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Stay behind minions so her Piltover Peacemaker will do less damage,Her net can be interrupted by an instant stun, knock-up, or a displacement ability so vayne is kinda a counter for that ONLY for that nothing else so watch out.
Punish Draven for moving to catch axes with a skillshot harass, or CC from a support. Preventing Draven from catching axes will significantly lower his damage output. Try to play safe, Draven can snowball out of control with stacks + early kills. Try to punish/ trade with him if he doesn't catch his axe, as he is much weaker without them.
Try to stay away from her when you're marked with Harrier, as she will do additional damage to you. Quinn/Valor has an extremely short range so try to focus her in teamfights.Avoid dueling against a Quinn/Valor as an AD carry because her blind will render your autoattacks useless for a short period of time. When Quinn is is Valor form, try to constantly damage her - Valor gains an incredible amount of movespeed boost out of combat.
Play aggressively in lane against her, because her Volley has a really long cooldown at earlier levels. Ashe has no defensive skills, which means she is really easy to gank/focus in teamfights. Taking cleanse might save your life against her ultimate.Ashe is much more threatening with a kill-lane support than with a utilitarian one. Use counterpicks to minimize laning difficulty.
Be aware of his passive, this can cause him to be on top of trades. It can give him up to 30 armor at max level.Buying armor is strong against Graves because he deals mostly Attack Damage.Be aware of his high burst aoe combo and try not to chase in a line or group up.A strong Graves can 1v2 pretty well by quick bursting enemy Ad then dueling support. When you think the enemy bot lane can fight, as a support, do not group on your ad.
Avoid standing near low health creeps to not take additional damage from Tristana's Explosive shots.Tristana's jump can be interrupted by knock-ups and displacements (e.g. Blitz's Powerfist or Rocket Grab) ask your supp to counterpick.Push the lane to her tower. Tristana has trouble with farming under the turret, because of Explosive Shot's passive effect.Try to bait her to use her Rapid fire and then back off. It has a long cooldown so wasting it will give you an advantage.
Skill Matchup / First hits / Most Feeded
Avoid extended fights because his Gatling gun will tear your armor. His Valkyrie can be interrupted mid-flight by knock-ups (e.g. Alistar's Pulverize) and displacements (e.g. Alistar's Headbutt)ask for counterpick. Stop him from backing in lane will immensely help you because Corki's abilities cost a LOT of mana.Valkyrie has a large cooldown at earlier levels, making him vulnerable if he's used it recently. Every third rocket Corki fires deals more damage. Keep track of the number of rockets he's fired to avoid getting hit by the rocket or splash damage.
Miss Fortune
Miss Fortune is very vulnerable when she is channeling her ultimate. Either focus her or disable (stun/silence/knock-up/displacement) her. Try to keep her passive down by doing short frequent pokes and harassments. Avoid trading with Miss Fortune for an extended amount of time, as she will do more damage with her Impure Shots with every auto attack. Miss Fortune's Impure Shots active makes her auto-attacks apply Grievous Wounds to the targets she hits. Do not rely on out-sustaining her in the form of healing, health regeneration or life-steal.Keep in mind that bounce of Double Up will prioritize champions affected by Impure Shots so try not to let Miss Fortune attack you before she uses it.
Buying a pink ward for lane will deny him from ambushing you. Be careful in lane when you see the enemy support alone, Twitch might be trying a sneaky engage if the support is walking towards you. Avoid clumping against a Twitch - his ultimate deals massive damage to targets in a line. Twitch is extremely vulnerable, and has no escape abilities. Try to focus him in teamfights. Be careful to save, Stuns, snares, and bindings temporarily disabling movement, for when twitch activated his ultimate, as it buffs his DPS hugely. This only applies in the late game, as ruining twitch's early game is priority.
Kog'Maw does not have any escape abilities, making him an easy target. Try to focus him in teamfights first. Run away from Kog'Maw's corpse as it will explode shortly dealing a lot of true damage. Try to monitor Kog'Maw's W cooldown as he loses a lot of range when it is down. His Q is now a skillshot, making it easier to dodge. This can easily be acomplished by standing behind minions!
Destroying Urgot's shield will prevent him from applying a slow to his auto attacks and Acid Hunters. Save your q ability for when he throws out his grenade. When you get hit by his grenade, move away as fast as you can to prevent getting hit by more Acid Hunters. Urgot can be disabled (silence.stun,knock-up, displacement) while channeling his ultimate. Try to at least save a disable for this.
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