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Vayne Build Guide by TL Mercyless



Updated on April 18, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TL Mercyless Build Guide By TL Mercyless 2,511 Views 0 Comments
2,511 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author TL Mercyless Vayne Build Guide By TL Mercyless Updated on April 18, 2015
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Hey guys welcome to my vayne[*] guide! Im flattered that you picked this guide as it is my first one. But lets get on, Vayne[*] , on of the most-bursty ad-carries who scales of really well in the late game, but can be held down early game. As a Vayne[*] "mainer", I highly recommend you get a team composition that offers you lots of protection and cc as well. Vayne usually does very well with champs like; Morgana[*] , Janna[*] , Nami[*] etc... But please! Dont pick and aggresive support like leona[*] , who is most of the time all-in, while Vayne[*] has to get good positioning for some plays and kills. I will give you more tips and tricks later on, this was just a basic "fact" of Vayne[*] 's appearance.
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Farming is very important for Vayne[*] as she is weak early and will not get 10/0 in the first 20 minutes. I'll asure you that if you farm correctly in the first 10 minutes and get an item advantage it will all be in your favor. Just try to play it out and freeze the lane, if you hard push, the enemy jungler will come.
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Pros / Cons

As with Vayne[*] , everyone has their own Pro's and Con's.
1. Vayne's Silver Bolts[*] Shreds enemy tanks fast.
2. Vayne's Tumble[*] is an Auto Attack Reset.
3. When you cast Final Hour[*] and then Tumble[*] you'll gain a 1 second stealth.
4. Vayne's Tumble[*] is great for kiting and dodging.
5. Vayne's Condemn[*] is very strong to lock people down if placed correctly.

1. As i said, Vayne[*] is weak early!!
2. Alot of people think they're very good with vayne[*] and try to make mad plays who most of the time result in a death.
3. Vayne[*]'s kiting and combo'ing requires skill and awareness of your damage and health.
4. Stun on Vayne[*] = Kill Secured.
5. She needs protection otherwise useless.
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this is just a quick guide on Vayne[*]'s abilities.

Passive: Night Hunter[*] ; When Vayne[*] Chases an enemy, she gainst bonus movement
speed. {Movementspeed bonus:30}

Q: Tumble[*] ; Vayne[*] Tumbles towards the cursor and after that her auto attack
deals bonus % damage. {Bonus Damage: 30/35/40/45/50%

W: Silver Bolts[*] ; Every auto attack the enemy gets a silver ring under him,
after three auto attacks, the third one deals bonus damage.
{Bonus Damage: 4/5/6/7/8% of targets maximum health as TRUE DAMAGE. AND
20/30/40/50/60 bonus damage}.

E: Condemn[*] ; Vayne shoots her target away dealing damage. When the target hits a
wall the target is stunned and gets additional damage.. This works on champs,
minions, monsters etc...
{Damage:45/80/115/150/180. This damage deals again when the target is stunned.}

R: Final Hour[*] ; Vayne grabs her crossbow, dealing additional damage and when
chasing enemies getting a burst of movement speed. When Vayne presses Tumble
during FinalHour, she gains 1 second stealth, Final Hour Lasts for 8/10/12
{Bonus Damage: 30/50/70. Bonus Movementspeed: Standard Movementspeed is tripled.}
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Ability Combo.

As Vayne, you want to get your Silver Bolts[*] popped as soon as possible. So a good pre-lvl 6 combo will be:

1. Auto Attack.
2. Tumble[*]
3. Condemn[*], even better when Condemn[*] in a wall.
4. Auto attack.

The Best After 6 combo is:
1. Final Hour[*]
2. Auto attack
3. Tumble[*]
4. Condemn[*]
5. Auto Attack.

These are the best combo's and they aren't that hard as well. Just dont Press Final Hour[*] and Tumble[*] in right away, that is a waste of your stealth.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TL Mercyless
TL Mercyless Vayne Guide
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