Fizz has clear moments of strength and weakness, and playing around these is crucial. At levels 1 and 2, Fizz is very vulnerable and can be punished heavily, but he becomes much stronger at levels 3 and 6. Aim to crash 2 or 3 waves into his tower early, then let the wave bounce back toward you. After level 3, avoid being overextended in the lane. His E is both his main trading and waveclear tool, so tracking its cooldown is essential as it’s the most impactful ability in his kit. Consider taking a defensive summoner like Barrier or Exhaust, or rushing a Null-Magic Mantle (even if you don’t upgrade it) to make the matchup easier.
Irelia is incredibly strong in both the laning phase and the sidelane but relies on snowballing to excel in teamfights. Your main focus should be keeping the wave near your side of the lane to set up ganks or prevent her from chasing you down. Be especially cautious of her level 2 and level 6 all-ins. Above all, prioritize staying alive—even if you fall behind in CS, it's manageable as long as you don’t give her kills. Use your E defensively to disengage from her trades and mitigate her pressure.
During the first six levels, you have a significant advantage over Akali, but the matchup becomes much tougher after level 6. Since it's challenging to force her out of the lane, it’s usually best to opt for the First Strike scaling rune page.
In the laning phase, Talon revolves heavily around his W. This ability is both his primary tool for trading and for farming, so avoid standing with the minion wave, forcing him to choose between hitting you or securing CS. It’s crucial to not get hit by both parts of his W, as this makes it much easier for him to engage, proc his passive, and win trades or even secure a kill. If he casts W toward you, sidestep to the side rather than retreating straight back to improve your chances of dodging the returning damage. Watch out for his level 2 and level 6 all-ins with Ignite and consider building extra health or an early Cloth Armor for added durability. You might also opt for Exhaust or Barrier if you prefer more safety in the lane.
Vladimir is a truly unique champion to face. During the early laning phase, he is relatively weak due to his long cooldowns and limited sustain, so focus on building a lead within the first five levels. Once he hits level 6 and returns to base, Vlad becomes significantly stronger. Aim to trade effectively and take advantage of his poor waveclear. If you see an opportunity, punish him when his Q is on cooldown, especially right after he uses his empowered Q. After level 6, he will often use his pool to avoid your ultimate, so if you land a stun, it’s usually best to ult immediately to ensure you deal the full damage.
Yasuo can be a challenging matchup, especially if the enemy team has a strong AP jungler. The key is to manage your mana carefully—only use abilities when you’re confident they’ll hit, as running out of mana will leave you vulnerable. Phase Rush and Teleport are highly recommended for this matchup.
You should be able to build a significant lead before level 6 against Lux, but after she hits 6, she can use her ultimate to clear waves and neutralize your pressure. Be sure to rush Tier 2 boots to help dodge more of her skillshots.
This matchup isn't as difficult as it seems; you can bully him throughout the lane. However, be cautious not to waste your stun. The key to handling this is using your ultimate for poke, so he can't negate the damage with his own ult. Phase Rush is also quite effective in this matchup.
Katarina is a weak laner except for a few key moments. Be sure to avoid standing on her daggers and respect her all-ins at level 2 and level 6. For the most part, Katarina will look to roam and secure kills in other lanes, so placing good wards and pinging missing or retreating to alert your team is crucial in preventing her from getting kills. If you can keep her in lane or kill her, you'll gain a significant advantage. When using your E aggressively, be sure to play more cautiously when it's on cooldown. It's usually better to save it (especially post-6) to disengage from trades or interrupt her ultimate.
Neeko is one of the strongest laning champions in the game, with significant power in both teamfights and skirmishes. During the laning phase, the key is dodging as many of her Qs and Es as possible, so keep your movement very active. If you can dodge her skillshots and land many of your own, you should come out with a slight lead in this matchup (plus, you outscale her considerably). Rushing Merc Treads can also be very helpful in this matchup.
You can bully this lane quite hard, but if you waste your E then you will be punished. Be very careful with how you use it pre 6. Consider taking a defensive summoner like exhaust or barrier in this matchup.
Skill matchup overall. You win the 1v1 and trades but she has super strong gank setup. Try use E to cancel her W. Make sure to get mercs when you can to avoid ganks.
Syndra wins the 1v1 extremely hard over Kassadin early but the lane will become difficult at later levels. Try build a big advantage early with comet and TP.
Akshan is strong in the early game, but you should still be able to win the lane and outscale him. Focus on poking him with your Q and keep your E ready defensively in case he tries to engage on you.
This is a relatively easy matchup, as her abilities are easy to dodge and you outrange her by a lot. Be cautious of her level 6 burst, as she can 100-0 you if you get hit by her ultimate. Rushing Merc Treads can be very helpful in this matchup.
