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Thresh Build Guide by Rap4NoReason

Other Top AD Thresh - The Hook of Terror (Season 6)

Other Top AD Thresh - The Hook of Terror (Season 6)

Updated on February 11, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Rap4NoReason Build Guide By Rap4NoReason 11 0 317,070 Views 2 Comments
11 0 317,070 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Rap4NoReason Thresh Build Guide By Rap4NoReason Updated on February 11, 2016
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LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
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Hey, I'm Rap4NoReason. I've been playing league since Season 4. I've been getting into some off-meta champions and decided to try Thresh top lane. Come to my amazement though, Thresh destroys any squishy champion with this build. It's incredibly fun to play. If you don't want the kills though, you can easily feed your jungler with both your cc and lantern.
Update - 6.3 Notes - Slightly less damage now that Rapid firecannon has been nerfed a bit. Early game makes up for it a bit with buffs to the shard though
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Pros / Cons

- You can drag a champion into a turret using your Q and then use your E to throw them into the turret for more damage.
- Helpful in Team fights
- Lantern saves lives
- Can feed jungler
- Can destroy an adc in two-three basic attacks
- Souls build AP and armor to increase your damage output/survivability
- Players underestimate Thresh top.
- Any champion under 40% hp should fear you
- Your cage slows champs down by 99%
- You can bully melee champions in lane easily.
- Hook is a good engage
- You have to pause in between your basic attacks for maximum damage
- Even though you deal a lot of damage, you need your team to focus on the person you attack for ez team fights
- You will get focused a lot
- Enemy Champs can flash out of your cage
- Item dependent
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Summoner Spells

Mandatory. Thresh doesn't have a very good way of disengaging. He can use his E to throw back champions, but probably won't get very far with this alone.
I personally don't like taking ignite on Thresh. It never has helped me win lane or helped me secure a kill.
I usually take Teleport on Thresh and regret doing otherwise. Thresh needs to be on lane as much as he can to harvest souls and get levels obviously. This helps a lot with obtaining objectives and applying pressure across the map as well. Since Thresh isn't exactly a hyper carry, it's a lot more useful in the long run.
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Thresh farms very safely under turrets. It's easier to harvest souls, gain xp, and last hit minions. Also, with Thresh farming under turrets, it's easy to hook a champion and lead him into his death via turret.
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I'll be adding more to this guide as I play more Thresh and get more time. If you like what you see, vote it up! If not, comment what you'd like to see in the future so I can make this guide even better!
Thank you for 10k views!!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Rap4NoReason
Rap4NoReason Thresh Guide
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Top AD Thresh - The Hook of Terror (Season 6)

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