching your split. But if you locked mundo mid into an ahri mid it'd probably be a level 4 or 5 threat (mostly because mundo mid is awful).

14.14 UPDATE: warmogs mundo is pretty considerably nerfed. The main strength warmogs rush had was it pretty much guaranteed 5 plates, which is a lot harder to do now since the passive only procs when you have an extra ruby crystal. Still a decent build you can go if you want to perma split but honestly I was already kind of on the fence with it since it makes your teamfight so awful. If you are gonna go warmogs still go it first, anything other than first item its just bad


NEW SEASON 15 NOTE: I'm not sure how much mundo's winrate will actually go up as most mundo players still go sunfire to my knowledge, but my build (heartsteel -> unending -> spirit visage) is even better now. Unending wasn't just left alone it was BUFFED. heartsteel nerf was only 100% health regen which does not affect mundo at all. I wont say spirit visage is better but it isn't really worse. So if you go my build he is S+++++ tier rn. With that being said, warmogs was barely nerfed for how we use it so I think it's also a good item again. Not better than heartsteel but not strictly worse anymore. But titanic is definitely dead in the water, so if you're gonna build warmogs its just the same standard tank build but warmogs before starting it


TLDR it didn't kill the champ this time but if you were just abusing him for LP in low elo there are better picks now
+ incredibly tanky
+ strongest split push in the game for a tank
+ is probably the tankiest champion in the game and still pops squishies like weasels
+ really unique form of tenacity that, along with his durability makes him the premier face tanker
+ kayle levels of scaling
+ strong blind pick for a top laner
+ generally, mundo does well into most of the champions most juggernauts fail into (champions like jayce, kennen, vayne, teemo), so he's a great pocket pick for juggernaut mains who need a counter-last pick.
+ has unarguably the best skin in all of league

Mundo is an incredible fighter tank that wants to hunker down in lane to scale to a godlike late game where you are arguably the hardest to kill champion in the game, while also having more AD than your adc. His teamfights late game are very strong, but his split push is also the strongest in his class. While his lane is definitely weak, if you play lanes very well you can still come out on top in most matchups. Definitely a great pick for tank/bruiser players looking for a split push champion that isnt just pure damage, and can actually somewhat deal with ranged champions. Also a great blind pick comparatively to other top champions as in most lanes you can just safely farm with cleaver.
- arguably one of, if not the worst laning phase in top
- if you fall behind you are useless unless your team can carry your 500lb corpse to 25+ mins
- scaling, independent champion that isnt a hyper carry is awkward in higher elos where people are used to more traditional comps
- in higher elo if you do poorly you will be relentlessly flamed for going mundo
- no hard cc on a tank
- his passive IS his tenacity. Which means if the enemy doesnt use hard cc, but instead heavy slows or silences or terrain or something, mundo CANNOT go where he pleases
- has a few completely unplayable matchups when the meta shifts to tank killers unless he goes the warmogs AD build which is a build I cannot seriously recommend anyone in high elo unless they are very very comfortable on mundo and know his limits/playstyle well
- similarly to how mundo wins a lot of matchups that most juggernauts fail into, he also LOSES a lot of matchups that most juggernauts would destroy (for example kled or riven)

Mundo's main two downfalls are the problems any stat stick falls into, and the fact he has zero hard cc while being a tank. Any stat stick will be very hard to play while behind, as your main way of winning fights isnt to outplay but just to stat check people. So if you have less stats you more or less just have to avoid fighting anyone. Mundo is different, however, in that, while most stat sticks understand this and thus have a very strong early game where you have to actively throw to become behind, Mundo STARTS THE GAME BEHIND, having one of the worst laning phases in top. His sustain early is actually worse than most top champs, and his cleavers cost a disgusting amount of base health in lane, severely punishing any misses. With that being said, in return if you manage to come out of laning phase on top or even just not too far behind, you start stat checking entire teams by yourself later on. He also has the obvious pitfall of being a tank with no hard cc which has zero place in any high-elo composition, although it's arguable if mundo is even a tank, or if he is just a juggernaut that happens to build tank items. To end on a positive note, while the cons section is longer, This is just because mundo's pro's are very simple and thus dont really need to be talked about. I think most of mundo's cons can ultimately be played around, there have been countless lanes I won or got out ahead in because of good movement + cleavers, the guys got a lot more agency than the average stat stick he just ultimately is one. For every 1-2 playable cons, he has a pro that goes well beyond most champions. For example, Ornn is tanky. Zac is tanky. Mundo is easily 3x tankier than either of them if he pops rank 3 ult and built around teamfights.
Goes Where He Pleases passive healing and CC denial. Your passive gives you bonus health regeneration at all times based on your max health, with the percent increasing per level. He can also periodically tank the next CC effect without getting immobilized, instead losing 4% current hp and dropping a canister nearby. Walking over the canister restores 4% max hp and reduces the cd of this part of the passive by 15 seconds, with the cooldown reducing based on level, starting at a weak 60 seconds going down all the way to 15 seconds at level 15 where picking up the canister resets the cd completely. Once you are level 15 you can go for much riskier canister grabs as it is difficult for enemies to pick you out when you can deny another cc ability walking away. Keep in mind both parts of Dr. Mundo passive are incredibly weak early due to the extreme scaling per level.