Another skillshot-heavy matchup, so be sure to rush Tier 2 boots and take advantage of the fact that his cooldowns are much longer than yours.
While Syndra may dominate the 1v1 matchup against Ahri, it’s important to recognize that Ahri has excellent gank setup potential, which can shift the dynamic of the lane significantly. Her mobility and charm create opportunities to set up kills, and her presence can prompt her jungler to assist in controlling the lane. As a result, while Syndra might have a clear advantage in direct trades, you must be highly vigilant of the enemy jungler’s presence. To mitigate this, ward effectively, maintain good lane positioning, and consider playing more defensively when the enemy jungle is nearby. Recognizing the role of the jungler and adjusting your positioning accordingly can make the difference between maintaining your advantage or falling behind.
The main window to punish Anivia is before level 6, as she has long cooldowns and relatively short range. Look to punish her when she goes for CS. She is also very vulnerable to ganks, so try to coordinate with your jungler to set one up. Be ready to dodge her Q, as getting hit will result in significant damage. After level 6, she becomes harder to punish, but if you've built a strong lead before then, you should be able to maintain and extend it.
Vel'Koz has strong poke and waveclear, but if he uses his abilities aggressively, he becomes vulnerable to trades. Try to keep the wave in a gankable position or take advantage of his wasted cooldowns to press forward. Positioning within the creep wave can make dodging his Qs easier, and be sure to avoid getting hit by his E, as that's his main trading tool. After level 6, if you get hit by an E, Vel'Koz can potentially kill you with his ultimate, so it's crucial to save your E post-6 to interrupt his R unless you're confident you'll win the all-in.
This is an incredibly easy matchup. You should be able to take advantage of his weak trading and lack of waveclear for most of the lane. Just be cautious of getting caught in his cage and ganked, especially if you’ve already used your Flash.
This is a fairly easy matchup. You can take Ignite if you prefer, but Teleport is probably a better choice, as it allows you to respond to his recall TP, making it harder for him to escape or avoid being killed.
Gaming AcademyYouTube Channel is a group of several members of very large divisions of League of Legends who set out to express our passion for the game and everything we have learned by sharing all the knowledge we have accumulated with you. In this way we occasionally post videos on our GAMING ACADEMY YouTube channel and more recently we started creating Guides on the Mobafire platform as well. We really like Mobafire and recommend it to everyone! I hope that our Syndra Guide will be useful to you!
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Laning Phase
Syndra is very strong in lane and scales exceptionally well. Throughout the laning phase, you’ll want to bully your opponent and create some kind of lead, usually through CS, but solo kills are possible in many matchups as well. Syndra’s laning phase revolves around skillshots, so if you get good at landing your Q, you’ll have an easier time pushing opponents out of lane. The key during the laning phase is knowing when you can use your E aggressively, as many champions can punish you heavily if they capitalize on its cooldown. Check the matchup section for more details on this.
After level 6, focus on setting up stuns by placing two balls on the ground and using your E to line them up. Refer to the combos video for an example. If you land a stun with two balls on the ground at level 6, you can almost 100-0 your target, so any small poke you can land before that will put them in lethal range.
Mid Game
In the mid game, your main focus should be to farm as efficiently as possible. Syndra is strong in the side lane and can push waves quickly, and she also clears camps fast, which can help you accelerate your CS lead.
Try to push side waves as far as you can before grouping, especially if you have Teleport. However, avoid pushing too far without vision, as Syndra can easily get caught and killed. You can make picks and deal significant poke before dragon fights, so make sure you’re there early to set up. Syndra has excellent zone control, making it difficult for the enemy team to contest the dragon if you're already in position.
Remember to balance this with farming. Don’t stress if you can't always manage both, as it takes practice. Just keep in mind that you want to maintain high CS while also arriving at objectives on time to join your team in the fight.
Late Game
In the late game, you need to make strategic decisions to secure victory. This could involve pushing lanes, prioritizing objectives, or engaging in team fights to take down the enemy nexus. Staying focused and making smart plays is crucial, as a single mistake can be very costly at this stage.
Teamfighting and Skirmishing
In teamfights and skirmishes, your goal is to either eliminate a key squishy target with your ultimate or use it to set up a large stun (refer to the combos section of my video for an example). You can also hold your E to counter enemy engages, as it can be difficult for certain champions to engage on your team while you're holding it. Syndra is very vulnerable to being engaged on, so your success in teamfights relies heavily on your positioning and how well you use your E. If you don't have Flash, make sure to play more carefully during the teamfight.
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