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Udyr Build Guide by vicrob

AD Offtank Udyr 4.16 Lowish Elo guide

AD Offtank Udyr 4.16 Lowish Elo guide

Updated on September 15, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author vicrob Build Guide By vicrob 1,257 Views 0 Comments
1,257 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author vicrob Udyr Build Guide By vicrob Updated on September 15, 2014
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  • LoL Champion: Udyr
  • LoL Champion: Udyr


Hi This is my First Guide. It is an aggressive Phoenix Guide, please comment on how i can improve. I do not have many sections at the moment, Bear with me. (No pun intended). THIS IS NOT A HIGH ELO GUIDE, IT IS DIRECTED TO SILVER, BRONZE AND BAD GOD PLAYERS. Please look at all the notes for Itemization.
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Start with your R. Spam it when taking blue and then pick up your e or q depending on whether you are going to go into their jungle ( you can read about this in the tactics section). after you have your q, e and r, you want to e to get to camps faster, hit the main monster once to stun it, then press q to get attack speed and then press r straight after to have attack speed on your R.
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Ganking is pretty simple, you want to have red and then use e to engage and stun them, after that you want to q then R just like jungling. If they flash away, dont be afraid to use E and Ghost at the same time to catch up and stun them again.
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Usually i Start at blue. If the enemy teams jungler also starts at his blue i often take warding trinket and after my blue i take my E and run to his red, ward it, take his golems, and either smite steal it or kill him.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author vicrob
vicrob Udyr Guide
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Udyr 4.16 Lowish Elo guide

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