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Shen Build Guide by kahlilnc

Tank Top Lane Cinderhulk Shen (NEW META!)

Tank Top Lane Cinderhulk Shen (NEW META!)

Updated on April 14, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author kahlilnc Build Guide By kahlilnc 8,359 Views 0 Comments
8,359 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author kahlilnc Shen Build Guide By kahlilnc Updated on April 14, 2015
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LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Threats & Synergies

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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
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Hi, I am a platinum player with no particular role/champ that I main because I enjoy not getting bored of repetition! :D I own 2 platinum accounts, "i am kahlil" and "Faker Kappa" and an ex-gold prolly will be plat by the end of the season, "Slirx".
Shen doesn't "beat" most top laners. That is not the point. If you build and play him correctly you can and will be an unstoppable force to be reckon with! In most match-ups you will have to farm farm farm until you get juicy. 5k+ HP Juicy!

Keep reading on!
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Pros / Cons


+ Strong sustainability (Bruiser)
+ Great farmer/last hitter
+ Decent damage output
+ Can escape from most situations
+ Great team fighter
+ Good duelist
+ Never really falls off


- Low damage in general
- Melee
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Passive: Ki Strike - Shen's passive is his main source of damage. The great part about is it that the more health you get, the more damage your passive deals. Since your W and auto-attacks reduce the cooldown of Ki Strike dramatically, Shen has the potential to do a lot of damage.

Q: Vorpal Blade - It doesn't have crazy damage (but does have enough to whittle enemies down), the great thing about it is the sustain. Whenever Shen (or an ally) attacks the champion the Shen Q'd, Shen (and his allies that attack the marked enemy) are healed. This is the main reason why attack speed is a core stat in this build. The more auto's you dish out, the more healing you receive. This is what makes Shen a great duelist.

W: Feint - Feint is Shen's shield. It is good for trades under towers and blocking poke and such. Use wisely!

E: Shadow Dash - Shen's E is your only form of CC. It is hard to land, and does basically no damage, BUT it is an 1.5 second Taunt. Shen's E is great for locking down targets and initiating fights.

R: Stand United - Your ultimate shields and teleports you to targeted ally. This is great for protecting carries, initiating fights, etc. Use your imagination! LOL
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Climax :3

I hope you find my guide helpful.
Leave comments and such and I will try to holler back at you.
I will probably keep updating this and adding more to it if people likey.

Check out my Twitch:

I am not an active streamer due to computer issues.

Started Change-Log as of 4/14/15
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League of Legends Build Guide Author kahlilnc
kahlilnc Shen Guide
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Top Lane Cinderhulk Shen (NEW META!)

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