Infected Bonesaw Projectile slowing & damaging first enemy hit. Dr. Mundo throws a bonesaw in the target direction, dealing a portion of the targets current HP as magic damage and slowing by 40% for 2 seconds. Notably this ability costs flat health to cast instead of mana, which makes it very spammable late but an ability you should be careful with in lane. You will use this to safely last hit minions and poke in a lot of matchups, and later on becomes a good form of poke into frontliners in teamfights as well as a catch tool to chase with the slow + approach velocity. If the bonesaw hits a champion or large monster he heals for 100% of the cast cost, whilst if it hits anything else (like a minion) it heals 50% of the cast cost. While this is mundo's bread and butter iconic ability, it is matchup dependant on if you should max it first or max Blunt Force Trauma instead, as into certain matchups you will barely see a change in damage while the ability costs almost double the amount of health at rank 5 compared to rank 1.

Heart Zapper aoe damage over time and burst mitigation. Dr. Mundo starts dealing magic damage every 0.25 seconds to nearby enemies for up to 3 seconds. a portion of damage taken while this ability is active is stored as grey health. After 3 seconds or recasting the ability, all units around mundo take substantially more magic damage and mundo heals for 50% of his grey health stored. If the recast deals damage to an enemy champion or large monster he instead heals for 100%. Generally you want to start the ability when the enemy is about to use their main damage move/burst on you, as for the first 0.75 seconds of the ability mundo stores almost all damage taken as grey health, while for the remaining duration he only stores 25% of damage taken. This amazing first 0.75 seconds is generally wasted if you cast it at the very beginning of a fight. Ideally, It is used very similarly to Courage

Blunt Force Trauma Empowered auto attack and passively gain bonus AD based on max hp. On cast, the next auto attack will deal significantly more damage, increasing based on missing hp, and if this attack kills, will fling a medical bag outward dealing damage to everything it collides with. This ability also resets mundo's basic attack timer. The ability also passively gives mundo bonus attack damage based on his max hp, increasing with rank. Due to mundo having no ad scalings, he can get away with getting an atrocious amount of AD from this ability. Late game it is common to see him have more ad than his adc! The projectile part of the active is very strong and is the main thing you will use to poke into more experienced players, as people who know how to play against mundo will make it very hard to land cleavers. This is the main reason you will max this ability first in many matchups.

Maximum Dosage Mundo gains bonus HP, movement speed and health regen for 10 seconds. The bonus hp gained is based off his missing health, so it is optimal to wait until you are as low as possible to ult. His ult is very weak if activated at high health. I would generally wait until you are atleast 1/5 of your health to ult unless you are about to die to big burst. A common trick is keeping Heart Zapper turned on with a massive amount of grey health, ulting while low and then immediately reactivating w to survive any incoming burst. This gives you the maximum amount of bonus hp possible from ult without risking death from strong burst. At rank 3, the ultimates effectiveness is increased for every nearby enemy champion. The way this scaling works, the amount of hp he can gain is massively increased rank 3, making him almost 2x as powerful during teamfights. This is why most mundo playstyles main win con is reaching level 16. Note, at rank 1 the amount of health and regen it gives is negligible, and barely a powerspike beyond helping against tower dives. Rank 2 doubles the health regenerated, and is where you can generally start using it offensively.

the rune tierlists don't take into account the pros and cons associated with taking that rune class unless it is a really drastic example (I.e. conditioning), just the individual rune effects. I couldn't find one with lethal tempo but it's C tier.

