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Recommended Items
Ability Order
The Relentless Storm (PASSIVE)
Volibear Passive Ability
early game
Once voli has his thornmail, voli will start getting kills and being able to afford the rest of his build. Since at this point you don't have enough health to take on multiple enemies you will want to hang around your team and dish out damage after you throw any enemy champs towards your team.
At this point you have a full build or you are close so you have the ability to chase enemies threw tower shots and engage multiple enemies all at once. since your passive pairs so nicely with the thornmail armor enemies will have a hard time fighting you without having an abundance of health. This means that you will want to initiate team fights before your teammates are fighting so that the enemies will try and pick you off when your alone, but it wont end very well for them when your dealing damage to them and your team is right behind you ready to clean up on your enemies.
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