Don't trade with her when her passive gets up, she can ramp up damage pretty fast. She wins extended fight 100%
damage her with your E cone and
have enough distance so she has to use all of her Q's to get to you, when she Q's on you, Q her back and walk away.
rush mercury's, and max q to trade, walk back with phase rush MS
just don't get hit by his outer Q and don't take extended fights. Don't be under 50% HP anytime he has R.
Trade with E cone and if he hooks you and tries to land a Q, spam Q on him or away from him so he doesn't hit his outer Q.
If he slows you with W, Q away
when she's about to engage you with her E' Q on her to mitigate her E damage with your passive and back off.
Trade when she does not have her Passive.
You can trade with AA-E-AA's and such, just don't get hit by her outer W.
excuse me, never think this is going to happen anytime soon, so while im at it im taking some physics notes here.
QUESTION: what would happen to the pressure and temperature of the air molecules when you create a closed environment and expand its volume?
Since volume is reversely proportional to the pressure of the air molecules, expanding the volume will decrease the pressure, and since pressure is the distance of the molecules between one and another, there will be an increase in molecular work, which is defined as force times distance, and that work is equal to the inner energy, which translates to kinetic energy or simply said temperature. Therefore the expansion of the volume will decrease the pressure and in addition decrease the temperature in the given situation.
Oh yeah and you win against heimerdinger by argumenting: 1+1= 3
you can intentionally miss Q to let her waste her riposte and ult her for a gank. in laning phase. When trading don't let her vitals proc, and trade when your shield is up. do short trades like E-AA-E or a Q-AA-E, where you abuse your passive as much as possible, look to E the minion wave as well to have the lane priority if your 2v2 is safe. If she has boneplating get rid of it when damaging her with your E-cone.
i dont even know why he goes top, but just do your normal trading and you will destroy him.
easy enough, stand behind minions and damage him with E-cone, but don't engage with your Q while he has his dash up, if you do have flash dodge his ult or predict it. He has high CD's I would suggest going IGNITE/TP because he will be going fleet footwork and you can stomp him if you freeze the wave and trade with him. WAIT: for him to use all his bullets and while he is reloading damage him with E-cone but doesn't push the wave too much.
kinda disgusting, but max out E and look to farm, because his blind will turn every trade against you, but your E-cone will do damage, despite this. Try to E minions while hitting Teemo, and secure a minion with your passive shield. If you play this correctly you won't even need Doran's shield, but live off of manaflow band, and dorans ring instead + secondwind (against his poison) or just go 3 rej, but if he goes first strike E him before he gets and auto to deny him the extra gold.
he will be able to fuck you over if you don't play it correctly, I would advise you to freeze the wave, wave manipulation against Yasuo is key, because he relies on the wave to outplay his opponents.
E his passive shield if your passive is down (so you don't waste it) tap Q when close instead to trade passives (your passive will recharge quicker than his) or just AA-E-AA-E-AA and Q away when your shield is up, cuz you will be wasting his passive with an auto. Ult when he's about to hit you with a tornado and don't let him E-Q-R you.
There arent many great gangplanks our there, but trade your E with his Q when his grasp is off (to avoid giving him free scaling) ALWAYS Use your E-cone first to avoid him getting first strike value, get passive shield when he looks to Q or barrel combo you. killing a good gp is almost close to impossible so getting runes like glacial augment for this matchup would be an excellent choice to be able to trade with him, I would take ignite/tp for a better Kill percentage.
people with ranged toplaners is identified as homosexuals
people with ranged toplaners is identified as homosexuals
cupcake is kinda cute but still people with ranged toplaners is identified as homosexuals
wtf is my sister doing here??? people with ranged toplaners are still identified as homosexuals
Tell him that you F'ed cupcake trust me he will go through a serious breakdown.
this champion is what defines the taste of vomit I get in my mouth whenever I play against her. Freeze the wave on your end, if things get out of hand, early game look to not let her get all of her passive stacks and be careful for a lvl 2 all-in, i would go barrier/TP and maybe try PTA because you will win short trades, long trades tho..... just dont (if she is going to get passive soon anyway)
trade with her before she gets her passive stacked up, Q her Q so it cancels her damage, buy early grievous wounds, you will need it.
SPELLS AND RUNES ghost and ignite with lethal tempo + sorcery tree. LANING: FIRST STEP: drag the first 2 melee minions towards the enemy side bush, to set up for the wave to pust towards you. SECOND STEP: last hit minions, tapQ-AA against nasus when your passive gets up, dont use E because that will push the minion wave. THIRD STEP: assuming that you traded correctly you should be able to make him 50% now you can ghost him down with ignite, if he flashes away Q him, if he runs kite him down. FOURTH STEP: if he does have TP dont shove the wave, freeze it and wait for him to TP, setting up a gank at this point will devistate nasus, you can swap ignite out with TP in higher elo, because it is much safer, in that scenario trade with him as much as possible, recall and tp back to lane, slowpush the wave and ask the jungler to be topside in abound 30 secondsish or so, when the wave gets big, hard shove the wave and set-up for dive. This is free win on your part if you can play it correctly
Any jungle can come to gank you since you have such good engage abilities, at LVL 6 it's almost guaranteed to kill every gank.
Any jungle can come to gank you since you have such good engage abilities, at LVL 6 it's almost guaranteed to kill every gank.
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