  • First Strike is my patented money maker rune, I've only seen one other high elo mundo player even touch it but I do legitimately think its really good. Where it shines best is low elo where you are trying to actually 1v9. Basically just better comet, and inspo secondaries are way better than sorcery. The idea is in lane it helps recoup the money you lost from missed cs (being in a ****ty lane) and later on your cling combo generates like 80 free gold ontop of the free health. It's just incredibly awkward to play until you get used to it.
  • Grasp of the Undying is the standard **** you take. It's good on Dr. Mundo due to his innate nature to want max health anyway/how he trades but furthermore the main thing is just that every resolve secondary is absurdly strong on mundo. Demolish is lowkey a keystone. If there isn't a reason to take something else this should be your default.
  • Phase Rush I'm starting to like more and more. I used to think it was unplayably bad due to the lack of resolve secondaries (you definitely still just need inspo secondaries for free boots. MAYBE you could switch approach for biscuits but I don't). But it makes damn near every counter matchup besides illaoi and aatrox SO MUCH MORE PLAYABLE. You take it in a lane like gwen or riven where you weren't gonna win lane anyway, so the lack of second wind doesn't hurt you as much. You rush warmogs every time you go this rune, keep in mind with this setup you actually need two ruby crystals ontop of the warmogs. But this isn't an issue as now you are deadass using warmogs as a scaling technique. In lane your only goal is to go even and accumulate as much cs as you can without dying. Phase rush makes it way harder to gank you AND to tower dive you so this shouldn't be impossible. Then later on, even if you are behind, in a sidelane you just walk up, trade and phase rush outta there. Heal with warmogs, repeat. It also lets you have the same aggressive nature you could with the standard heartsteel build in a sidelane, except instead of this being due to your overpowered all-in its due to having actual disengage. Swifties phase rush mundo can run from pretty much anything. This gameplay has saved me from numerous riven and gwen matchups, and I'm confident it works into pretty much all of his traditional counters besides lane bullies like aatrox and illaoi who are just there to make you completely useless in lane. So olaf, gwen, riven, kled, etc. This is how to play it out. If you do this, it is the only playstyle where a titanic 4th/5th item, or maybe even third depending on comp is acceptable, as phase rush warmogs I mean you are just gonna be splitting mainly anyway and its way easier to reach the backline quickly with phase rush. Phase rush mundo is, IMO, the strongest version of himself late game beyond just getting turbo fed with a non-warmogs build (which is not reliable at all). I also haven't done much testing on it so don't quote me yet, but I think phase rush might be the best jungle rune now that lethal tempo is unusable.
  • Unsealed Spellbook is generally just really strong on tp champs, as it negates the downsides of tp while keeping its upsides. But furthermore mundo is a very attrition hit-and-run champ that randomly all-ins with warmogs, which is what unsealed spellbook is supposed to support (think about the time that unsealed spellbook singed randomly all-inned you with ignite after being a ***** the entire lane). Not a bad choice if you hate first strike and want inspo primary.

