By far the matchup I hate the most. He can one shot you and also escape your E and R. Don't use your R if his E is up and try to baitit with Everfrost. Take Barrier or Exhaust and build Banshee's.
He can outplay you and cancel your R with his, as well as escape your E. Just play safe and try to cage him when he doesn't have his W so you can poke him. You can also zone out his shadow if you place your cage on it. Take Barrier or Exhaust and build Zhonya's. Seeker's armguard first back.
Really hard to deal with. She can escape your cage and burst you. If she is playing conqueror then she won't die easily. Farm and play safely. Save your E to cancel her ult. Zone her daggers with your W. Consider taking Exhaust.
He can burst you very quickly, don't let him poke you in early, instead you need to poke him. When he gets 6 push your waves when you can so he can't roam (try not to lose farm as well). If he uses R quickly place your E there because he can't get through it.
Annoying to deal with but doesn't have a way out of your E so call jungler and kill him if he oversteps in lane.
Consider taking Exhaust and don't get him fed. Hard to E but you can bait to root with Everfrost.
It's kinda skill matchup, but she can be annoying because her stun outranges yours. Consider taking Cleanse.
I totally hate this matchup, as much as I hate to play against fizz. If she gets 1 kill then she snowballs. She has a shield, one-shot potential and can harass you. Just farm and play safe and try to call your jungler if you feel you can kill her or burn a flash.
Skill matchup. Just don't get rooted and stun her for easy pokes.
Skill matchup. I really don't mind akali, you outrange her so just keep poking her to get her low and make her miss CS. Save E for the moment she goes all in on you and it's free.
LeBlanc is really annoying as she can escape your E and burst you quickly, I'd recommend to play safe and just farm/stack until you get strong. Push your wave if she roams and don't get her fed or it's GG.
Honestly Neeko is only annoying with her E. She can be poked really easily and you can just cage her when she is gonna use R.
Take Cleanse. Play behind minions to avoid getting hit by her E. If she roams just push lane. Farm and outscale.
Save your E if he has his R up. Consider Cleanse if against him
He doesn't do too much damage if he isn't stupidly fed so just try to stack as much as possible in the start and when you have Lost Chapter you can harass him, just don't forget to Q him so you take out his passive. Watch out for his R tho, if he clicks and his jungler is going to gank you are as good as dead. His voidspawns are stackable with Q.
Don't play near minions and dodge the tornados the best you can. Bait his W before using your R. Consider taking Exhaust and build Zhonya's.
She can be annoying with her high damage and E but you can outsmart her easily, just place the cage's edge in her portal when she uses R and you get a free kill. Play behind minions to avoid her E.
Champions like Lulu are good with Veigar ADC because of the survivability they offer.
Yuumi is very good with Veigar because she offers survivability, speed, CC and boosts your AP.
Champions like Pyke that can stun, making it more easy for you too land your E perfectly, and that can push champs to your E's edge are extremely good with Veigar, mainly when you play Veigar adc!
Q and E can push your enemies into E's edge and stun. W is good to get in range for E.
Just E your enemy and Ziggs' W will push them to the edge to stun.
Really fun comp. He can just push your enemies into your E and stun or knock up so you can place your E's edge on them.
Jarvan IV
Champions like Lulu are good with Veigar ADC because of the survivability they offer.
Yuumi is very good with Veigar because she offers survivability, speed, CC and boosts your AP.
Champions like Pyke that can stun, making it more easy for you too land your E perfectly, and that can push champs to your E's edge are extremely good with Veigar, mainly when you play Veigar adc!
Q and E can push your enemies into E's edge and stun. W is good to get in range for E.
Just E your enemy and Ziggs' W will push them to the edge to stun.
Really fun comp. He can just push your enemies into your E and stun or knock up so you can place your E's edge on them.
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