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Tristana Build Guide by KillerSkillzz

Middle Tristana Mid Build

Middle Tristana Mid Build

Updated on January 8, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author KillerSkillzz Build Guide By KillerSkillzz 3,949 Views 0 Comments
3,949 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author KillerSkillzz Tristana Build Guide By KillerSkillzz Updated on January 8, 2016
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Tristana Mid Lane

Many people know, Tristana is mainly used for ADC.
Ever thought of her mid? Ever seen her abilitys AP scaled?

Well try this build, it isn't detailed much, but will be updated.
Remember, you can always grab some crit/damage, but the rageblade should help you alot.
Trist mid, is a good choice if you need the range midlane.
Her E with Nashoors, Rageblade and Rabadons, will take out a tower in 15 seconds or less!
Goodluck and HAVE FUN!

(I know this isn't a really detailed guide, but it is simple! Will update ASAP)

Versing Fiora mid, first picture uploaded :)

Rules To Mid Laning
Ok, to start some main laning keys, I will mention with the lighting strike mastery, it gives some extra damage. Try and auto opponent twice, then E them. Once bomb goes off, or if you shoot first then it goes off, you will take away alot of health from them!

Try keep your W range just inline with turret range, incase you get ganked and need to jump back into your turret.

Around lvl 12-15, with boots of mobility you can roam around to help lanes/turrets, and because of E AP burst along with rageblade, you can take out minion swarms easy!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author KillerSkillzz
KillerSkillzz Tristana Guide
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