  • Demolish is your main realistic tower damage which is incredibly important as a massive portion of Mundo's gold and map pressure is through taking towers. This is due to the disgusting amount of max health you'll have through your build. It's also the only way to get plates in a hard lane without 6 grubs.
  • Approach Velocity makes it 10x easier to reach people once you land a cleaver. You pretty much get half of a ghost towards enemies you cleaver, and a quarter of a ghost towards enemies your allies have cc'd.
  • Magical Footwear synergizes incredibly strong with mundo. Regardless of whether you are going Heartsteel or Warmog build, mundo never wants to buy early boots since you're just deadrushing the first item spike. So the only downside to free boots is pretty much nonexistent on Mundo, and he uses the free 10 movement speed from the boot passive really well.
  • Overgrowth is pretty self-explanatory, your whole shtick is max health and this provides you with a lot of it. Notably it makes hitting the warmogs threshold easier. Unlike biscuit delivery, overgrowth also scales incredibly well. Not for the infinitely scaling factor, that part is dog**** but it increases ALL sources of max health by 3.5% at 120 minions absorbed. It's a health version of conditioning.
  • Second Wind makes any poke lane 10x more playable, you are generally going to be relying on Doran's shield + second wind combo in most lanes since Mundo's innate early sustain is bad. Keep in mind his passive heals pretty much nothing at early levels. Second Wind also doesn't get outscaled since you just get so much max health and spirit visage in most games. Usually, it will do more late game than conditioning would have anyway unless you are into a literal zero poke comp.
  • Celerity amplifies your swifties/ghost/approach velocity + any items with ms, such as deadmans or warmogs. Furthermore, it strengthens your ult and base movement speed. It also makes phase rush stronger assuming you went phase rush since you have sorcery at all. Just overall incredibly strong on Mundo, in a similar vein to Darius.
  • Ultimate Hunter fixes Mundo's main flaw which is the incredibly long ult cooldown later in the game. It's arguably his best sub-rune but realistically it's seldom taken outside of hyper-situational games, since domination is absolute dog**** on Mundo otherwise. Also don't get baited by taste of blood, any healing effect (besides Doran's shield) that isn't based on maximum/bonus health is terrible on Mundo due to diminishing returns.
  • Triple Tonic sounds bad at first but hear me out. Free 40 gold, a slightly better all-in at one point, and the main reason a FREE SKILL POINT. This heavily strengthens your mid-game, since Mundo benefits an insane amount from upgrading both his q and e. It also doesn't get outscaled til literally level 18 since points in w also aren't bad.
  • Cash Back is pretty good for warmogs. It gives you 198 gold on warmogs purchase which means 198 less gold you need for that additional ruby crystal. And then obviously it keeps scaling with each additional item you buy. PLEASE do not get baited by free biscuits! It gives 90 max hp which is a very awkward amount that will not properly substitute for a ruby crystal for warmogs threshold unless you have a really unrealistic amount of grasp procs. If you want a faster warmogs proc, cashback is the way to go. Still pretty **** though since approach and free boots are both overpowered on mundo.
  • Scorch is hypothetically really good on mundo, and if you are playing mundo mid with phase rush it's A tier. The issue is scorch is just **** in top in general. it's still what you take if you go phase rush though, since the other runes just suck ***
  • Conditioning is hypothetically really good on mundo as well, but second wind is better in every way. Maybe if you are jungle and took resolve somewhere, but you shouldn't be taking resolve in jungle ever.
  • Biscuit Delivery is alright if you desperately need the lane help. IMO its always outshadowed by other options though. Keep in mind its not good for the purposes of reaching warmogs threshold. 90HP is a really awkward amount that wont substitute a ruby crystal unless you have a really unrealistic amount of grasp stacks. The only two runes that actually help warmogs threshold meaningfully are overgrowth and cashback.
  • Last Stand is IMO the best secondary of that row for Dr. Mundo although I think it's preference based between that or cut down. Cut down is probably better if for whatever reason you have precision runes in a lane, although last stand is better for all-ins so it's better in jungle.
if you parouse the r/DrMundoMains subreddit, you may have seen me adamantly **** on warmogs. When people asked me for build advice, I would say (and I still mostly believe this) that most mundo players froth at the mouth for this bait item despite it making your teamfight a lot worse, purely because it gets rid of trade patterns (but by the time you reach first item mundo wins trade patterns with heartsteel anyway). Effectively, the item takes longer to spike than heartsteel AND gets outscaled.

The new season has buffed it though, with 2% reduced ms not really mattering compared to the other item nerfs. Furthermore, with more testing I now see warmogs isn't the issue with **** teamfights, its going a full split build. So titanic in ANY build is dead to me unless its 5th/6th item into a team that full stacked MR. But warmogs into heartsteel into standard tank build (unending + SV), while still kindy iffy til 4th item, scales fine-enough when you consider just how many more heartsteel stacks you get with warmogs. I'll often have like 1300-1400 heartsteel stacks by the end of a warmogs game if I'm playing well. So I now believe the item is situationally really good. Definitely not an every-game item like most mundo players believe it is though (damn you alois stop the clickbait)

