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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Fleet of Foot (PASSIVE)
Sivir Passive Ability
What does it take to Jungle with Sivir?
-You must, at first, play a custom game or even coop to learn how to build and how to suit your play style.
-Have experience in the jungle in general and know what you can farm with your actual health and what you cannot.
-I'd recommend you to start on the red side of the jungle and do the following route until you get 700 gold, then you recall (DON'T FORGET TO KITE THE NEUTRAL MONSTERS = attack and get distance from them so you don't get hit as much.):
-Rock Golems;
-Blue Buff;
(You can farm the river crabs whenever you feel like you're low on HP)
(After you get your two long swords your smite should be up. Use it to kill your red buff right after you get off base.)
-Stand ready to use your E while ganking, because they will use their CC to make your gank useless.
More to come..
-Rock Golems;
-Blue Buff;
(You can farm the river crabs whenever you feel like you're low on HP)
(After you get your two long swords your smite should be up. Use it to kill your red buff right after you get off base.)
-Stand ready to use your E while ganking, because they will use their CC to make your gank useless.
More to come..
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