so basically the main strength of warmogs is its really overpowered spike, so if you can actually use the warmogs passive effectively, that's when you buy it. Thankfully this is easy to do as you don't actually have to decide whether you want to buy warmogs or heartsteel first until you are almost done with first item due to the similar build paths. What this means is, into DoT ****, warmogs isn't good. I don't want to wait 10 seconds out of combat against a teemo to heal when I could have just killed him with heartsteel, it negates the purpose of warmogs since Im using it to push my lead. If the enemy has broken stick power, you don't buy it, since warmogs passive isn't helpful if you are getting 100-0'd anyway every time you fight someone (keep in mind warmogs in your build means until hyper-late game your actual all-in extended fight is a lot worse). So I wouldn't build it into a fiora unless you are **** stomping her, or a kled or nasus or something. If none of these apply AND you are hard-winning and want to extend your lead, or just in any way can get warmogs online by like minute 12 to guarantee some plates, its definitely objectively good. Matchups that make it really STRONG are matchups where you wouldn't have won the trade/all-in anyway (not even close) but they have ****ty sticking power. So for example its an amazing item into sett and illaoi. If none of what I said applies to the game you are in, its preference*****, but PLEASE keep in mind warmogs is about abusing its really strong spike. The reasoning I see a lot of mundo players build it for is "he stops losing lane on spike." By the time he hits first item, regardless of what his first item is he stops losing lane. Don't use warmogs as a crutch, use it as an enabler to do some crazy **** for a few minutes before the item effectively gets outscaled. If you just want to be passive and keep scaling/farming its definitely better to just rush heartsteel. DON'T USE WARMOGS AS A CRUTCH!

*****preference generally means if before this warmogs meta you were a tank player or a titanic player. An actual titanic build is basically dead, but warmogs into heartsteel gives you way more max hp than you would get with a normal tank build so you end up doing way more damage due to e conversion + heartsteel burst. It isn't uncommon if I used the warmogs lead well to start actually one shotting the adc with q auto e doing this build with no titanic. So if u used to go titanic all the time you would probably very much enjoy not going titanic most of the time but constantly running warmogs, while if you just went pure tank before you should just skip warmogs completely most games.

by far Mundo's weakest part of the game is his laning phase. Mundo has one of, if not the weakest laning phase in top lane. You can win a lot of lanes if you play them perfectly and land every cleaver, but rarely is that possible. Just keep in mind you outscale almost every matchup, and dont be afraid to give up some farm as long as you are in xp range. When the enemy is slow pushing a wave, try to thin it a bit with cleavers and possible e'ing a minion into the wave, if a big wave crashes into your tower you are vulnerable to a tower dive with the enemy jungle. If you get 1f1'd in a tower dive but multiple waves are lost to your turret, its still very bad for you.
Unlike most top champions with bad laning phases, at almost every opportunity you can, unless you want to set up your own freeze, shove the lane. It is nearly impossible to freeze into a Mundo, as to do so you won't have the cover of your minions to hide behind, so its free game for Mundo to poke you out with cleavers. If needed farm with q, but if possible try to just farm with autos as you still lose health (25 health at rank 1). There is no downside to throwing out cleavers if you hit an enemy champion as the full health is refunded, but if you even miss a rank 1 cleaver you lose 50 health. That's a third of a health potion! This is why, even though the cooldown is low, you want to be very smart about when to cleaver. Just look to scale, and if the enemy gets overconfident you can poke them out of lane with cleavers. If the enemy has a poor back and you ever have access to enemy turret, go for demolish, autoing + e. You should be able to get 2 platings if this is past 5 minutes.
Your 6 is worst than most champions, as rank 1 r is very weak, but its still a helpful power spike as it makes it significantly harder for the enemy to tower dive you. Keep in mind with your w, you want to activate it right before the enemy uses their main damage move. It stores more grey health in the first 0.25 seconds. You want to reactivate w on the enemy champ at almost any cost, as it restores double the health if you land it. It's like a healing version of garen w. NOTE: do not ult in lane purely for sustain! I see some people do it (and it was a viable thing to do pre-rework) but post-rework the ult cd is way too long to do that and a lot of the power budget is now in the max-health increase rather than the heal, so it barely heals you anyway. If you are that low just back or try to bait a tower dive where you then ult, but dont just ult out of combat to heal at most like 30% of your hp


malpractice make malperfect!

- Dr. Mundo.
I would consider mid game to be when you reach heartsteel + full boots or level 11, whatever comes first. Heartsteel is a major powerspike as now you have enough health regeneration that you can start just spamming cleavers, and trade pattern of poking with cleavers at a range until heartsteel is up to run in and proc it with e, rinse and repeat, is really strong especially considering your sustain. At level 11, your champion has officially scaled up, with your ult now being pretty much 2x as strong, and you can start playing aggressively and confidently into almost any matchup assuming you arent significantly behind. You can even 2v1 the enemy top and jungler most of the time assuming neither of them directly counter your kit. Look to split push to gather resources as quickly as possible such as turret gold and xp from waves and camps, as this is by far the most reliable way to get ahead on mundo. Your wave clear is disgusting, your tower damage is the highest out of any tank, and your e does so much bonus damage to monsters that you clear enemy camps pretty easily. This is to accelerate you to your god-like status of late game ASAP. Keep in mind you want to ult at as low as possible without being in kill range, as you gain bonus health for the duration based off missing health. A great way to capitalize on this without dieing to being so low is by activating w, waiting til near the end of w or if you are about to die, with abunch of grey health stored up, then ult while low and right after reactivate w to get the healing off. You are now immediately half health with the max amount of bonus health possible!
You now have 3+ items and are level 16. Your rank 3 r is one of the strongest ultimates in the game, and you are now at your strongest with spirit visage finally being done in tandom with the strong ultimate. If you split pushed well and have 9-10 cs per minute, assuming you are lvl 16 while everyone else but the enemy top laner is level 13-14, you can actually stat check entire teams by yourself, tanking everyones damage with ult while killing the adc and leisurely walking away. Past level 15, you want to pick up your canister every time, as the cooldown will fully reset, which lets you get away with building no tenacity on a tank.

If you struggled until now and are behind, even being the last to hit level 16 in the game besides supports, don't worry! You will still be incredibly tanky, and have *enough* damage to make the enemy team not able to just ignore you. You do NOT have the same options as if you were doing well when you hit 16 (like above), so running into the enemy team alone to try to kill the adc will just result in you running around for 10 seconds until your ult runs out and then you die. But your teamfights are still really solid, forcing the enemy to kill you first which will still take at least 4-5 seconds even if the enemy is full of tank shredders (besides kogmaw that champion actually just obliterates you with no way to kite his damage) even if you dont try to survive at all and instead just run at their adc the entire time (which you need to do to make the enemy focus you). If you still dont win the teamfight with your team having 4+ seconds to wreak havoc the game was over from the start. Make sure to pick the right time to be a freakazoid and run in though, since your champ has very poor disengage and pretty bad healing out of combat so when you decide to walk up at all thats generally the time to go in, assuming both teams are grouped. So make sure the 4-5 seconds isnt wasted! Note, when mundo is this behind, it still depends on matchup but most of the time he just can't 1v1 the enemy laner. You aren't garen trynd or trundle, so you arent gonna out-tempo the enemy in a split contest by running away when the enemy shows up. You are an illaoi sion type split pusher who just contests their split by killing whoever shows up to stop them. If you cant do this, group and teamfight! The exception to this is if there is a giga-fed sett or something who you need to keep away from teamfights to pray your team wins the 4v4, but if they have any form of catchup/sticking potential its a bad idea to "split to keep the monster away from teamfights." Generally this is more a strategy for a feeding garen or trynd something because their disengage is so strong. Yours isnt! Remember, on mundo, if you dont know what to do just group. It isnt always the best option but its very rarely a bad choice. Splitting is often a flat out bad choice. For any champion that isnt a 1000apm assassin, outside of laning phase, what seperates a bad player from a good player is mechanics. What seperates a good player from a great player is good macro! It's important!
Everyone but supports are now level 18 full build. Your scaling starts to slow down at this point unless you manage your heartsteel stacks really well, and you can no longer stat check entire teams by yourself, as the adc will now start to shred you if you arent careful. You are still incredibly strong, but you need to play with your team backing you up, or commit fully to split pushing, but not be as cocky as you could be at 3 items level 16 where you can ignore multiple enemies and just slaughter towers. Be patient and play smart even when very far ahead, this late in the game if your team gets wiped its likely gg regardless of how far behind the enemy team was.

NOTE: Dr. Mundo has ONE flaw late game. When your ult is up you can go absolutely god mode, but if it isn't up you aren't tanky enough to completely frontline and therefore can't really teamfight. This wouldn't be that big of an issue if mundo ult cd didn't remain at 120 seconds at every rank, which is worsened by the fact he barely builds ability haste. If you are going to ult late game, MAKE SURE ITS WORTH IT! At the very least, if you get caught in a split push or something and are going to die no matter what, don't copium ult just save it so that when you spawn you can make some impact.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Belle19
Belle19 Dr. Mundo Guide
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